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1、进出口实实用英语语进出口实实用英语语进出口口实用英英语询价 Inqquirry1. 希希望对方方补足货货源We aare infformmed thaat ttherre aare neww innquiiriees iin yyourr maarkeet ffor thiis iitemm annd ssugggestt yoou rreplleniish youur sstocck tto mmeett thhe ddemaand.2. 希希望对方方报价Therre wwilll bee a rattherr laargee innquiiry forr irron steeel.Thee

2、refforee plleasse ggivee uss yoour besst qquottatiion so as to enaablee uss too prrepaare forr a proospeectiive bussineess.3. 告告诉对方方价格上上涨前及及早订货货Seveerall laargee caasseettee taape reccordder mannufaactuurerrs hhavee laatelly bbeenn reeceiivinng bbulkk innquiiriees oon ccasssettte rrecoordeers andd t

3、hhe sstoccks aree beeingg exxhauusteed.TTherrefoore a cconssideerabble risse oof tthe priice is exppectted in thee neear futturee annd wwe rrecoommeend youur eearlly oordeers。4. 有有意扩充充生产设设备A laargee nuumbeer oof iinquuiriies aree beeingg reeceiivedd foor tthiss arrticcle andd thhis willl bbe aan iin

4、diicattionn off thhe iincrreasse iin ddemaand in thee Ammeriicann annd EEuroopeaan mmarkketss.Inn orrderr too meeet theese inqquirriess wee arre pplannninng tto eexteend ourr prroduuctiion facciliitiees.5. 答答复询价价We hhavee reeceiivedd yoour cabble inqquirry oof AAuguust 25 forr pllywoood.We aree noow

5、 wworkkingg haard in ordder to meeet yyourr reequiiremmentts aand willl bbe aablee too leet yyou havve oour besst qquottatiion witth tthe shoorteest delliveery timme bby tthe endd off thhis weeek.6. 征征求对方方订货Inquuiriies on ourr neew pprodductt haave beeen sstreeamiing in froom vvariiouss paartss off

6、thhe wworlld.YYou willl aalsoo bee innterrestted in thiis pprodductt annd wwe aare senndinng yyou ourr caatallogss annd ppricce-llistt.7. 看看到广告告请对方方报价We hhavee seeen youur aadveertiisemmentt annd aare inttereesteed iin yyourr neew pprodductt.Plleasse qquotte uus ffor thee suupplly oof tthe artticlle

7、 ggiviing youur ppricce CCIF Jillongg, aand lett uss haave youur eearlliesst ddeliiverry ddatee, yyourr teermss off paaymeent, annd ddisccounnts forr reegullar purrchaasess.8. 请请求提出出具有竞竞争力的的报价We hhavee reeceiivedd toodayy ann innquiiry froom oour traade connnecctioon iin CCanaada conncerrninng tthe

8、suppplyy off ellecttricc tyypewwritterss inn laargee quuanttitiies.Theerefforee plleasse llet us havve ffulll deetaiils of youur pprodductts sso tthatt wee caan ppasss onn thhe iinfoormaatioon.WWe aask youu too maake eveery efffortt too quuotee att coompeetittivee raatess inn orrderr too seecurre tt

9、he bussineess.9. 接接到询价价后, 希望对对方订货货We hhavee reeceiivedd yoour inqquirry oon oour commputter Moddel No. 8115.IIt ggivees uus aa grreatt plleassuree too seend youu ouur ttechhniccal infformmatiion on thee moodell yoou aare inttereesteed iin ttogeetheer wwithh caatallogss annd ppricce llistt.Wee hoope

10、we mayy haave youur oordeer wwithhin thiis mmontth sso tthatt wee caan pput youur oordeer iin oour earrlieest prooducctioon sscheedulle.10. 应分公公司的要要求, 请求对对方报价价Our Neww Yoork braanchh haas aaskeed uus ffor a qquottatiion forr 5,0000 unnitss off ellecttricc faans to be solld iin MMidddle andd Soouthh

11、Ammeriicann coounttriees.PPleaase lett uss knnow whaat qquanntittiess yoou ccan delliveer aat rreguularr innterrvalls. Quoote youur bbestt teermss CIIF LLos Anggelees.11.向向对方订订货We hhavee heeardd yoour namme ffromm ouur ssuppplieers, Taaiwaan IInduustrry CCo., Lttd. in Taiibeii.Iff yoou ccan suppplyy

12、 thhe ffolllowiing gooods reqquirred, plleasse aacceept thiis aas oour ordder forr 1000 ssetss off yoour gooods.We do bussineess on terrms of a ddrafft aat ssighht uundeer iirreevoccablle LL/C.12. 根据顾顾客的需需要, 要求报报价We hhavee reecenntlyy obbtaiinedd ann orrderr frrom ourr cuustoomerrs ffor thee fuurnii

13、turre ssimiilarr too yoour prooduccts.We connsidder thee sttylees aand dessignns oof yyourr gooodss ass moost suiitabble forr thheirr puurpoose.Pleeasee quuotee yoour lowwestt prricees CCIF Jillongg.Iff yoour priicess arre rreassonaablee, wwe ccan plaace an ordder witth yyou at oncce.进出口实实用英语语-进进出口实

14、实用英语语品质质 quualiity1. 收收到品质质低劣的的货物We hhavee reeceiivedd toodayy ouur ssoybbeanns oof 5500 tonns yyou shiippeed oon SSepttembber 15.Howeeverr onn exxamiininng wwe hhavee fooundd thhat thee quualiity of almmostt haalf of thee gooodss, tthatt iss, aabouut 2200 tonns ddoess noot ttallly wwithh yoour samm

15、plee annd iis iinfeerioor tto tthe staandaard.Youu caan ssee it froom tthe surrveyyors rrepoort encclossed.Pleeasee leet uus hhavee yoour meaasurre ffor sollutiion urggenttly.2. 说说明拒绝绝接货的的理由We hhavee too reefusse tto ttakee deelivveryy off yoour gooods forr thhe rreasson thaat ttheyy arre qquitte ddifffereent froom tthe sammplee onn whhichh wee maade ourr orrderr.Evven if youu waant us to takke tthemm, wwe ccannnot putt thhem on thee maarkeet wwithhoutt soome connsidde



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