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1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.单元主题单元主题写作写作一、话题分析一、话题分析本单元主要学习各国不同的礼仪,谈论在不同的场合应该做什么,了解不同国家的习俗。二、写作方法二、写作方法“三步法三步法”写写“介绍风俗介绍风俗”类作文类作文1.总体介绍;2.分细节介绍;3.以祝福或期待收尾。三、素材积累三、素材积累(一)“介绍风俗”类作文常用词汇:custom meet visit shouldfirst be different from shake handssecond be(not)supposed to be expected to then f

2、inally(二)“介绍风俗”类作文常用句型:开头句1.The custom in our country is different from yours.2.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.3.Let me give you some suggestions about how to give gifts in our country.中间句1.It is impolite to stick your chopsticks into the food.2.You are supposed/expected to arrive ten minutes earl

3、y.结尾句1.Have a good trip.2.Im looking forward to meeting you soon.四、写作任务请你以“When in China,do as the Chinese do!”为题,按以下提示写一篇文章,介绍我们中国的饮食文化,不少于80词,提示如下:1.What time are lunch and dinner served in China?2.How to eat food?3.How to behave politely while eating with the old?4.How do we know that a meal is o

4、ver in China?5.Is it a good idea to talk about food during a meal?【写作模板写作模板】“三步法”写“介绍风俗”类作文总体介绍Meals in China are different in some ways from meals in the West.细节介绍 First,in China,lunch is usually served at around 12 o clock.Second,chopsticks are used to eat most food.Besides,for dinner,therell be l

5、ots of different dishes.Finally,Chinese people like to talk about food.表达祝福或期待Have a good trip in China!【高分作文高分作文】_When in China,do as the Chinese do!Meals in China are different in some ways from meals in the West.First,in China,lunch is usually served at around 12 oclock.As for dinner,Chinese peop

6、le eat it much earlier than people in the West.Second,chopsticks are used to eat most food._Then,it is impolite to eat first while eating with the old.Youre supposed to wait for the old to begin eating.Besides,for dinner,therell be lots of different dishes,not just three courses.Finally,Chinese people like to talk about food,so its a good topic during a meal.In a word,the golden rule is:when youre in China,watch the Chinese and do as they do!Have a good trip in China!


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