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1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus4c)halk 一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.A box of c (粉笔)was used up.The teacher asked a student to get some.lackboard 2.Look!Some boys are drawing on the b (黑板).assport3.She remembered keeping her p (护照)in the top drawer.orthern4.Beijing lies in the

2、 n (北方的)part of China.anners5.2023达州It is bad m (礼貌;礼仪)to talk with your mouth full.二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空6.2023武威Youre expected _(shake)hands when meeting people for the first time in China.to shake7.Its important for students _(study)hard.to study 8.You are supposed _(practice)playing

3、the piano more.to practice9.Someone is _(knock)at the door.Ill go and see who it is.knocking10.Tourists will be amazed to find that _(east)and Western cultures mix so well here.Eastern11.Its helpful to know some table _(manner)when you are invited to have dinner in a foreign country.manners三、单项填空三、单

4、项填空()12.What do you think of the movie?Very wonderful.It is well worth _.A.seeing B.being seenC.to see D.to be seenA【点拨】be worth doing sth.值得做某事,是固定短语。be worth后用主动语态表示被动,故选A。()13.Its important for us _ exercising.A.to keep B.keepC.keeping D.keptA【点拨】固定句型It is adj.for sb.to do sth.是固定句型,意为“做某事对于某人来说是

5、”,故选A。()14.My elder brother _ my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire.A.took off B.kicked offC.cleaned off D.put offA【点拨】take off脱掉;kick off开始,踢脱;clean off 把擦掉;put off延期。根据“my wet sports shoes”可知是脱掉湿的运动鞋,故选A。()15.It is kind _ you to help me with my math.Its my pleasure.Im glad to see your ma

6、th has improved a lot.A.in B.of C.for D.onB【点拨】在It is adj.of/for sb.to do sth.句型中,如果形容词是形容人品质的词,则后面的介词用of,如果形容词是用来描述事物特征或属性的词,则用for,故选B。()16.If you travel abroad,do remember to take your _ anywhere you go.A.service B.passportC.manner D.chalkB【点拨】根据常识,出国旅游必须带上护照,故选B。()17.If you are invited to dinner

7、by Western friends,you will _ to stay and talk around the table until the last dish is served.A.expect B.expectedC.be expecting D.be expectedD【点拨】根据语境,主句应用被动语态,一般将来时的被动语态是will bedone,故选D。四、短文填空四、短文填空 Chopsticks are the most important symbol of traditional Chinese culture.There are many rules you are

8、 18._(suppose)to pay attention to.For example,it is impolite of you 19._(point)at someone with chopsticks or play with them.supposed to pointAlso you are 20._(expect)to make chopsticks stick vertically(垂直地)into your food,especially not into rice.Besides,it is considered 21._(be)bad behavior(行为)to drop chopsticks.Also remember never to pass a piece of food to someone with your own chopsticks.These manners are worth 22._(know)and we should learn some Chinese customs to be a polite person.not expectedto beknowing


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