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1、Unit 2 This morning we took a walk.Module 10 A holiday journey一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.2023 安庆潜山期末 After watching the movie,we all felt really r (放松的).2.The kings lived in the p (宫殿)several hundred years ago.elaxedalace3.The shop s many school things last year.4.We must turn off l (电灯)and save electricity(电)in

2、 our daily life.5.It was a w (精彩的)trip and we enjoyed ourselves.oldightsonderful二、单项填空二、单项填空()6.2023 庐阳区期中改编 All of the children are _ at the _ movie.A.excited;excited B.excited;excitingC.exciting;excited D.exciting;exciting【点拨】excited 通常用来修饰人,be excited at 表示对感到激动、兴奋的,exciting 通常用来修饰物,根据句意,故选B。B()7

3、.You look very nice in your new dress today.Really?I _ it when it was on sale.A.buy B.boughtC.have bought D.will buy【点拨】句意:你今天穿的新裙子真漂亮。真的吗?我打折时买的。由“when it was on sale”可知选一般过去时,故选B。B()8.Dont _ the chance when you can catch it,or you will regret.A.guess B.allow C.get D.miss【点拨】由句意可知,当你能抓住机会的时候不要错过它,m

4、iss 意为“错过”。故选D。D()9.Mom,can I do _ much work in a short time?Dear,I think you can.A.so;so B.such;soC.so;such D.such;such【点拨】本题考查so 和such 的用法,so much+不可数名词,so many+可数名词复数,such+名词或名词短语,根据语境,故选C。C()10.Im going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.What a lucky boy!_ And dont forget to send me a postcard

5、.A.Have a good time!B.That sounds good.C.Good luck!D.Can I go with you?【点拨】句意:我打算去夏威夷过暑假。多么幸运的男孩!祝你玩得开心!不要忘记给我寄明信片。Have a good time 祝你玩得开心;That sounds good那听起来不错;Good luck 祝你好运;Can I go with you我能和你一起去吗?当对方表示要出去旅游时,一般会表达祝愿。故选A。A三、根据汉语意思完成句子三、根据汉语意思完成句子11.去年我们家参观了法国举世闻名的埃菲尔铁塔。My family visited the _

6、Eiffel Tower in French last year.world-famous12.我们一直爬上山顶才停下来休息。We didnt stop to have a rest until we climbed to _ _ _ the mountain.the top of13.上公交车前,我们应该排队等候。We should _ _ _ before we get on the bus.wait in line14.我的祖父种了许多种蔬菜,如黄瓜和番茄。My grandfather grew many kinds of vegetables,_ _ cucumbers and tom

7、atoes.such as15.游览东湖的最好方式是乘船游览。The best way to visit the East Lake is to _ _ _ _.take a boat tour四四、完形填空、完形填空I like travelling.Last year I 16 myself during the May Day holiday.I went to Beijing with my parents.()16.A.helped B.taught C.washed D.enjoyed【点拨】考查固定搭配。enjoy oneself 玩得愉快。根据语境,故选D。DThat was

8、17 first visit to Beijing.Everything was new to me.We went there 18 train on May 1st.()17.A.my B.your C.her D.his()18.A.in B.on C.at D.by【点拨】17.文章是以第一人称写的,所以可以判断出是“我”第一次去,所以是my。【点拨】18.“by+交通工具”表示交通方式,故选D。ADThere were too many people on it.It 19 us about three hours to get there.After lunch,we went t

9、o Tian anmen Square and Wangfujing Street.()19.A.spent B.saved C.took D.needed【点拨】It took sb.some time to do sth.意为“做某事花费某人多少时间”,根据语境,故选C。CIn the square,we saw many people 20 the great ceremony(仪式).()20.A.waiting for B.hearing from C.getting on D.picking up【点拨】句意:在广场,我们看见许多人正在等待那个盛大的仪式。根据句意,故选A。AWe

10、did some 21 on Wangfujing Street and I bought some presents for my friends.And my parents bought me a 22 coat.I like blue best.()21.A.walking B.shopping C.cooking D.swimming()22.A.blue B.green C.red D.purple【点拨】21.由后文“我”给“我”的朋友们买礼物可知是shopping。【点拨】22.由后一句“I like blue best”可知是blue。BAWe went to the Gre

11、at Wall on May 2nd.It was 23 to stand on the Great Wall!()23.A.clear B.difficult C.exciting D.silly【点拨】根据上下文可知站在长城上的感觉是令人兴奋的,故选C。CI also tried lots of famous 24 in Beijing,such as Beijing roast duck.We 25 home on May 3rd.What a great tour!()24.A.games B.foods C.phones D.jobs()25.A.cleaned B.found C.left D.returned【点拨】24.由后面的北京烤鸭可知此处是foods。【点拨】25.本题表达的是回家的意思,应该是return home。故选D。BD


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