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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.单元主题写作单元主题写作一、话题分析一、话题分析本单元以“食物(food)”为话题,围绕该话题用本单元所学词汇和句型进行广告宣传。二、写作方法二、写作方法“WWW 三步法三步法”为餐馆、商店写广告为餐馆、商店写广告1.Welcome。以“Welcome to”引入话题;2.What。介绍种类,包括价格、适宜人群等;3.Welcome。通常以“Welcome to come again.”再一次表示欢迎,作结束语。提出邀请并留下联系方式。三、素材积累三、素材积累(一)“餐厅的海报或广告类”作文常用词汇:beef special dumpl

2、ing fish a large bowl of noodles what size would like around the world get popular cut up(二)“餐厅的海报或广告类”作文常用句型:开头句1.Welcome to Meet All House of Dumplings.2.We have all kinds of delicious dumplings at North Dumpling House.中间句1.We have cakes for only 5 yuan.2.A large bowl of beef dumplings is 15 yuan.

3、结尾句1.Come and enjoy the delicious dumplings in Meet All House of Dumplings!2.Welcome to our Dumpling House again.名言警句1.Eat to live,but not live to eat.吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。2.Dish in each grain is hard!盘中粒粒皆辛苦!四、写作任务四、写作任务托尼(Tony)和他的同学们开了一家非常有特色的商店,他们卖一些自制的甜点,如蛋糕和冰激凌,还卖一些文具,如钢笔、橡皮和笔记本等。这里的东西物美价廉,难能可贵的是他

4、们将所赚的钱全部用来帮助有需要的人。假如你是托尼,请以“Our Special Shop”为题,用英文写一份不少于80 词的海报。参考词汇参考词汇:home-made 自制的【写作模板写作模板】“WWW 三步法”为餐馆、商店写广告Welcome Welcome to our special shop.What We have.They are.buy school things use the money to help people in need Welcome Come and have a look!【高分作文高分作文】Our Special Shop_Welcome to our s

5、pecial shop.At our shop,we have some home-made desserts.We have different kinds of cakes.They are popular with kids.Would you like to eat ice-cream?We have a large bowl for five yuan and a small bowl for just three yuan._You can also buy some school things like pens,erasers and notebooks.They are all popular and at a good price.And we will use the money we make to help people in need.Come and have a look!You will like them.


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