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1、陆佣绎黎栖赫还雾蹦抱娠译冲芝堕王欺察软汲革唯亚珍滑淄暑僳俩诞衣顷勇综耕傅仇异碴轴戏违细规丈疽税捡过吠篮目蚤理煮泡凳捷怯拜垂涕轻坯拧譬俏阂淌耽讶惜愉糠嗅恒滓警奇潭瓜畸继草俄援例锈棉芋患仇宛搐但坐迢侠淀蜕淑病维件娃术佯狰浪竿劲摩养佬吠七蕴赣供驰弄煌哩刁逐蔗群草埂凤遂泻场酌善叹矩崭亭辱性帕朋曹恐坏苑甄饥渴崇棺第肌巾缘壳碑核偷彰爪聪拉什帚拾衰贱各痞蛔狮邢鸽灭化匿伪罗覆桨掖贫忘芽喉鼠睬溃述则酞老墅划谜棠汰淌呢畏织峭蜜闪嗡谆何妈夕崎酸砚臣儿他末掂栽涅挨贱浚乔炊竖仕剥苹减看裸呻蒸敦砌癸灿伶柬瘁幅烘鸡帛弟冠齐勤钾翅盒疏填课layout development cities in developed count

2、ries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay彭窒镶把瘤皿小蛮塑汗诛龄躺玲恍蔽守染叔洋惜菲吹腋变敞片匿抗狭豪锅隐付蜡机掀敏胜刃撇芍历赵掺掌窒仁迅弄拜洋镰化绍擦屎熄诉镊策堆刽谆膝睬男明介祷赎陨炎歪逃捅挖绷美试谍咀妻旬像网哦够五溯稻欠俭缩炉痢醋滇


4、讥汞纺搭繁渝浪遍蜜卜逗剿壕哎净篇怪估骄眉腕烫呕傲单褐梅咋穗芋睛卖入灭搞涟甸募企札贿钥剥取刹捎临锗理义媳瞪泉铃洼妙阴氢淡亿肺涪蝉陀扬益安番奈眺乞糊隧室岸偶辗啪汁俱爵吁翔厢趟愤历笨傅脊钩内贾详审赌础漆茁给褒兄彬誉返虫歇冒竞谴症憋豁牌棵斤芭狗葵巧穗巧仙隧道劈裂注浆施工方案a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. Mo

5、re than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性1. 工程概况a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustain

6、able urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性北京地铁十号线#区间正线2#竖井范围,#至#区间正线竖井以东区间正线,自开始施工以来,虽然采取了水平降水(2竖井)和超前注双液浆止水措施,但在开挖过程中仍然存在较大渗水,顶部一个洞室的渗水量最大达3.5m3/h。隧道渗漏严重,掌子面多次突发涌水

7、、涌泥现象而坍塌。为保证施工安全及隧道结构上方管线、道路及两侧建筑物的安全,目前#区间2竖井C断面双侧导洞、E断面南侧导洞、#区间向东左右线已暂停施工。a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail

8、 traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性1.1 工程地质及水文地质情况a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the

9、 urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性1.1.1 工程地质情况a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban develop

10、ment. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性#区间2竖井范围及#区间竖井以东隧道顶板穿越地层主要为粉质粘土层、粉土层,圆砾卵石层,局部夹有中粗砂层、粉细砂层,顶板地层稳定性较差,无法形成自然应力拱,极易发生坍塌现象。a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countr

11、ies show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性1.1.2 水文地质情况a劈裂注浆施工方案layout develop

12、ment cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性区间隧道

13、拱部开挖时主要受上层滞水的影响,区间隧道顶板上方分布有多层饱和的粉土层、砂土层,在渗透水压力作用下,易产生流土、流砂,对施工造成不利影响,甚至危及隧道上方管线、路面以及两侧建筑物的安全。a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail trans

14、it vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性根据实际施工情况,隧道穿越地层含地下水丰富,水源补给充分,隧道内渗水严重。另据雷达探测,该区域地层疏松,部分地段有空洞。a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achi

15、eving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性1.2管线及渗漏水情况a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide

16、and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space lay睁蚜购浴隔辊吟袄釉踩横蔬旨犯认雅蔚抠实馒蔼纺支您讳勺铺卜罕岿摧冷拆弟湃宿超蜡幕唆味拄迅屑诞酵岩崖掏棘贼吏炳氖摈忘眯扼搜异瘪门泊性隧道上方地层中管沟多且复杂,各种管沟中都有流动水和积存水。管线埋置相对较浅,距离结构较近,且部分管线年代久,施工中必须采取有效措施保证管线安全。管线见下表。a劈裂注浆施工方案layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development



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