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1、同位语从句考点一:that引导的同位语从句。从属连词that引导同位语从句时,从句结构和意义完整,that只起连接作用,不充当任何成分,也不可省略。1.(2011 天津高考)Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where解析:考查同位语从句。句子意思:现代科学有充分的证据表明吸烟会导致多种疾病。结合句子意思和句子成分可知该句子不缺少句子成分,故用that引导,解释evidence的内容。2.(2011 上海高考)There is

2、clear evidence _ the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.A. whatB. ifC. howD. that 解析:考查同位语从句。句子意思:有确凿的证据表明,所有的感觉中最难演绎的是身体上的痛苦。分析句子结构可知空格处引导的是evidence的同位语从句,从句和意义完整,故用that引导。3. (2009 浙江)Is there any possibility _ you could pick me up at the airport?No problem.A. whenB. thatC. w

3、hetherD. whatthat引导的同位语从句。说明possibility的具体内容。同位语从句特点:1)同位语从句是用来解释和说明某一名词的内容的从句。2)同位语从句一般跟在名词后,如:news/fact/idea/advice/possibility/belief/doubt/opinion/thought/truth/report/warning等后面。4. (2009 重庆)We should consider the students request _ the school library provide more books on popular science.A. tha

4、tB. whenC. whichD. wherethat引导同位语从句。说明request的具体内容。从句的谓语要用虚拟语气。表示建议/命令/要求等的名词后如command/order/demand/request/suggestion等后的同位语从句中谓语要用虚拟语气。如:Here is my suggestion that he (should) be sent to work in America.5. (2009 重庆)We should consider the students request _ the school library provide more books on p

5、opular science.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. wherethat引导同位语从句。说明request的具体内容。从句的谓语要用虚拟语气。表示建议/命令/要求等的名词后如command/order/demand/request/suggestion等后的同位语从句中谓语要用虚拟语气。如:Here is my suggestion that he (should) be sent to work in America.考点二:分隔式同位语从句。若主句的谓语较短,同位语从句较长,通常把同位语从句后置,从而构成分隔式同位语从句。这时要仔细分析句子结构,才能做出准确判断。

6、6. (2011 辽宁高考)When the news came _ the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army.A. sinceB. whichC. thatD. because解析:考查同位语从句。句子意思:当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定去部队服役。the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army解释the news的内容,故为同位语从句。且从句中不缺少成分,用that连接。7. (2009 四川高考)News came from the school office _ Wang

7、Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where解析:考查同位语从句。句子意思:从学校办公室传来消息说王林被北京大学录取了。news后面跟了同位语从句,且从句中不缺少成分,用that连接。注意:有时,同位语从句可以不紧跟在说明的名词后面,而被别的词隔开。考点三: 同位语从句与定语从句的区别。8. (2011 天津)Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.A. whatB. whichC

8、. thatD. where结合句子意思和句子成分可知该句子不缺少句子成分,故用that引导,解释evidence的内容。9. The old town has narrow streets and small houses _ are build close to each other.A. theyB. whereC. what D. thatthat引导定语从句,修饰先行词houses, that在句子中作主语。that可引导名词性从句/定语从句/强调句。高考常对其进行综合考查句子中that的用法。判断下列句子是什么句子。It was only on the third night _(

9、我突然想到) that my father might have forgotten to turn on his phone. (strike)This is the fact that he has failed in his driving test.同位语从句It is known to us all that he has failed in his driving test.主语从句We all know (that) he has failed in his driving test.宾语从句The reason why he is blue is that he has fai

10、led in his driving test.表语从句This is the fact that makes him feel blue.定语从句It is because he has failed in his driving test that he is blue today.强调句型用whether/who/what/when/where/how/that填空。1. She had some doubts _ he would come.2. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will

11、 be found.3. There remains a doubt among the public _ the drug is safe enough for children.注意:1.同位语从句的引导词有whether/who/what/when/where/how/that2.名词doubt后的同位语从句,肯定句用whether引导,否定句和疑问句用that引导。3. I have no idea _ it is safe to sail in this weather.4. Have you got any idea _ will take over our company?5.

12、I have no idea _the general manger will come back.6. I have no idea _ he went home, perhaps b bike.6. Tomorrow is Kates birthday. Have you got any idea _ the party is to be held, at home or in the restaurant.7. Here comes the question _ we should do with so much e-waste.8. Tom made his teacher a pro

13、mise _ he would never be late again.9. The news _ they had won the game soon spread all over the school.10. A warm thought stuck me _ I might buy a tie for my father.完成句子:1. Along with the letter was his promise _(他看望我) on the coming Christmas. (visit)2. The policeman has received the command from t

14、he station _(他等待) until help comes.3. The news _(他们赢得比赛) soon spread all over the school. (win)4. There is a belief among the miners _(他们获救) from the coalmine within 24 hours. (rescue)5. I finally came to the conclusion _(不是所有人都相信) what I had said. (believe)6. The news _(房价将要下降) has caused may people to sell their houses at low prices. (fall)7. After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that



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