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1、Unit 1 Will people have robots ? 教案Unit 1 Will people have robots ?Teaching goals:1. Wordsphrases: robot, paper, less, fewle, unpleasant, fa2.will构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答 There be 句型的一般将来时 lwer 的用法学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行 预测对 five years ago ,todave years简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣通过时 间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时

2、态,巩固一般将 来时 .Important and difficul:1. will 构成一般将来时态的句式。2. There be 句型的一般将来时态。 wer , less 的用 法。4.How to make predPeriod 1Teaching procedures:LeadingGreetings: Well .Whats the date today ? Who s on duty today ?Do youur wliday ?Do youur homework ?Do you want to liv?Can you guess what will haars ?Coll a

3、nswers and sag aboud2 Pre -taB Page2 ,1aLook aure :How will the world be duture ,100 yeaw ?Were going to talk abou00 yea2.Read each predlass .Explaw vocabulaReaduake suw whauld dDo it blvTalk about the answers wlaxplain :一般将来时态构成 : will / be going to +动词原形 While-taB Page2 ,1bPraading the six pred2.R

4、eadulgs you headingPlay the tape twPlay the tape a third time .At the saanswB Page 2Pay adialogu2.Read the dialogues fluentlPairwork .Waake predaccordingamplAsk several paaversalaB Page 3 , 2a 2bReadd2.Reaductions andut the sample answPlay the tape twle the wordar in ea:lwansw 学生探究 : lwer 的 区别。 Post

5、-taPxamplample dialogue .Praading .2. Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take tuake conversations aboudGrammarFocus:Review the grammar box .Ss saaand2.Make summaries about “will ” , “fewer ” and “less ”Homework:ake predabout yourself in 10 years .Write dow2.Go ovw word 教学后记 :Period 2Teaching procedures

6、:LeadingGreetings and freetal2work :Ask twak out what they wrote down .(教师 作出适当的评价 )2 Pre-taGo over what we leada2.通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。 While-taB Page 4 , 3aPure and say :Tally .Ture is Sally five years agdally now ,anddally five yeautu2.Readulete fillingblanks individuallanswPraading .Then aad

7、 them ouB Page 4 , 3bLook at activity 3a .Make predabout Sall2.Pxamplample dialogue .Ask twad the dialogulaPraadingPairwork .Madabout SallPost-taWrite about yourselWlample of Sally .We can wabout ourselves five years ago ,today and in five yea2.Complwork individuallReview the task .Ask a fewanswHome

8、work :Draw a pictu20 years .Describla教学后记 :Period 3Teaching procedures :LeadingGreeting2.Say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five yeaw2 Pre-taB Page 5 , 1aLook aand read the headinglass .Make suw whaa2.Read the lven words .Explaw wordWrite each wordluanswB Page 5 , 1bRead the words already

9、 wa2.Groupwork: Think aboutwhat we learned before .Wwordart above .Divide the clagrouur ,lave aWhile-taB Page 5 , 2aLook aures carefully .Can you guess what well listen ?Talkabou2.ReaduWell lversations .Numbures 1-Play thetape twanswB Page 5 , 2b .This activasy ,IFor we knowversations are talking ab

10、out Alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 yeaReadu2.Pay aand the verbboxPlay the tape andanswPost-taReadu2.PairwAlexPoint out the examplample dialogue .ReadTalk about Joe s life nowars ago andaAaadialoguHomework:1.Go over the word2.写一篇 50 个单词左右的小短文,预测与展望未来我们的学习和生活。教学后记 :Period 4Teaching procedures:Le

11、adingGreeting2.Ask tway sth abouw2 While-taB Page 6 , 3aReadu2.Givuad the passaguw wordxplaw words and praadingPoint ouart .Read the column headinglaRead the passage again .Write wordanswlumns belowanswPraadingB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game:Who w?write aboulars on aaper but dont write naa2.Put all th

12、e Ss papers togTake turns reading the paper .Tguess who wPost-taB Page6 , PaRead the qubelow .2.Ask twad the dialoguAnswer the quPairwork. Get your partner s answare a few Ss conversaHomework:1.Flfcheck aw2.Go over the wordu 教学后记 :Period 5Teaching:Reading :Do youu will have your own robot ?Teaching

13、procedures :LeadingGreetings and free tal2.If possible,draw a robBb or put up a picture of a robTell :What does it look like ? What can it do ?3. Tell your partner what you know about rob2 Pre-taB Page 8 , 1bReadlassag2.Look aure together .Ask a few Ss to describe WhaReadthe words and phrabox .Praad

14、ing the wordle the words youu will readassagWhile-taB PagFirst lan the passagain idea .2.Explaglp sb w/ddo the same as make sb dIt takes /took /will take3. Ask a fewquaround the claRead the passage bPost-taGo througading agaHow many words in 1b did youly predict ?2.Go ovuctuB Page 9 , 3bawHomework:1.To make suunderstand the passage .and I waw wre caref ullass ,lanslaassag2.Go ovuawWhat ways do you think a robot will help you and your familuture .Write your ideas .



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