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1、定电压66500kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆Cross-liiiking polyethylene insulated power cableswith rated voltages from 66kV up to 500kV一 产品用途 Products application本产品主要用于额定电压66500kV电力线路传输和分配电能用。This product is applicable to being fixedly laid on th transmission and distribution line of rated voltages from 66k* up to 500kV

2、with the use for power transmission and distnbution适用于固定敷设电力输送如隧道、管路、直埋等场所。町以高落差或垂直敷设。Laying site for instance in tunnel,pipeline and soil to transport electncal energy.Allow for high foil or vertical mstallition二、电缆技术特点 Characteiistic of Technology 人截面电缆采用五分割导体的生产技术,工艺成熟,质鼠稳定。The large size conduct

3、or five segmental teclmology , which has advantages of very mature process and stable quality. 采用超净XLPE绝缘材料和超光滑半导电屏蔽材料以及特殊的过滤技术、特殊的模貝设计、币:力 加料、冷却凤机口循环冷却及料间和主机间的高等级净化将绝缘体的杂质、微孔和半导电层的窠起控制在 最低水平。Insulation compound is super clean and senu-conductive screen compoimd has super smooth。special filtenng tec

4、lmology and die design and gravity loading system and internal cooling circulation with blower is appliedo Operating room issuper clean closed system。These designs completely elnmiiate the risk of insulated contanimationts and void and senu-conductive protrusion. 采用第二导体预热加热技术,不但使绝缘层里外交联度保持某本一致,同时也町降

5、低交联管温度, 解决外层过交联的问题。Second conductor heating technology not only makes outer insulation uniform cuimg degiee but also lower cunng tube temperature that solves overcwniig problems。 采用去气技术去除交联反应时残留在绝缘体中的甲烷气体,并进一步消除绝缘内应力。Degassing process will removes the methane gas generated fiom cable insulation caus

6、ing by chemical reaction couise of XLPE and eliminates insulation residual stress。 绝缘屏蔽外绕包半导电缓冲层,苴厚度可充分吸收绝缘体热膨胀时的体积。The senu-conductive cushion tape is wrapped on outer semi-conductor layer and its thickness can sufficiently absorb heating expansion of insulation 铝护套采用连续挤包轧纹工艺,其厚度、波高及节距设计介理,机械强度人;弯曲

7、半径小:密封 防水性能优良,可承载人的短路电流。Aluminum sheath is continually extruded and corrugated, its tluckness and wave sliape and pith is rational , it takes advantage of high mechamcal strength and waterproof and a smaller bending radius it allows a large short ciiciut三、产品执行标准StandardsIEC 60840:1999额定电压人J: 30 kV(U

8、m=36 kV)至150 k(Um=170 kV)挤包绝缘电力电缆及其附件试验方法和要求Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 30 kV(Um=36 kV) up to 150 kV(Um=170GB/T11017-2002额定电JE 110 kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆及其附件Power cables with aoss-linked polyethylene insulation and their accessories for rated voltages o

9、f 110 kVGB/Z 18890-2002额泄电压220 LV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆及其附件Power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation and their accessories for rated voltages of 220 kVGB/T22078-2008额定电斥500交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆及其附件Power cables with cioss-linked polyethylene insulation and their accessories for rated voltages of 500 kV四、使用特性

10、 Operating characteristics1 额定电压 Rated bltage电缆额定电压用U(/U和Ug表示。Rated bltage of cable is descnbed as U(/U and Um.Uo电缆设计用的导体对地或金属屏蔽Z间的额泄匸频电压;u-电缆设计用的导体间的额定工频电压;【人一设备町承受的“最高系统电压”的最人值。Notes:Uo: Rated A C. bltage between conductor and grounmetal screen;U: Rated AC bltage between conductorsUm: The maximum

11、system voltage which the equipments can be beared .额定电压如卜:U(/U= 50/66, Um=72.5:U(/U=64/110, Um=126:U(/U= 127/220, Um=252;U(/U=290/500, Um=550。2 导体额泄 I:作温度 The rated temperature of conductor电缆导体的最高额定工作温度为90C。短时过负荷温度105C。短路时(最长持续时间不趙过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不趙过250C。The maximum assigned temperature of the cable co

12、nductor is 90 C.Short time over ciui ent temperahu e is 105 C.During having a short circiut, lasting less than 5 seconds, the maximum temperature of the cable conductor sliall not be above 250C.3、安装弯曲半径The bend radius安装时电缆最小弯曲半径为电缆U径的25倍。The nummum bend radius is 25D.4、电缆敷设时导体般人允许牵引力和电缆最人允许侧斥力The ma

13、ximum allowed haul-off force and lateral pressure of cable导体最大允许牵引力计算方法:Tlie calculating method of the maximum allowed haul-off force :铜导体(Cu): F=70X S (N/mm2)o铝导体(Al): F=40XS (N/min2)o侧 FR 力计算方法:The calculating method of the maximum allowed latei-al pressure:P=F-rR (N/m),最人允许侧用力不超过3000N/m。P=F 三 R (

14、N/m), The maximum allowed lateral pressuie3000N in式中:F牵引力,N;FLateralpressuie N:S 导体 截而,nmr;SConductor section mnT:P 侧压力,N/m:R电缆弯曲半径,moPlateral pressxne. N/m:RBend radius m五、产品表示方法 Expressed method of product1、代号Code导体代 lti Conductor code铜导体(省略)Copper conductoi- ( omitted)T铝导体 Aluminum conductorL绝缘代I

15、nsulation code交联聚乙烯绝缘 Cross-linkmg polyethylene(XLPE) insulatedYJ护套代号Sheath code聚氯乙烯夕卜护套 polyvinyl chloride outer sheath 02聚乙烯夕卜扌、套 polyethylene outer sheath 03皱纹铝套 corrugated Al sheathLW皱纹铜套 coiTUgated Copper sheathTW皱纹不锈钢套 comigated stainle ss steel sheathGW纵向阻水结构 longitudinal water blocked constnictionZ2. 产 nn 衣 方 法 Expressed method of product产品用型号.规格(额定电压、芯数、标称截面)和标准编号表示。The product is descnbed as type, specification(rated voltage, cores nmnbers, sectional area ) and standards code示例 Example:a) 额定电压64/110kV,单芯,铜孑体,标称截而800mm2,交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铝套聚



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