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1、Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.Module 9 Life history一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.Childrens Day falls on J (六月)1st.2.Sometimes what happened in our dreams may happen in the r (真实的)world.3.Students can read some English n (报纸)to know more about the world.uneealewspapers4.2023 合肥五十中期中 If yo

2、u want to celebrate her birthday,you had better know the e (确切的)time of her birthday.5.With the development(发展)of our country,China is b (变得)more and more famous in the world.xactecoming二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空6.I _(read)Lu Xuns books at the age of eight.【点拨】句意:我在八岁的时候读了鲁迅的书。句子应该用过去时态,read

3、 的过去式是read。read7.In the past,my parents _(begin)to work at an very early age.【点拨】题中出现 in the past,故句子用过去时态。begin 的过去式是began。began8.Yesterday,I _(go)to the supermarket to buy some fruit.【点拨】题中出现yesterday,故填go 的过去式。went9.2023 合肥五十中月考 It _(take)me only one hour to finish my homework last night.【点拨】题中出现

4、last night,故填take 的过去式took。took10.My Chinese teacher _(write)many poems when he was at school.【点拨】“when he was at school”是过去的时间,故填wrote。wrote三、单项填空三、单项填空()11.In China,we have a special day to say thanks to our teachers.Its in _.A.March B.SeptemberC.November D.December【点拨】句意:在中国,我们有个特别的日子对老师们表达感谢。它在九

5、月份。根据常识,这个特殊的日子是9 月10 日的教师节。故选B。B()12.Can you help me _ the truth(真相)?Sure.Lets work together.A.point to B.look atC.find out D.look up【点拨】考查动词短语辨析。find out the truth 查明真相,根据句意,故选C。C()13.Lu Xuns _ name was Zhou Shuren.Thats _.A.real;real B.real;trueC.true;real D.true;true【点拨】考查形容词辨析。real name 原本真实的姓名

6、,非虚构的;true 强调事情的真实性。故选B。B()14.Our National Day is on _ first day in _ October.A.a;the B.the;aC.the;不填 D.a;不填【点拨】句意:国庆节在10 月的第一天。序数词前用冠词the,月份前不用冠词。故选C。C()15.My parents _ the name“Tina”for me when I was born.A.took B.wrote C.called D.got【点拨】句意:在我出生的时候,父母为我取名“Tina”。wrote 写;called 叫,喊;got 获得。take the n

7、ame 取名。故选A。A四、按要求完成句子四、按要求完成句子16.He moved to London when he was sixteen.(改成同义句)He moved to London _ _ _ _16.at theage of17.Its August 2nd today.(对画线部分提问)_ the _ today?Whats date18.Ann doesnt go to the theatre.(用 last night改写)Ann _ _ to the theatre last night.didnt go19.She hurried out of the house a

8、fter seeing the bears.(对画线部分提问)What _ she _ after seeing the bears?did do20.Sally tried to pick the pen up.(改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ Sally _ to pick the pen up?_,she _.Did tryNo didnt五五、补全对话,其中有、补全对话,其中有两项多余两项多余A:Nick,what are you reading?B:Famous Men in the World.A:21._A.We should try our best to do everyth

9、ing as he did.B.Do you like reading very much?C.Which of them do you like best?D.Are you interested in computers?E.He is a great Chinese poet.F.Anybody else?G.And what do you think of Edison?CB:Bill Gates,Thomas Edison and Li Bai.A:Whos Li Bai?B:22._A:You want to be a poet,dont you?B:No,I want to be

10、 a computer scientist.A.We should try our best to do everything as he did.B.Do you like reading very much?C.Which of them do you like best?D.Are you interested in computers?E.He is a great Chinese poet.F.Anybody else?G.And what do you think of Edison?EA:23._B:Yes.Computers have changed the world a l

11、ot.A:24._B:He was a great inventor who never gave up.A:And so he was.B:25._ A:I agree.A.We should try our best to do everything as he did.B.Do you like reading very much?C.Which of them do you like best?D.Are you interested in computers?E.He is a great Chinese poet.F.Anybody else?G.And what do you t

12、hink of Edison?DGA六、完形填空六、完形填空O.Henry was a pen name used by an American 26 of short stories.()26.A.singer B.teacher C.writer D.doctor【点拨】考查名词词义辨析。句中有short stories,据此可推测Henry 是作家,再根据外国文学常识判断,本题选C。CHis 27 name was William Sydney Porter.He was 28 in North Carolina in 1862.()27.A.pen B.old C.first D.re

13、al()28.A.bore B.born C.bored D.boring【点拨】27.句意:他的本名是William Sydney Porter。pen name 笔名;old name 过去的名字;first name 名;real name 真名。故选D。【点拨】28.be born in 出生于。故选B。DB 29 a young boy,he lived an exciting life.He did not go to school for very long,but he tried to teach 30 everything he needed to know.()29.A.

14、To B.For C.As D.With()30.A.myself B.himself C.yourself D.itself【点拨】29.考查介词。as 作为;to 去;with 随着;for 因为,为了。本句想表达的是作为一个小男孩,他的生活很令人兴奋。故选C。【点拨】30.考查反身代词。teach oneself 自学。故选B。CBWhen he was about 20 years old,O.Henry went to Texas.There he tried different 31 .()31.A.food B.clothes C.fruit D.jobs【点拨】联系上下文法。根

15、据下文可知他尝试了不同的工作。故本题选jobs。DHe first worked for a newspaper,and then had a job in a 32 .()32.A.newspaper B.hospital C.school D.bank【点拨】联联系系上上下下文文法法。根据下文中“some money went missing from the bank”可知他在银行上班,故选D。DWhen some money went missing from the bank,the director(主管)believed that he stole(偷)it and 33 him

16、 to prison(监狱).()33.A.send B.sent C.sending D.to send【点拨】考查谓语动词。与believed 并列,应选择动词过去式。B 34 the three years in prison,he learned to write short stories.()34.A.On B.For C.At D.During【点拨】考查介词。短语意思:在监狱的三年期间。on 在表面上,在具体某一天;for 为了;at 在具体几点钟;during 在期间。根据句意,故选D。DPeople liked his stories,because they were 35 to understand and they would finish with a sudden change in the end,to the readers surprise.()35.A.boring B.difficult C.easy D.important【点拨】考查形容词辨析。句意:人们喜欢他的故事,因为它们容易理解,而且结尾会有一个突然的变化,这让读者很惊讶。boring


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