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1、UNIT11Howwasyourschooltrip?课时课时1SectionA(1a-2d)一、一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子。根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子。1.2023无为期末They are farmers(农民)and live in a small village.2.2023安庆月考Look at those tomatoes.They are growing(生长)fast.armersrowing一一二二三三四四五五六六3.What did they do just now?They fed(喂养)the sheep on grass.4.2023淮北月考Its quite(

2、相当)important for the students to do eye exercises.5.The player can speak excellent(极好的)English and Chinese.eduitexcellent一一二二三三四四五五六六6.Xu Beihongs drawing with 8 nice horses(马)is still popular now.7.There are a lot of cows(奶牛)on my uncles farm.8.2023黄山月考Uncle Wang rode a horse on his farm(农场)the day

3、 before yesterday.9.I visited my aunt and picked(摘)many strawberries in her orchard(果园).10.If you need anything(任何东西),please let me know.orsesowsarmickednything一一二二三三四四五五六六二、二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。11.Can you ride(ride)a horse,Jack?Yes,I can.12.What did you do in the countryside?I milked(milk)a

4、cow.13.Look!Amy isfeeding(feed)chickens.ridemilkedisfeeding一一二二三三四四五五六六14.What a fine day today!Would you like topick(pick)apples with me?15.My aunt grew(grow)some cabbages behind the house last year.点点拨拨:根根据据句句中中时时间间状状语语“lastyear”可可知知时时态态为为一一般般过过去时。去时。topickgrew一一二二三三四四五五六六三、三、单项填空。单项填空。(C)16.【易错题易

5、错题】you any cows along the way to the countryside?A.Do;sawB.Are;sawC.Did;seeD.Were;seeC一一二二三三四四五五六六(B)17.【易错题易错题】do they feel about their trip?They think its interesting.A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.When点点拨拨:根根据据答答语语“Theythinkitsinteresting.”可可知知提提问问的的是是感受感受,故选故选B。B一一二二三三四四五五六六(B)18.I some rice to my cat,but it

6、 didnt eat it.A.rodeB.fedC.milkedD.pickedB一一二二三三四四五五六六(C)19.2023庐江四中期末The storybook is interesting and I want to read it again.A.neverB.yetC.quiteD.eitherC一一二二三三四四五五六六四、四、根据汉语意思完成下面的句子根据汉语意思完成下面的句子,每空一词。每空一词。20.今天你有家庭作业要做吗?是的,相当多。Do you have any homework to do today?Yes,quite a lot.21.我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。

7、We spent a pleasant day inthe countryside.quitealotinthecountryside一一二二三三四四五五六六22.安徽人文信息题你昨晚去大蜀山森林公园散步了吗?Did you go for a walk to Dashushan Forest Park last night?23.请带我参观一下你的学校。Please show me around your school.24.昨天我和迈克去钓鱼了。I went fishing with Mike yesterday.goforawalkshowmearoundwentfishing一一二二三三

8、四四五五六六25.卡萝尔上周学到了很多有关农耕的知识。Carol learned a lot about farming last week.learnedalotabout一一二二三三四四五五六六 五、五、2023宣城月考补全对话补全对话(有两项多余)。A:Hi,Jim.How was your trip to the farm?B:26.BI had a great time there.A:27.GB:By bus.And along the way I saw many interesting things.A:28.DBGDA.What did you do on the farm?

9、B.It was great.C.How long did you stay on the farm?D.Who did you go there with?E.How was the weather yesterday?F.Would you like to go there again with me?G.How did you get to the farm?一一二二三三四四五五六六B:My brother Frank.A:29.AB:We fed chickens,rode a horse and picked apples.A:Sounds fun.Next weekend I wa

10、nt to go there,too.30.FB:Id love to,but Im busy next weekend.You can ask John to go with you.A:All right.FAA.What did you do on the farm?B.It was great.C.How long did you stay on the farm?D.Who did you go there with?E.How was the weather yesterday?F.Would you like to go there again with me?G.How did

11、 you get to the farm?一一二二三三四四五五六六六、六、完形填空。完形填空。Yesterday was Sunday.The 31 was nice.“Lets go to the farm!”Dad said to Polly.Polly was very happy because she could 32 a horse there.Polly went to the 33 with Mom and Dad.(C)31.A.dishB.foodC.weatherD.soup(C)32.A.playB.drawC.rideD.kill(D)33.A.tripB.zooC.

12、parkD.farmCCD一一二二三三四四五五六六When they 34 there,they saw many animals like cows,chickens and horses.Some people milked cows and some 35 chickens.Polly ran 36 .“Lets ride horses!”she said to Dad.(A)34.A.arrivedB.leftC.startedD.lived(B)35.A.ateB.fedC.pickedD.grew(B)36.A.easilyB.happilyC.earlyD.luckilyABB一

13、一二二三三四四五五六六Polly and Dad were tired(累的)and thirsty(口渴的)after riding horses.They 37 some water and had a rest.Mom bought them some ice cream.“It is 38 !Thank you,Mom,”said Polly.(C)37.A.stopped B.rainedC.drankD.showedC(C)38.A.terribleB.cheapC.deliciousD.naturalC一一二二三三四四五五六六Then Polly 39 a farmer.When it became dark,Polly and her parents decided to leave.On their way home,they went to a 40 and had dinner there.“Today is great!”said Polly.(D)39.A.thought ofB.cut downC.blew outD.talked with(B)40.A.bankB.restaurantC.libraryD.museumDB一一二二三三四四五五六六



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