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1、 名师测控人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section B学习目标: Talk about rules 谈论规定重点句型1 I have too many rules in my family. 2 Dont go out on school nights.3 Do you have to do your homework after school.? Yes I do./ No, I dont.一、温故而知新1.你得在十点钟之前上床睡觉吗?Do you be 10 oclock?2.我们班有太多的规定。There are in our class.3.

2、有课的晚上我们不能看电视。We watch TV school nights.4.放学后,我得练习弹钢琴。I have to the piano after .5我想要让你帮我洗衣服。I would like you help the clothes.二、要点解析1.I have too many rules in my house. 在我的家里有太多规定。Many一般修饰可数名词复数,表示“许多的”,前面加副词too,则表示“太多的”。too many后要跟可数名词复数。 如::She has too many questions to ask. 她有太多的问题要问。2.I cant wat

3、ch TV on school nights. 上学期间我晚上不能看电视。on school night 在上学期间的晚上,night前若有其他词汇修饰,指具体的某个晚上,应用介词on。如:on winter nights 在冬天的晚上 On Sunday nights 在星期天的晚上若泛指在晚上,则用介词at. at night在夜晚 如:He studies late at night. 他学习到深夜。3.And I have to be in bed by ten oclock. 并且我上床的时间不得晚于十点。(1)be in bed,固定短语,意为“睡觉,卧床”。辨析:,in the

4、bed 指人在床上,on the bed 指物在床上。There is a book on the bed. 床上有一本书。 Kate is in the bed. 凯特正在床上。(2)by用于表示时间时,意为“在之前”,指期限。Eg: Lucy has to get up by six oclock.露西得在六点前起床。4.Later I have to go to the Childrens Palace to learn the piano.随后我必须去少年宫学钢琴。 Later作副词,意为“后来,以后”,常用来指时间上的梢后,单独使用,常用于一般过去时或一般将来时;“一段时间+late

5、r”则表示“以后”,用于一般过去时。Eg: Later we became very good friends. 后来我们成为了好朋友。 He came back a week later. 一个星期以后他回来了。5.No talking! 不许说话 no在此处为形容词,意为“不许”,表示禁止某人做某事。no后跟名词(短语)或动词的-ing形式,在公共场所被广泛使用,相当于否定的祈使句。Eg: No photos! 禁止拍照! No smoking! 禁止吸烟!=Dont smoke!巩固提高练习一. 用方框中的此完成对话,每空一词do, watch, into, have, cant, li

6、ke , listen, clean, can, dontA: Do you your new school?B: Yes. Its a good school and there are many rules.A: Really? you go out on school nights?B: Yes, we can. But we eat in class. And we cant arrive late for class.A: Do you to wear uniforms?B: No, we have to do that. But we have to the classroom e

7、very day. We can go the classroom without the teacher. We can _ to music outside.A :Can you TV after school?B: No, we .We have to the homework二. 单项选择( ) 1.I have to get up six the morning. A. at; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at( ) 2.Everyone in our class English very much. A. like B. likes C. is li

8、ke D. liking( ) 3. On weekends I go to the Childrens Palace the piano.A. to learn B. learn C. learned D. learns( ) 4.I have rules in my family A. too many B. much too C. too much D. many too( ) 5. Did Mary at school late this morning? A. arrive B. get C. arrived D. go( ) 6. you pass me the book, ple

9、ase? Yes, I can. A. Are B. Do C. Can D. Does( ) 7.-Why are you walking so fast? Because I get home to do my work. A. have B. go to C. have to D. has to( ) 8. You go in a hurry(匆忙).Theres enough time left. A. have to B. hadnt C. dont have to D. mustnt( ) 9.Sorry, I cant it in English. I can only Chin

10、ese. A. speak, talk B. say, tell C. say, speak D. talk, say( ) 10.-Can you cook dinner? . .Its easy. A. No, I cant B. Yes, I can C. No, I can D. Yes, I need后记:Unit 12 Dont eat in class Self-check一、翻译下列词语(20分)1.出去 2.practice the guitar 3.和朋友见面 4.clean the room 5.洗衣服 6.make dinner 7.学钢琴 8.go to the Ch

11、ildrens Palace 9.在周末 ones homework 二、单项选择(20分)( ) 1.Dont too much TV. Its bad for your eyes. A. watch B. watched C. watching D. to watch( ) 2. sleep too late. Its bad for your health. A. To B. Not C. Dont D. Please not( ) 3. We late for class.A. cant arrive B. cant arrive in C. cant arrive at D. dont arrive at( ) 4. here, please. A. Come B. To come C. Comes D. Coming( ) 5. Tom fought that boy in a red shirt on the playground just now. A. for B. at C. with D. on( ) 6. Must I get up early tomorrow? -No, . A. you mustnt



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