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1、Unit1-6课后单词填空1. Alan was always in trouble with the police when he was young but hes now a respectable married man.艾伦一直在与警方的麻烦,他年轻的时候,但他现在是一个受人尊敬的已婚男人。2. The people who had been hurt in the car accident lay screaming in agony. 人在车祸中受伤躺在痛苦的尖叫。3. Because his condition is not serious theyve put down on

2、 the hospital waiting list. 因为他的病情并不严重,他们已经放在医院的候诊名单4. The second part of the book describes the strange sequence of events that lead to the Kings fall from power. 本书的第二部分介绍了事件,导致国王倒台的奇怪的序列5. When I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could hardly hold back my tears. 当

3、我看到我的小儿子伤心的哭着他的宠物狗死了,我无法抑制我的眼泪6. They are going to distribute those clothes and blankets among the flood victims. 他们打算分发那些衣服和毯子洪水灾民7. Linda managed to support herself by working off and on as a waitress. 琳达设法支持自己的工作,作为一个女服务员8. Parts of my childhood are so vivid to me that they could be memories of y

4、esterday. 我的童年对我来说是如此的清晰,就好像是昨天的记忆9. People often associated the old days with good tines, and seem to forget the hardship the suffered. 人们通常与过去的美好时代,似乎忘记了艰难的遭遇10. Andrew finally decided, after much though, to leave his job. 安得烈最终决定后,虽然,离开自己的工作11. Janes worried she wont be able to turn in her paper

5、on time. 简的担心她不能准时上交她的论文12. The president came under attack from all sides for his inability to tackle the countrys severe social problems. 总统遭到来自四面八方的攻击他无法解决该国严重的社会问题13. There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing absolutely still. 没有风房子后面的橡树静静地伫立着14. If you dont want to buy a

6、kite, you can make your own using directions available in books at your local library. 如果你不想买一只风筝,你可以使自己的书籍说明在你当地的图书馆15. The girl walked steadily north, pausing every now and then to check her direction. 这个女孩稳步朝北走,时不时地停下来检查她的方向16. The trade unions are urging employers to invest more money in staff t

7、raining. 工会敦促雇主投资更多的钱在员工培训17. As a sailing ship has a destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life. 作为帆船的目的地,所以我们必须在我们的生活中有一个明确的目标18. Before people knew how to make and use metals, engineering constructions were mostly built of wood or stone. 在人们知道如何使用金属,工程建设主要是用木头或石头19. Youll probably f

8、ind Dave at the school disco he often hangs out there. 你会发现戴夫在学校的迪斯科他经常呆在那儿20. If your house has been broken into, dont touch anything. Call the police right away. 如果你的房子已经被打破了,不要碰任何东西。立刻叫警察21. We had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadnt seen for 20 years. 我在那里看到了亲戚,我有20年没看到我们有一个家庭聚会22. I

9、guess Henry has been busy writing an article or something recently. Thats why he couldnt accept the invitation. 我想亨利一直忙着写一篇文章,或最近的东西。这就是为什么他不能接受邀请。23. Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average. 科学家估计吸烟降低期望寿命平均大约12年24. Although it is unlikely that everyone

10、 will be able to come, they are still going ahead with the plan to hold a class reunion. 虽然这是不可能的,每个人都会来,他们仍然会在计划举办一次班级聚会25. Itll only be a brief visit because we recently havent much time. 这只会是一个短暂的访问,因为我们最近没有多少时间26. The job is great in terms of advancement but the starting salary is rather. 工作方面的进

11、步是巨大的但是工资非常27. Wed better pay that electricity bill before they cut us off. 我们最好支付电费账单之前,他们把我们的28. As pace of life quickens things tend to change fast in the city. 随着生活节奏的加快,城市里的事情容易快速的变化29. Why dont we get rid of these old chairs? Since we dont use them anyway. 为什么我们不处理掉这些旧椅子吗?因为我们不使用他们30. The eart

12、hs atmosphere makes precise observation of distant stars difficult. 地球的大气层使遥远恒星的精确观测困难31. The lawn was laid out in the farm of the figure 8. 草坪是以8这个数字的农场32. I shouldnt always have to tell you what to do, use your own initiative. 我不应该总是要告诉你如何去做,发挥自己的主动性33. Words cannot convey how grateful we are for

13、his timely help. 言语无法表达我们对他的帮助的感激之情34. It seems to me that the board of directors is two minds .over the opening of a branch office in South Africa. 在我看来,董事会犹豫不决。在南非开设分公司35. I find it difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 我觉得很难掌握无限空间的概念36. Philip presented a complex argument that was com

14、pletely beyond my grasp. 菲利普提出了一个复杂的观点,完全超出了我的理解37. It was already a wreck when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one. 它已经是一个破坏时,两周后,警方发现他偷来的车,他不得不去买个新的38. With great patience, the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check the balance in her bank account on an

15、ATM. 以极大的耐心,店员给老太太如何检查平衡她的银行账户上的ATM39. If you look out of the window on left side of the bus, youll see that were now approaching the tower of London. 如果你看看窗外的巴士左边,你会看到,我们正在接近伦敦塔40. Therell certainly be some problems, but nothing that you cant handle. 必然会有一些问题,但没有什么你不能处理41. People who discard litter

16、 in streets should be fined heavily. 人们随手丢弃垃圾的街道应该重罚42. Successful businessmen today are likely to be young, aggressive, and well-educated. Above all, they are willing to take risks to achieve success. 成功的商人,今天可能是年轻的,积极的,和受过良好教育的。首先,他们愿意承担风险,取得成功43. During those difficult years, the family lived almost entirely on a diet of cabbages. 在那些艰难的日子里,家庭生活几乎完全吃卷心菜44. What are we going to do



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