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1、Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.Module 5 Shopping一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.For breakfast,I have s (几个)biscuits and some milk.2.Many farmers put their p (产品)online to sell them more easily.everalroducts3.2023 合肥市五十中东校期中 It is not s (安全的)to swim in the river.4.Usually I can r (收到)many presents from

2、my friends on my birthday.5.Can you tell me one of the a (优势)of shopping on the Internet?afeeceivedvantages二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空6.She gives her friend some beautiful pictures by _(post).【点拨】句意:她通过邮寄给她的朋友一些漂亮的画。by post 通过邮寄方式,故填post。post7.With AI,for example,you can have a better _(shop)

3、experience.【点拨】a 后面需要接单数名词或单数名词短语,shopping experience 意为“购物经历”,故填shopping。shopping8.Doing eye exercises _(be)one of the most useful ways to protect our eyes.【点拨】句意:做眼保健操是保护我们的眼睛最有用的方式之一。动名词短语作主语时,句中的谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。is9.Dont worry.You can get the new clothes a few days _(late).【点拨】句意:不要担心。你能在几天之后得到新衣服

4、。根据句意可知是几天“之后”,“时长+later”表示“之后”。故填later。later10.As we all know,_(eat)more vegetables is good for our health.【点拨】句意:众所周知,多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。谓语动词是is,根据提示词eat可知要填eating,动名词短语作主语,故填eating。eating三、单项填空三、单项填空()11.Hello,Jenny,I cant find my math book _.Did you see it?Sorry,I didnt.A.everywhere B.anywhereC.somew

5、here D.nowhereB【点拨】句意:你好,Jenny,我到处都找不到我的 数学书。你看到它了吗?不好意思,我没看到。everywhere 到处;anywhere 任何地方;somewhere 某处;nowhere 无处。结合下文 Did you see it?可知,说话人应该是找不到数学书,用在否定句中应使用 anywhere。故选B。()12.Millie _ missed the train.It started to leave right after she got on it.A.almost B.just C.really D.already【点拨】根据“It starte

6、d to leave right after she got on it.”可知,她刚上车,车就开走了。由此说明,她差点没赶上火车。故选A。A()13.How much do you _ for your computer?4,000 yuan.A.spend B.pay C.take D.cost【点拨】本题考查几种“花费”的辨析。sb.spend(s)some time/some money on sth.意为“某人在某物上花费多少时间/金钱”;sth.cost(s)sb.some money“某物花费了某人多少钱”;sb.pay(s)some money for sth.意为“某人为某物

7、支付多少钱”;it takes sb.some time to do sth.意为“某人花费多长时间做某事”。根据句中出现的介词for,故选B。B()14.I like to compare myself _ others but sometimes it makes me tired.A.with B.to C.on D.over【点拨】句意:我喜欢拿自己和别人比较,但是有时候这让我很疲惫。compare A with B 意为“把A 和B作 比较”。compareto表示“把比作”、“比拟”。根据句意,故选A。A()15.2023 合肥包河区期中 We cant visit our gra

8、ndpa this week.What can we do with those sweaters?We can _ them.He will receive them in two days.A.post B.sell C.buy D.pay【点拨】问句说不能去,答语中后句“两天内能收到”,可推测出用邮寄的方式,post 表示邮寄,故选A。A四、根据汉语意思完成句子四、根据汉语意思完成句子16.今天的天气真好。为什么不出去玩呢?Its fine today._ _ _ _ and play?Why not go out17.这本书我花了二十元钱。I _ twenty yuan _ the b

9、ook.pay for18.我们都相信中国梦总有一天会实现的。We all believe that the Chinese Dream will come true _ _.one day五五、完形填空、完形填空Peter is from Russia.He likes shopping 19 the Internet.Http:/ is his favourite website.()19.A.from B.on C.to D.at【点拨】on the Internet 是固定短语,意为“在互联网上”。根据句意,故选B。BHe often buys things on it 20 hims

10、elf,such as clothes and shoes.He 21 about 100 yuan buying things each month.()20.A.for B.to C.in D.from()21.A.takes B.spends C.costs D.pays【点拨】20.buy sth.for sb.意为“为某人买某物”。根据句意,故选A。【点拨】21.主语+spend+钱+doing sth.意为“某人在做某事上花了多少钱”。根据句意,故选B。ABHe often waits about three days before he 22 his products.()22.

11、A.gives B.accepts C.receives D.takes【点拨】根据句意,这里是指“收到产品”。accept 指的是主观上接受,receive 指客观上收到某物,不涉及主观意愿。根据语境,这里指的是客观上收到,故选C。CPeters parents 23 buy clothes online because they cant try 24 on.()23.A.never B.always C.often D.usually()24.A.them B.it C.they D.its【点拨】23.Peter 的父母不在网上购买衣服是因为他们不能试穿。所以选择表达否定意义的单词,故

12、选A。AAPeters father thinks its not 25 to pay over the Internet.Peters mother often goes to the mall 26 Peters father.()25.A.dangerous B.difficult C.safe D.easy()26.A.with B.and C.of D.from【点拨】25.根据上一句可知Peter 的父母从不网购,因为peter 爸爸认为网上支付不安全,故选C。【点拨】26.句意:Peter 妈妈经常和Peter 爸爸去购物中心。和某人一起用介词with,故选A。CAIt can

13、make them relaxed after the tiring work.There is always a 27 on in the shop near their home,so Peters parents often go there to buy something.()27.A.film B.sale C.show D.activity【点拨】a sale on 意为“促销活动”,根据“经常去那儿买东西”可推测出选B。BThey 28 the clothes on and pay the money.Then they go home happily.()28.A.carry B.cheer C.take D.try【点拨】根据句意应该是试穿的意思,try on 表示“试穿”,宾语若是代词,要放在try 与on 之间,如果是名词,则放中间或后面都行。故选D。D



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