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1、Unit 3Welcome to Sunshine Town!课时课时4Grammar 一、一、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Is this Kates bicycle?No,hers(her)is under the tree.2.Our classroom is next to theirs(they).herstheirs一一二二三三四四3.Is it about 20 minutes(minute)walk from your home to the school?4.After the final exam(期末考试),we will have two mont

2、hs(month)holiday.5.That is Alices(Alice)new flat.It is different from Lucys(Lucy).minutesmonthsAlicesLucys一一二二三三四四二、二、单项填空。单项填空。(A)6.2023合肥瑶海区期中Is this your pen?I found it on the floor.No.is here in my hand.A.MineB.HersC.YoursD.HisA一一二二三三四四(D)7.The world is because you are the sun at 8 or 9 oclock i

3、n the morning.A.hisB.hersC.itsD.yoursD一一二二三三四四(A)8.2023宿州砀山县月考 There is an umbrella in the corner of the classroom.is it?Perhaps it is Marys.A.WhoseB.WhoC.WhenD.WhyA一一二二三三四四(D)9.【易错题】【易错题】The online shop sells shoes at a very low price.A.child and mensB.children and mensC.childrens and menD.children

4、s and mensD一一二二三三四四(D)10.2023连云港中考 Your school library looks as modern as.Can you show me around?A.weB.usC.ourD.ours点点拨拨:句句意意:你你们们学学校校的的图图书书馆馆看看起起来来和和我我们们的的一一样样现现代代化化。你你能能带带我我参参观观一一下下吗吗?此此处处需需要要名名词词性性物物主主代代词词表表示示“我我们们的图书馆的图书馆”,oursour school library,故选故选D。D一一二二三三四四三、三、根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。11.校园里到处都

5、是绿树和鲜花。Green trees and fresh flowers are all over the school.12.我的铅笔盒坏了,所以我要买个新的。My pencil case is broken,so I am going to buy a new one.allovertheschoolpencilcaseisbroken一一二二三三四四13.那个带有一只小熊的钥匙扣是我的。That key ring witha little bear is mine.14.这个装满明信片的盒子是基蒂的。The box full of postcardsis Kittys.keyringwi

6、thminefullofpostcardsKittys一一二二三三四四 四、四、【新题型【新题型高效练语法】高效练语法】语法填空。语法填空。I live with my family in the town centre.There are two children in 15.my(I)family.My father is a driver so my brother Peter and 16.I(me)go to school in my 17.fathers(father)car every day.My mother usually stays at home.18.She(her)

7、does the housework in the morning.Then she does an 19.hours(hour)exercise.Sometimes some friends of 20.hers(she)come to see her in the afternoon.myIfathersShehourshers一一二二三三四四In the evening,Peter and I come back home from school together.We always do 21.our(we)homework first.My father is good at maths.With 22.his(he)help we can work out maths problems easily.I share a bedroom with Peter.On the wall there is 23.Peters(Peter)guitar.He wants to be a singer when he grows up.Tomorrow is 24.Childrens(child)Day.Mother will cook delicious food for us.Were so happy!ourhisPetersChildrens一一二二三三四四



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