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1、抚州中通快递配送管理存在的问题及对策分析 毕业设计(论文) 题目:抚州中通快递配送管理存在的问题及对策分析 Title: The Distribution Management Problems and CountermeasuresAnalysis For Fuzhou ZTO Express 学 院: 经济与管理学院专 业: 物流管理姓 名: 谢桂林班 级: 080741学 号: 08074120指导老师: 梁培培 二零一二年六月东华理工大学毕业设计(论文) 摘要摘 要 物流作为一种现代先进流通方式和管理技术,在世界范围中通快递;配送管理;快递业;物流成本东华理工大学毕业设计(论文) AB

2、STRACTABSTRACT As a kind of modern and advanced circulation mode and management technology, logistics has drawn a high degree of attention in the worldwide. And it is widely used and achieves a rapid development in the production, circulation, service and other areas. Besides, it is becoming the imp

3、ortant means of changing the economic operation and enterprise development mode. Express industry also has a large proportion in the logistics industry of our country, so we must consider how to reduce logistics cost. At the same time, distribution is the most key link of express logistics. How to s

4、olve the problems in express distribution and promote enterprises rapid development becomes concern of multitudinous express company. Basing on the status quo of the development of China express industry and through investigation and analysis in logistics and distribution problems, this paper put fo

5、rward some countermeasures and measures. The purpose is to make ZTO express understand their disadvantages and threat to the environment in the increasingly fierce competition of logistics industry, and make full use of their own advantages and opportunity to form his own unique business model, redu

6、ce logistics cost, optimize the distribution mechanism, provide quality service for customers, consolidate and enhance industry status. In final, to make social, customers and the enterprise achieve the sustainable development. Key words:ZTO Express; Distribution Management; Express industry;Logisti

7、cs costs 东华理工大学毕业设计(论文) 目录 目 录 绪论 . 1(一)研究背景 . 1(二)研究的意义 . 1(三)我国快递行业的现状概述 . 1(四)我国快递物流市场的机遇和挑战 . 2一、中通快递公司现状分析 . 3(一)公司介绍 . 3(二)中通快递企业配送模式分析 . 31.快递配送组织过程分析 . 32.快递配送业务流程分析 . 4(三)SWOT分析 . 51.优势(Strength) . 52.劣势(Weakness) . 53.机会(opportunity) . 64.威胁(Threat) . 7二、中通快递抚州分公司存在的问题 . 8(一)送货速度慢 . 8(二)服务态度差 . 8(三)快递费用高 . 8(四)公司配送中心规模不大,配送设施落后,机械化程度低 . 9(五)物流信息技术落后 . 9(六)缺乏专业物流管理人才 . 10三、抚州中通公司物流配送发展的措施和对策 . 11(一)公司操作规范化,严格实行限时、及时送货 . 11(二)改善快递配送流程,强化客户服务 . 12(三)改善管理模式,减少物流成本 . 12(四)扩大公司规模,增加



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