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1、 Unit 3 Computers I 教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“计算机”。Warming up部分用图片呈现了计算机发展的历史,让学生通过看图讨论的方式了解计算机的发展和演变过程。Reading部分编者采用了拟人化的手法向读者介绍了计算机的发展历程。Comprehending部分包括三个练习,分别从事实层面、分析层面和拓展层面考察学生对文章的理解和运用情况。Learning about language部分的活动突出了形容词和副词用法的区别,并扣本单元的语法点(现在完成时的被动语态)。Using language部分的听力材料中谈论的是信息技术的几种形态或载体(包括收音机、书籍、电视和

2、电脑;在读说活动中,通过智能机器人参加足球赛的经历向读者介绍了计算机运用的另外一个例子。Learning Tip部分鼓励学生利用图书馆,网络等课外资源学习英语,有利于学生使用资源策略。Reading for Fun 部分是一首活泼风趣的小诗,以拟人的方法让机器人自述了心声:尽管日夜忙碌,为人服务,但它相信自己和真实的人类没什么两样。II教学重点和难点1教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语;(2) 通过学习本单元,使学生了解计算机的发展历程,及其在当今社会的广泛运用;(3) 鼓励学生用英语表达自己的观点,进行简单的推理和做出决定。2教学难点(1) 教会学生通过时间的先后顺序来表达一件事;(2) 使

3、学生了和掌握现在完成时的被动语态的用法;(3) 指导学生按类别归纳整理词汇,让学生学会有效地记忆词汇的方法;(4) 引导学生发现本单元重点语言结构,让学生自己发现并感悟相关的语言规律,在学习过程中培养语感。III教学计划本单元分六课时:第一课时:Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading第二课时:Language points第三课时:Learning about language第四课时:Listening第五课时:Speaking, Reading, WritingIV教学步骤:Period 1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, ReadingTeac

4、hing Goals: 1. To know something about computers.2. To learn and talk about computers. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-inPurpose: To activate the Ss and arouse them to talk about the importance of computers in modern society.Ask Ss whether they have a computer or not and what they use it for. Le

5、t them talk as much as possible.Step 2. Warming Up Purpose: To get Ss to think about the different ways computers can be made.Pair workGet Ss to look at the following pictures, and then ask them to answer the questions. A huge computer A PCA notebook computer A calculator An abacus1. What are they?2

6、. What do they have in common?3. What is a computer?Suggested Answers:1. a huge computer, a personal computer, a notebook computer, a calculator, an abacus2. (1) to be used to calculate;(2) operate by human beings;(3) they are all artificial;(4) show figures in a certain way.3. A computer is a machi

7、ne which stores knowledge in its memory and does calculations on that knowledge. This knowledge is stored in symbols; it is called data. A computer usually has a monitor to show results. However, some computers can speak; these computers can be used for voice mail.A computer is now almost always an

8、electronic device. It usually contains materials which are toxic; these materials will become toxic waste when disposed of. When a new computer is purchased in some places, laws require that the cost of its waste management must also be paid for. This is called product stewardship.Step 3. Pre-readin

9、gPurpose: To activate Ss interest about computers.Group workAsk Ss the following questions and encourage them to say more.1. How have computers changed our lives ?2. What do you know about computers ?Suggested Answers:1. Theyre a much more useful and humane tool than the phone , and with corporate A

10、merica behind them the networks will be everywhere- changing our lives more than any technology since the automobile.2. A multi-function electronic device that can execute instructions to perform a task.A device that accepts information, processes it, and supplies an output. A computer usually conta

11、ins memory, a control unit, arithmetic and logical units, and a means for input and output.A programmable hardware component that is controlled by internally stored programs and that can perform substantial computations (including arithmetic and logic operations) without human intervention. A comput

12、er typically consists of one or more processing units, memory units, and associated peripheral input and output devices.Step 4. Reading1. SkimmingPurpose: 1. To get a brief understanding of the text. 2. To train the students listening ability. First, let Ss skim the text and then listen to the recor

13、ding of the text. Pay attention to the pauses and pronunciation.2. ScanningPurpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text. Now we are to read the text again and underline all the expressions in the text. Write them down in your notebook.3. Further ReadingPurpose: To get Ss to get more details a

14、bout the text. Read the text again and find the information to complete the table, which describes the development of computer.1642: _ 1822: The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage._: _1940s: _: The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970s: _Now: _Step 5. RetellPurpose: To have a deep understanding of the text.Ask Ss to use the c


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