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1、Lesson 21: Fun at the zoo -教学设计汉中市陕飞二中 高宏丽课题名称Fun at the zoo科目初中英语年级八年级教材分析本课是冀教版八年级(下)Unit 3第五课时的内容,以Danny, Jenny and Brian 去动物园为线索,引导学生准确并灵活运用一些用于提醒和警告的功能语言如:Danger, No photos, Dont feed animals, 这也是本单元的语言教学目标之一,同时,也暗示学生要学会关爱动物。学情分析本课是建立在前四课的基础上-大部分学生对动物都比较感兴趣,但学生不知道如何正确关爱动物,同时,学生缺乏自信,在课堂上羞于开口说英语,

2、这就需要教师多渠道的激发调动学生的积极性,使得学生乐学乐用。教学目标1. 知识目标:The students are able to read ,understand and use the new words and the phrases in this lesson with the teachers help2. 功能目标:The students are able to use the reminding and warning languages fluently;3. 情感价值目标:The students are able to love and lean to protect

3、 animals in the zoo according to discussion. 教学重点,难点【重点】:1.The students are able to use the phrases according to practice;2. the students are able to use some reminding languages correctly in the certain situation.【难点】:The students are able to make some signs with some reminding languages.教学策略1. 学生间

4、的合作探究式学习;2. 师生互动式学习;3. 情景表演展示式学习.教学过程教学步骤教学方法设计意图Step1 复习回顾Review: think back something about the zoo and Jenny and Brian and Dannys zoo plan with students together.T: What do you think of the zoo? Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you remember Jenny and Brian and Dannys plan ?构起学生对故事情节的回忆,激发起他们的学习兴趣,引出本课的标题

5、。Step2 Learn some new wordsAsk the students to try to read each new word according to phonetics; the teacher tries to correct their mistakes.使得学生尽快熟悉本课要求认知和领会的一些新单词,为后面的活动和讨论做准备。Step 3 leading(导入)T: Do you like to go to the zoo?S: Yes.T: Last year, I went to the zoo with my family .I saw many animal

6、s at the zoo like pandas, monkeys, snakes and so on. I liked pandas best. I had a good day. How about you?Discuss with your classmates. Have you ever been to the zoo? What can you usually see in the zoo?Then, show your ideas like me in a group.让学生展开联想和讨论,进一步激发学生对动物园的兴趣。为下面的听力训练 做准备。Step4ListeningT:

7、Today, Danny, Jenny and Brian will go to the zoo.What will they see in the zoo ? Close your book, listen to the tape carefully and then answer it. 通过听力练习,促使学生快速捕捉故事大意及关键信息以提高学生的听力 。Step5(合作探究)Ask the students in groups to cooperate with together and try to understand the dialogue. At the same time,

8、try to find their trouble.培养学生自主探究和自主学习的能力及合作完成任务的精神,使得学生在合作中找到快乐,得到进步,避免了填鸭式教学的枯燥。Step6 Show something importantin order to check their results, ask the students to translate some sentences into English. Such as: at a quarter to eleven go through the entrance Why cant we take photos? Make them mad

9、All winter Dont forget what the sign said. Its time to go home. Have a very good day以检查提问的方式,突出本课的重点短语和句子,加深学生对基础知识的理解和运用,巩固基础知识。Step7 答疑解惑Encourage the students to show their difficulties and try to help them帮助学生在自学过程中遇到的困难 ,帮助他们树立信心。Step8 know about the main ideas of the dialogueAsk the students s

10、ome questions according to the dialogue when did Brian, Jenny and Danny arrive at the zoo?When is the zoo?(2) Why cant Danny take photos in the zoo?(3) When they see a bear in the zoo, what does Brian think of the bear? how about Danny?(4) Can Danny give any donuts to a bear? How do Jenny and Brian

11、remind of Danny?帮助学生了解故事的大意,同时,也训练了学生的阅读理解能力。Step9 practiceAsk the students to act out the trip to the zoo in a group of four.Narrator: Danny: Brian: Jenny:缓解学生的紧张情绪,活跃课堂气氛,增强学生学习英语的情趣。Step10summarize(总结提高)Teacher write “sign” on the blackboard, then ,ask the students:Do you know the word?At the zoo

12、, what signs did Jenny, Brian and Danny see?S: danger! Dont feed the animals! No photos!T: What are these signs for?They are for reminding and warning. for example,No parking ! No parking!Dont touch it!以 some signs 为线索,一方面告诉学生在动物园里要以正确的方式关爱动物,另一方面,加强学生对用于提醒和警告的功能性语言的理解和运用,这也是本单元的教学目标之一。Step10 group

13、workAsk the students to create a situation with their group members and then make some signs and use the signs exactly in their situation. Example: S1: This is a meeting room, We are having a meeting now.S2: Act an action out. ( he is smoking)T: Excuse me, Sir, Cant you see the sign? (with a sign in

14、 the hand)S2: No smoking!(read it out) Oh, sorry.活学活用,使得学生在实际生活中学会使用功能性语言。Step11 homework1. finish all the exercises in Lesson 212. Make up a new dialogue about the “signs”巩固教学成果。教学反思:本节课主要是在调动学生学习英语的积极性的基础上,围绕教学目标,充分运用合作探究学习法,让学生在充分理解故事情节的同时,能理解并熟练运用教学大纲所要求的一些基本的词汇,短语,句型。在此基础上,通过模拟情境表演,使得学生学会在特定的场景下,会灵活应用一些警示语。教学步骤清晰,课堂气氛活跃,师生互动较好,是一节比较成功的英语课。



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