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1、市二中20112012学年度第一次摸拟考试初三英语试卷全卷总分120分,答题时间120分钟。第卷 选择题(共75分)一、听力(共25小题。计分25分;其中有5个小题为非选择题,计分5分。答题位置在第3页非选择题第五题听力题内)I听对话选出正确的图画。(每小题1分。共5分)( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.听句子选择最佳答语。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. A. I like swimming in the sea.B. Thats a good idea!C. Its sunny. ( ) 7. A. Never mind.B. Sorry to hear that. C.

2、 Look out!( ) 8. A. Just a little.B. Tea, please. C. That would be fine.( ) 9. A. Singing. B. Shopping. C. Basketball.( ) 10. A. I had a tooth pulled out just now. B. I have just found my eye-glasses. C. My clothes look well, I think.听对话及问题,选择最佳答案 (每小题1分共5分)( ) 11. A. His football. B. His basketball

3、. C. His volleyball.( ) 12. A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Monday. C: Next Thursday.( ) 13. A. He was cleaning the floor. B. He was playing football. C. He was drawing on the wall.( ) 14. A. Rock music.B. Country music. C. Light music.( ) 15. A. The woman cant sit beside him. B. The woman can sit beside h

4、im. C. Someone else will sit beside him.听对话选择正确答案 (每小题1分。共5分)听下面一段对话,回答第16至18小题。( ) 16. What does the old woman want to do?A. Do some shopping.B. Go to see a doctor.C. Visit her daughter.( ) 17. Where does the old womans daughter work? A. In a hotel. B. In a school. C. In a hospital.( ) 18. Why does

5、nt her daughter come to meet her? A. Because she cant find her mother at the station. B. Because she doesnt know her mothers coming. C. Because she doesnt know where to meet her mother.听下面一段对话,回答第19,20两个小题。( ) 19. What time does the boy get up every morning?A. At 7:00 a.m. B. At 6:30 a.m. C. At 6:00

6、 a.m.( ) 20. Who cooks breakfast every day?A. Zhou Jins motherB. Nobody.C. Zhou Jin.二、单项填空(共15小题,计分15分)从A 、B、 C、 D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. Who taught _ math last year? A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirs( )22. My father returned at 10 oclock _ of June 15.A. in the nightB. by the nightC. on the nightD.

7、 at night( )23. The man in the office _be Mr. Black because he phoned me from London just now. A. mustntB. may not C. cantD. neednt( )24. I saw him _basketball with Jack an hour ago.A. playsB. to playC. playedD. play ( )25 Lets go climbing if it _ tomorrow.A. wont snowB. doesnt snowC. isnt snowD. ca

8、nt snow( )26. -What delicious cakes! -They would taste _with butter.A. goodB. betterC. badD. worse( )27. -How long _ you _ the bicycle? -About two weeks.A. have, hadB. have, boughtC. did, buyD. have, get( )28. Mrs. Smith is an old friend of _.A. Bobs mother B. Bobs mothers C. mother of Bob D. Bob mo

9、thers( )29. Do you know _Guangzhou tomorrow?A. whether they leave forB. whether will they leave forC. whether they are leaving forD. whether do they leave for( )30. -_ do you read English newspapers? -I read China Daily every day.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How far( )31. His brother is _ to

10、 join the club.A. too youngB. so youngC. not young enoughD. young ( )32. -Your city looks beautiful. - Yes. Lots of trees and grass _last year. A. are plantedB. have plantedC. were plantingD. were planted( )33.-Have a nice day to you! -_.A. Well doneB. Thank youC. My pleasureD. Me, too.( )34. Mrs. G

11、reen hasnt got any money with her. She _ her bag in her room.A. stayedB. forgotC. leftD. took( )35.I have _a raincoat _ an umbrella. Thats why I have to wait until the rain stops. A. both; andB. either; orC. neither; norD. not only; but also三、完形填空(共10小题,计分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-45各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出

12、最佳选项。Many taxi drivers in Beijing are in a club called “Ham Radio Community(协会)”. Through the radio of the 36 , they can talk and help each other. Chang Tong has been a Beijing taxi 37 for over ten years. He is a member of the Ham Community. He said, “Since joining the 38 ,I feel that I have a lot o

13、f friends around me while driving. It has much more fun now.”Other members of them of the team are as 39 as Chang Tong. A driver named Mao Lixin was saved from serious situation(处境). One night, two men 40 his taxi and told him to drive them to a far-away place. During the drive, they wanted to go to different 41 many times. Mao was afraid that 42 would happen and sent a message for help. Some member drivers got the 43 , and they drove close to Mao to follow his car. At last two men got out of the car without 44 him any money, but nothing else happened.When one d


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