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1、Unit 2I know that you will be better at maths.Module 8 My future life一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.2023成都 In Beijing,peoples act of k (善意)makes me feel warm even in the place far from home.2.Were quite d (失望的)at the result of the football match with No.1 Middle School.indnessisappointed3.Sally wrote a n (便条)to tell

2、 Mom shed gone out.4.The garden looks great with those nice r (玫瑰)trees in it.5.My school life is full of sweet m (回忆).oteoseemories二、单项填空二、单项填空()6.I am_ to see our motherland(祖国)is becoming stronger and stronger.A.proud B.polite C.silly D.careful【点拨】句意:看到我们的祖国变得越来越强大,我感到很自豪。proud自豪的;polite 礼貌的;sill

3、y愚蠢的;careful认真的。根据句意可知选A。A()7.We should never _ others behind their back.A.look at B.laugh at C.knock at D.arrive at【点拨】laugh at表示“嘲笑”,这里表示不能在背后嘲笑别人。look at表示“看”;knock at表示“敲”;arrive at表示“到达”。B()8.What is the secret of your _?Well,I guess its hard work.A.kindness B.health C.courage D.success【点拨】根据答语

4、its hard work可知是问成功的秘密,故选D。D()9.My friends and I will still stay _ after we finish school.A.in peace B.in touchC.in danger D.in silence【点拨】stay in touch保持联系。根据after we finish school可知是毕业后“我”和“我”的朋友们将仍保持联系。B()10.2023新疆 What abilities should a dog trainer have?I think he should be responsible and neve

5、r _.A.give away B.give out C.give back D.give up【点拨】give away捐赠;give out分发;give back还回;give up 放弃。根据“be responsible”推知后面是“从不放弃。”故选D。D三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空11.They all_ to study hard in order to go to college and finally they made it.12.The parents _ their son in the early morning and the

6、y went on a trip to the countryside together.be proud of,give up,wake up,try ones best,thanks totried their bestwoke up13._ the strangers help,we found the hospital.14.The first flight of C919 is a great success and we _ it.15.Younger generation is told that if they_ making efforts,the world will lo

7、se hope.be proud of,give up,wake up,try ones best,thanks toThanks toare proud ofgive up四、根据汉语意思完成句子四、根据汉语意思完成句子16.当他生病的时候,他的妈妈没有去上班,而是一直守候在他床边。His mother didnt go to work.She has been at _ _ when he was ill.his bedside17.善良的行为不仅能帮助别人,也能使自己更快乐。Acts of kindness can _ _ help others _ make ourselves hap

8、pier.not onlybut18.2023孝感改编 别放弃!尽最大的努力,你一定会成功!Dont _ _!_ _ _ and youll succeed.give upTry your best19.不要担心你的成绩。只要你努力了,你的父母就会为你感到骄傲的。Dont worry about your grades.Your parents will_ _ _ you as long as you work hard.be proud of20.她离开家之前,在桌子上给汤姆留了一个便条。She _ _ _ for Tom on the table before she left home.

9、left a note五、完形五、完形填空填空 2023芜湖一模If you have been dreaming of becoming an astronaut after you grow up,get started now!An astronaut needs a strong body and mind.Shenzhou XIII astronauts are able to live upsidedown(倒立).They do this not just during sleep,but also when eating and going to the toilet.Befo

10、re they 21 space,they had lots of practice.Each upsidedown training time lasted for 20 days.()21.A.went through B.walked into C.stayed at D.lived in【点拨】句意:在他们生活在太空之前,他们有很多的练习。根据“They do this not just during sleep,but also when eating and going to the toilet.”可知要生活在太空中。故选D。DChinese astronauts arent j

11、ust spaceship 22 but also machine repairers and scientists.They have to know every part of the spaceship and how it works.()22.A.teachers B.coachesC.inventorsD.drivers【点拨】句意:中国宇航员不仅是宇宙飞船驾驶员,也 是 机 器 修 理 师 和 科 学 家。根 据 “Chinese astronauts”并结合常识可知宇航员要驾驶宇宙飞船。故选D。D 23 something goes wrong,theyve got to kn

12、ow 24 repair it.Also they do scientific experiments in space.()23.A.If B.But C.So D.While()24.A.what to B.why to C.how to D.when to【点拨】23.句意:如果出了问题,他们必须知道如何修理。“出了问题”是“他们必须知道如何修理”的条件,用If引导条件状语从句。故选A。【点拨】24.句意:如果出了问题,他们必须知道如何修理。根据“something goes wrong”可知有问题需要知道如何修理,用how to符合语境。故选C。ACShenzhou XIII astr

13、onauts know how to live in 25 .()25.A.the world B.the wild C.the sky D.space【点拨】句意:神舟十三号宇航员知道如何在野外生活。根据“If they land in forests”可知当他们返回地球,降落在野外的时候,也知道如何生活。故选B。BThey took a knife,a gun and some dye(染色水)26 them into space.If they land in forests,the knife and gun can protect them from wild animals.()2

14、6.A.by B.toC.for D.with【点拨】句意:他们带一把刀、一把枪和一些染料进入太空。take sth.with sb.“某人随身携带某物”。故选D。DIf they 27 the sea,the dye can colour the seawater around them yellow.This can drive 28 sea animals away.()27.A.fall into B.jump into C.fly over D.fly across()28.A.unnecessary B.lively C.dangerous D.safe【点拨】28.句意:这可以赶

15、走危险的海洋动物。根据“drive sea animals away”可推出需要赶走的是对宇航员有威胁的危险的海洋动物。故选C。AC【点拨】27.句意:如果他们掉到海里,染料就会把他们周围的海水染成黄色。根据“the dye can colour the seawater around them yellow.This can drive sea animals away.”可知要预防在海中有危险,这是以可能掉进海里为前提的。故选A。Shenzhou XIII astronauts cant get dizzy(眩晕).A spaceship is not a plane.When it 29

16、 ,the extra gravity force can break peoples bones.()29.A.breaks down B.goes upC.runs away D.breaks up【点拨】句意:当它上升时,额外的重力会折断人的骨头。根据“the extra gravity force can break peoples bones”可知此处指飞船上升时的情况。故选B。BAstronauts must have strong bodies for this.They cant get a headache or be sick.Because they have to 30 many things.Theyve got no time for sickness.Do you still have a long,long way to go?()30.A.look after B.look for C.look forward to D.look up【点拨】句意:因为他们要料理很多事情。根据“Theyve got no time for sickness.”可知宇航



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