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1、# / 17Unit5 feeling happy Topic 1 why all the smiling faces?重点词汇1 、 cruel 残忍的2、 silly 傻的3、smile 微笑4、 rich 富裕的5、proud 骄傲的6、taste 品尝7、 smell 问起来8、set 设置9、able 能够10、 since 自从。11、lively 活泼的12、play 玩13、 mad 发疯的14、please 请;令人高兴的15、marry 结婚16、 main 主要的17、role 角色18、express 表达19、 culture 文化20、peace 和平二、重点短语1

2、 Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都笑容满面。2 You look so excited. 你看起来很兴奋。3 invite/ ask sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事4 one of 其中之一5 prepare sth for sb= get sth ready for sb 为某人准备好某事6 say tha nks / hello / sorry / goodby向某人说声谢谢/你好/抱歉/再见7 None of 没有一个8 What a shame / pity. 真遗憾。9 get the ticket to = buy the ticket

3、for 买到。的票10 not at all 一点也不11 What do you like best? = What s your f你最喜?欢什么?12 be proud of = take pride in 为。感到骄傲13 be worried about = worry about 为。而担心, 担心。14 wait in line 排队等候15 be pleased with sb = be satisfied with sb 对某人感到满意be pleased at sth 为某事而感到高兴17 set the table 摆放餐具16 taste delicious 尝起来美味

4、 smell terrible 闻起来恶心18 have a temperature = have a fever 发烧19 I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。20 ring up sbring sb up 打电话给某人21 be able to 能够22 of all time = all the time 一直,总是23 care for = take care of = look after 照顾24 because of 因为,由于25 cheer upcheer sb up 使。兴奋起来26 at last = in the end = f

5、inally 最后,最终27 be on 上演tell a story = tell stories 讲故事28 on the / one s wa在去往。的路上29 be with a history of 200 years = have a history of 200 years =have 200 years of history 有着两百年的历史30 come into being 形成31 be full of 充满,装满32 ( have a ) fight against sb 与某人打架/吵架make peace with sb 与某人和解33 end with 以。结束

6、start / begin with 以。开始34 连系动词+形容词表系表结勾 be /look /smell /taste /sou nd /feel /become /get /turn三、重点语法1. Linking verb + adjective 系动词 +形容词 ,勾成系表结勾 .系动词:be (是)feel look sound taste turn get become smell seem 等等.For example :The food tastes delious.、I 、+ :注意:(1) .有些连系动词通常不用于被动语态和进行时态中。如:feel, taste等词。例

7、如:-Do you like the material?-Yes, it feels very soft.( 2) . 一般情况下 ,连系动词主要跟形容词或分词作表语。例如 :Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may get run over by a car.(3) . 能跟名词作表语的连系动词常见的有 :be, become, appear, seem, prove, remain 和 turn 等.注 意:turn后跟(表示主语身份的)名词作表语时,不加冠词。例如:Twenty years later

8、, he turned teacher.The population growth in China remains a problem.(4) .连系动词也可跟不定式(to do / to be),常见的有:appear, seem, remain, prove, look等。例如: Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains to be seen whether they willenjoy it.On the long journey, Peter proved to be a mos

9、t interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time.2. hope 与 wish 的比较.都与 that 引导的从句连用. Hope 常用于将来时表可能实现的愿望. Wish 常 用于过去式表示不可能实现的愿望.For example : I hope that you will be happy.I wish that you could be happy.3. 动词-ing和-ed形式作主语补语的区别.动词-ing表示主语的特征,常用于事物.动词-ed表示主语 的状态,常用于人.这类词有: interest move active disapp

10、oint excite surprise frighten boreFor example: The game is interesting.I am interested in the game.4. 表示能力的词.Could 表示过去的能力.Can 表示现在的能力be able to 表示过去,现在,将来任何时候的能力.将来时态( shall will be able to )Unit 5 Topic 2一、重点词汇:1 . Exam 测试 shy, strict , especially, stranger , accept, advice, deal, example, fail, n

11、ormal , kill , refuse, hit, though, understand, asleep, suggestion, experience, soft,二、重点短语1 seem to +V 似乎2 do badly in = be bad at 不擅长于某一方面3 be strict with 对。严格要求4 need to do sth 需要做某事5 take it easy 放轻松,别紧张6 try to do sth 尽力做某事try doing sth 尝试做某事try on 试穿 try one s best to do st尽某人最大努力做某事7 at one s

12、 a在e某人这一年龄的时候8 tell a joke = tell jokes 讲笑话9 make / let / have sb do 让某人做某事get / ask / tell sb to do10 be sure (that ) 确信。be sure to 一定会11 as as和。 一样not as / so a不女口。12 How time flies! = How quickly the time flies! 光阴似箭。13 be used to 习惯于做某事used to do sth 过去常常做某事14 deal with = do with 处理,对付15 for exa

13、mple 例如16 learn from 向。学习learn to do sth 学习做某事17 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事18 be angry with sb = be mad at sb 生某人的气19 even though / if 尽管20 not any longer = no longer不再not any more / anymore = no more21 by oneself 靠自己22 fall asleep 入睡23 give sb a hand = do sb a favor = help sb 帮助某人24 in one s teen在某人十几岁

14、的时候25 take part in = join in 参加,加入26 clam downclam sb down 使某人平静下来三、重点语法:5. 原因状语从句引导词: because since so 等,但是因为,所以不能同时出现For example :He is ill, so he isn t able to come.She is lonely because she has no friends to talk with. Since she is very strict with herself ,she is unhappy.6. always 常用于一般现在时表示频繁发

15、生的动作但与现在进行时态连用表是厌恶,责备,赞扬的 语气For example: She is always talking about money.7. can 表示一种否定的推测. You can t have SARS.must 表示一种肯定的推测 It must be sunny day tomorrow9. 英语语法 as.as soas sothat和tooto的用法区别 soas只用于否定句,asas不但可用于肯定句,还可用于否定句 asas中的第一个as是副词,后接形容词或副词的原形;第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句.例如:Jack is as tall as you.杰克和你一样高.Jim is not so/as brave as you. 吉姆不如你聪明 . sothat如此以至于(只能引导结果状语从句,的后面多接形容词、副词或分词,后接句子例如:The house was so crowded that I could hard


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