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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?Period 1 Section A(1a-2d)一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.Its seven f (四十)now.Lets go to school.2.I think its interesting to work at the TV s (电台).ortytation3.Dont watch TV too late at n (晚上).4.2023 自贡 I have to get up e (早)in the morning to catch the bus,or I will be late for scho

2、ol.5.Mr.Lee w (工作)as an English teacher in a middle school in China.ightarlyorks二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空6.2023 安徽改编 Students _(usual)listen to the teachers advice(建议)and act on it.7.The story is short but very _(fun).usuallyfunny8.Its time to get up.Please get _(dress)now.9.Mrs.Millers son

3、 is six months old.He has only two _(tooth).10.Eric likes drawing pictures with two _(brush).dressedteethbrushes三、单项填空三、单项填空()11.2023 蚌埠蚌山区月考 Your son is in Hefei now.Whats his _ there?Oh,hes an art teacher of Hefei 168 Middle School.A.life B.dream C.habit D.job【点拨】本题考查名词辨析。根据答句句意:他的儿子是合肥168 中学的一名美术

4、教师。可推断问句询问的是工作。life 生活;dream 梦;habit 习惯;job 工作。故选D。D()12.2023 天津 To keep healthy,Damings grandparents _ in a park every day.A.exercise B.cough C.sleep D.wait【点拨】句意:为了保持健康,大明的爷爷奶奶每天都在公园里锻炼。考查动词辨析。exercise 锻炼;cough 咳嗽;sleep 睡觉;wait 等待。根据“To keep healthy”可知每天锻炼可以保持健康,故选A。A()13.Amy doesnt like junk food

5、 at all,so she _ eats it.A.often B.sometimes C.usually D.never【点拨】词义辨析法。本题考查频度副词辨析。句意:埃米一点也不喜欢垃圾食品,所以她从不吃它。never 从不;绝不,符合语境。故选D。D()14._ do you usually get up in the morning?At about half past seven.A.What color B.How long C.What time D.How much【点拨】答句表示具体时间,因此用what time 提问。故选C。C()15.2023 白银 I _ at 6

6、a.m.so I can leave for school at 7 a.m.A.get up B.put up C.take after D.get on【点拨】句意:我早上6 点起床,所以我可以早上7 点去上学。考查动词短语。get up 起床;put up 张贴;take after 长得像;get on 上车。根据“at 6 a.m.”可知是早上六点起床。故选A。A四、根据汉语意思完成句子四、根据汉语意思完成句子16.下次上学不要迟到了。Dont _ _ _ school next time.be late for17.你每天几点去上班?_ _ do you _ _ _ every d

7、ay?What time go to work18.星期天我通常7 点钟锻炼。On Sundays,I usually exercise _ _ _.at sevenoclock19.周六下午两点到三点,我和朋友们做游戏。On Saturday afternoon,I play games with my friends _ 2:00 _ 3:00.from to20.我哥哥喜欢晚饭后洗淋浴。My brother likes _ _ _ after dinner.taking a shower五、补全对话五、补全对话,其中有两项多余其中有两项多余A:Hi,Lucy!21._B:Well,my

8、home is next to my school,so I get up at 6:45.22._A.What time do you get up on weekdays?B.I usually have some cakes and milk.C.The classes begin at eight oclock.D.How is your school day?E.I never get to school late.F.I often go to the sports club.G.I get home at 5:30.AEA:Do you have breakfast at hom

9、e?B:Yes.23._A:When do you go to school?B:24._ So I go to school at 7:40.A.What time do you get up on weekdays?B.I usually have some cakes and milk.C.The classes begin at eight oclock.D.How is your school day?E.I never get to school late.F.I often go to the sports club.G.I get home at 5:30.BCA:What d

10、o you often do after school?B:25._ I always have a good time there.A:Sounds like you have good weekdays.B:Thats for sure.A.What time do you get up on weekdays?B.I usually have some cakes and milk.C.The classes begin at eight oclock.D.How is your school day?E.I never get to school late.F.I often go t

11、o the sports club.G.I get home at 5:30.F六、完形填空六、完形填空Boys and girls,can you tell the time?Mrs.Miller wants to teach Nina how to _26 it,but Nina always says,“You dont need to teach me.I can do it.Its _27.”()26.A.talk B.say C.tell D.speak【点拨】根据上文“can you tell the time”可知此处是“tell”,故选C。CMrs.Miller wants

12、to teach Nina how to _26 it,but Nina always says,“You dont need to teach me.I can do it.Its _27.”()27.A.difficult B.easy C.free D.busy【点拨】difficult 困难的;easy 容易的;free 免费的;busy 忙碌的。根据“You dont need to teach me.I can do it.”可推测出尼娜认为看时间是“容易的”,故选B。BThis morning,Nina wakes up(睡醒)at 6:45.She asks her mom a

13、bout the time.Her mom says,“Its a quarter to seven.”She says,“Oh,I must _28 quickly,because Im on duty(值日)today.”()28.A.take a walk B.ride a bike C.get up D.have breakfast【点拨】句意:她说:“哦,我必须快点起床,因为我今天值日。”take a walk 散步;ride a bike 骑自行车;get up 起床;have breakfast 吃早饭。故选C。CShe brushes her teeth and takes u

14、p _29 schoolbag from the sofa.()29.A.my B.his C.her D.your【点拨】句意:她刷完牙,从沙发上拿起她的书包。my 我的;his 他的;her 她的;your 你的。根据“She brushes her teeth”可推测出此处是“her”,故选C。C“Dear,_30 having bread and milk _31 breakfast?”()30.A.what about B.why C.how D.when【点拨】句意:亲爱的,早餐吃面包和喝牛奶怎么样?what about怎么样;why 为什么;how 如何;when 何时。故选A。

15、A“Dear,_30 having bread and milk _31 breakfast?”()31.A.on B.with C.in D.for【点拨】句意:亲爱的,早餐吃面包和喝牛奶怎么样?on 在上面;with 用;in 在里面;for 为了。“for+三餐”表示“某餐吃什么”。故选D。D“Mom,I dont want to be _32.I must go now,”says Nina,running out of her house quickly.()32.A.late B.dirty C.sorry D.quiet【点拨】late 迟到;dirty 脏;sorry 对不起;

16、quiet 安静的;根据“I must quickly,because Im on duty(值日)today.”可知“我”必须快点起床,因为“我”今天值日,可推测出此处是“不想迟到”,故选A。ABut when she gets to school,she sees no one.She _33 Mrs.Miller and asks,“Mom,is it _34 today?”()33.A.knows B.calls C.loves D.follows【点拨】句意:她打电话给米勒太太问:“妈妈,今天是星期六吗?”knows 知道;calls 打电话;loves 喜欢;follows 遵守。故选B。BBut when she gets to school,she sees no one.She _33 Mrs.Miller and asks,“Mom,is it _34 today?”()34.A.Wednesday B.Thursday C.Friday D.Saturday【点拨】Wednesday 星期三;Thursday 星期四;Friday 星期五;Saturday 星期六


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