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1、Unit 13 Lesson 4 First Impressions(Language points)教案(16份)Step 1 Translate the following phrases from Chinese to English. Then find them out in the text and discuss with group members to master the usages of them.1. 第一次for the first time(L1) 2. (心情)充满焦虑full of anxiety(L1)3. 不停的,不间断的做某事 kept (on) doi

2、ng sth (L3)4. 越来越more and more 越越 the +比较级, the+比较级 (L3)5. 终于使人无法忍受的事 the last straw(L5) 6. 扭过头turn around(L6)7. 对感兴趣be interested in(L10) 8. 如果有什么不同的话if anything (L12)9. 火冒三丈steam coming out of my eyes(L14) 10. 拾起,拿起pick up(L15)11. 多亏,由于 thanks to (L15) 12. 如此匆忙in a hurry(L19)13. 我无能为力there was not

3、hing I could do (L21) 14. 如释重负with relief (L28)15. 相像be alike (L37) 16. 无话不谈to tell each other everything(L37)17. 老实说to be honest(L37) 18. 愿意(乐于)做某事be willing to do sth.(L39)Step 2 Presentation: Explain some key phrases.1. (1) 我第一次见到他时,就喜欢上他了。The first time I met him, I fell in love with him.(2) 我第一

4、次见到她时,并不喜欢她。When I met her for the first time, I didnt like her.Conclusion: the first time 第一次(相当于一个连词,后接句子)for the first time 第一次 (做时间状语)2. (1)他越来越喜欢打网球。He became more and more interested in playing tennis. (2)他们越说越感到受鼓舞。The more they talked, the more encouraged they felt. (3)你开始得越早, 你就完成得越快。The so

5、oner you start, the sooner you will finish.Conclusion:(1)more and more “越来越”(2)the +比较级, the +比较级 “越越”3. 如果有什么不同的话,我的新工作比原先的工作更累了。 If anything, my new job is harder than my older one.Conclusion:if anything “如果有什么不同的话”。if anything在结构上是插入语,其他的还有if possible, if necessary等等。意思是“ 如果有什么(区别)的话”。比较类似的是if an

6、y(如果有的话)。4. (1)说实在的,那是我读过的最差的书之一。To be honest, it was one of the worst books Ive ever read.(2) 老实对你说,我根本就不喜欢这个计划。To be honest with you_, I dont like the plan at all.Conclusion: (1)to be honest说老实话,坦白说=honestly speaking(2)to be honest with sb.对某人说实话,坦白Step 3 Group worksLet students discuss with group

7、 members. Then find out the difficult sentences and analyze the parts of them.Step 4 Presentation1. She was standing with a book in her hands near the “English” Literature section. 她手里拿着一本书,站在文学类图书旁。(L 8) with + 宾语 + 宾补 (with 复合结构)(1)老师走进教室,手里拿着本书。 The teacher came into the classroom, with a book in

8、 his hand. (2)那位女孩睡着了,灯还亮着。 The girl fell asleep with the light on.(3)他过去常常开着窗子睡觉。 He used to sleep with all the windows open.(4)随着夏天的到来,天气越来越热。With summer coming, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter. (5)做完一切事情以后,她回家了。 With everything done, she went home.(6)因为这些衣服要洗,我不能出去。 I cant go out with t

9、hese clothes to wash.Conclusion: (1)with + 宾语 + 介词短语(2)with + 宾语 + adv.(3) with + 宾语 + adj.(4) with + 宾语 + doing (5) with + 宾语 + done(6) with +宾语 + to do (侧重将来时间概念)2. The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didnt matter. If anything, it made me even angrier.她看起来是个善解人意的友善的女孩,但这并没有拂平我

10、紧皱的眉头,而是平添了我几分怒气。(L 12)句子分析:句中that 所引导的是一个同位语从句。(1)王先生,我同事的父亲,今年94岁了还很健康。Mr Wang , the father of one of my co-workers, is 94 years old and is still healthy.Conclusion: 句中的the father of one of my co-workers, 是Mr Wang 的同位语。紧跟在名词之后并说明该名词是指何人何物的词语称为同位语。(2)我许下一个诺言:谁能还我自由,我就使他富有。I made a promise that if a

11、nyone set me free I would make him very rich.(同位语从句)(3)母亲许了一个使孩子们全都非常高兴的诺言。The mother made a promise that pleased all her children.(定语从句)Conclusion: 同位语从句与定语从句在结构上很相似,但同位语从句是用来解释先行词,表示其内容的;而定语从句则是用来修饰先行词,说明其性质和特征的。3If Jenny hadnt been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I would

12、 never have experienced such true friendship.(L38)如果詹妮不是那么善良和宽容我的缺点的话,我就体会不到这段真正的友谊。句式分析:本句中使用了虚拟语气。虚拟语气表示的事情并非事实,因此需要使用与陈述语气不同的动词形式。情况从句谓语主句谓语与现在事实相反did (bewere)would/should/could/might +do与过去事实相反had donewould/should/could/might +have done与将来事实相反did/were to do/should dowould/should/could/might +do(

13、1) 如果我是你,我就和他们一起去。If I were you, I would go with them.(与现在事实相反)(2) 要是我们早点找到他的话,我们就能够救活他了。If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.(与过去事实相反)(3) 如果明天下雨,我会待在家里。If it rained (were to rain/should rain) tomorrow, I should stay at home. (与将来事实可能相反)Step 5 Consolidation完成句子:1.第一次去杭州时,就被它美丽的风

14、景深深吸引住了。The first time I went to Hangzhou, I was struck by the beautiful scenery.2.你学得越多,你越是想学。The more you learn, the more you wish to learn.3.如果他出了什么事, 请立刻通知我。If anything happens to him, let me know at once. 4. 说心里话, 我真不想去.。To be honest, I just dont want to go.5.She came into the room, with her no

15、se red(鼻子通红) because of cold.6.With the dinner over(吃饭结束之后), we all went home.7.The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm(胳膊下夹着尺子)8.He could not finish it with nobody to help him(没有人帮助他).9. She fell asleep with the light burning(让灯亮着).10. He lay on his back, with his teeth set and his eyes closed(咬着牙、闭着眼).二、翻译下列句子:1.如果有时间,我一定去看你了。If I had time, I would certainly come to see you.2.如果当时听了你的话,我就不会犯这样的错误了。If I had tak



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