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1、【趣味雅思】TED名人演讲稿:孩子的语言天赋点课台前言:雅思听力对于很多烤鸭来说都是一道难关,大家都在苦苦思索,怎样的雅思听力。今天,点课台老师给大家整理了TED演讲,附演讲稿与视频,希望可以帮助到正在备考的考生。TED是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。大家在锻炼雅思听力的时候,也可以学习一下里面的主角们的思维模式,论述方法,希望还能对大家的雅思写作有所启迪。I want you to take a look at this baby. What youre drawn to are her eyes and the ski

2、n you love to touch.我想让大家看看这个婴儿。 吸引大家关注的是她的眼睛 以及让人忍不住摸摸的皮肤。But today Im going to talk to you about something you cant see - whats going on up in that little brain of hers. The modern tools of neuroscience are demonstrating to us that whats going on up there is nothing short of rocket science. And wh

3、at were learning is going to shed some light on what the romantic writers and poets described as the “celestial openness” of the childs mind.但今天我要讲些你看不到的东西, 在她的小脑袋瓜里的东西。 当代神经科学的研究工具 展示出我们对婴儿脑袋里的东西 知之甚少。 我们要知道的 是让浪漫作家和诗人 产生灵感 并称之为孩子心智的 “非凡的通慧”What we see here is a mother in India, and shes speaking K

4、oro, which is a newly discovered language. And shes talking to her baby. What this mother - and the 800 people who speak Koro in the world - understands is that, to preserve this language, they need to speak it to the babies.大家这儿看到的 是印度的一位母亲, 她讲克罗语, 这是一种新发现的语言。 她对她的孩子说这种语言。 这位母亲 和世界上说克罗语的800人 明白要保留这

5、种语言, 他们必须对婴儿说这种语言。And therein lies a critical puzzle. Why is it that you cant preserve a language by speaking to you and I, to the adults? Well, its got to do with your brain. What we see here is that language has a critical period for learning. The way to read this slide is to look at your age on t

6、he horizontal axis.在这里有个关键的问题。 为什么要是对你和我,成年人说一种新语言 却不能保留它? 这是和你的大脑有关。 这儿我们看到 有个学习语言的关键期。 读懂这幅图的方法是看你在横轴上的年龄。(Laughter) And youll see on the vertical your skill at acquiring a second language. Babies and children are geniuses until they turn seven, and then theres a systematic decline. After puberty,

7、 we fall off the map. No scientists dispute this curve, but laboratories all over the world are trying to figure out why it works this way(笑声) 你再对应看纵轴上 你悉得第二外语的能力。 婴儿和孩子是语言天才 直到7岁 然后语言系统会呈下降趋势。 青春期后,如图我们语言能力衰退。 科学家们确信这曲线图的情况, 但是全世界的实验室 都试图查明这到底是怎么回事.Work in my lab is focused on the first critical pe

8、riod in development - and that is the period in which babies try to master which sounds are used in their language. We think, by studying how the sounds are learned, well have a model for the rest of language, and perhaps for critical periods that may exist in childhood for social, emotional and cog

9、nitive development.在我实验室的工作主要是 研究第一个关键期 这个时期是关于 婴儿试着掌握他们语言中的声音。 我们认为通过研究这些被婴儿学会的声音, 我们会给学习其他语言一个模式, 或许关键期也出现在孩童期 也为了研究社会,情感 和认知发展。So weve been studying the babies using a technique that were using all over the world and the sounds of all languages. The baby sits on a parents lap, and we train them t

10、o turn their heads when a sound changes - like from “ah” to “ee.” If they do so at the appropriate time, the black box lights up and a panda bear pounds a drum. A six-monther adores the task.我们一直研究婴儿 使用的技巧,也是全世界使用的语言技巧 和所有语言的声音技巧。 婴儿坐在父母的膝上, 我们训练他们,当听到一个声音 从“ah”到 “ee” 他们就转头。 如果他们一听到就转头, 黑盒子就会亮 会出现一只

11、敲鼓的熊猫。 六个月大的婴儿喜欢这个测试。What have we learned? Well, babies all over the world are what I like to describe as “citizens of the world.” They can discriminate all the sounds of all languages, no matter what country were testing and what language were using, and thats remarkable because you and I cant do t

12、hat.我们从中了解到什么呢? 全世界的婴儿 就如我所述的 是世界公民; 他们能区分所有语言的所有声音 不管测试在哪一国,用哪种语言。 令人惊讶的是你我却做不到这点。Were culture-bound listeners. We can discriminate the sounds of our own language, but not those of foreign languages. So the question arises: when do those citizens of the world turn into the language-bound listeners

13、that we are?我们是受制于文化局限的听众。 我们只能区分我们自己语言的声音, 但分不清外语的那些声音。 所以问题随之产生, 这些小小世界公民在什么时候 变成受制于文化局限的听众?And the answer: before their first birthdays. What you see here is performance on that head-turn task for babies tested in Tokyo and the United States, here in Seattle, as they listened to “ra” and “la” - s

14、ounds important to English, but not to Japanese. So at six to eight months the babies are totally equivalent. Two months later something incredible occurs. The babies in the United States are getting a lot better, babies in Japan are getting a lot worse, but both of those groups of babies are prepar

15、ing for exactly the language that they are going to learn.答案是:一岁之前 这里看到的是扭转头测试效果 用来测试日本东京 和美国西雅图的婴儿, 让他们听ra和la的发音 这两个发音在英文里很重要,在日语里却没有 对于6到8个月的婴儿,他们的测试结果完全相似 2个月之后便产生明显变化 在美国的婴儿掌握这些发音比较好, 在日本的婴儿却差很多 但是这两组的婴儿 均蓄势待发地要学习语言。So the question is: whats happening during this critical two-month period? This is the critical period for sound development, but whats going on up there? So there are two things going on. The first is that the babies are listening intently to us, and theyre



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