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1、新课标高中英语交际口语必备 2011年9月1问候 (Greetings)Hi! 喂!你好!Hello! 喂!你好!Good morning / afternoon / evening. 上午/下午/晚上好。How are you? 你好吗?How are you doing? 你怎么样?Please say hello to your parents. 请代我向你父母问好。Please give my love / best wishes to Lucy. 请代我向露西问好。Good morning / afternoon / evening. 上午/下午/晚上好。Im OK. 我还好。Fin

2、e, thanks, and you? 还行,谢谢,你呢?Very well, thank you. 很好,谢谢。Just so so. 一般般,还过得去。Sure. 当然可以。All right. 好的,好吧。2.介绍 (Introduction)My name is Jim. 我的名字叫吉姆。Im a student. 我是一名学生。Im from England. 我来自英国。This is Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms Brown. 这位是布朗先生/夫人/小姐/女士。Id like you to meet Bob. 我想遇见Bob。May I introduce Pro

3、fessor Jeff Brown? 让我介绍一下杰夫布朗。Nice / Glad / Pleased to meet (see) you. 见到你很高兴。3.告别 (Farewells )Good-bye / Bye / Bye-bye. 再见。Good night. 晚安。See you later / then / tomorrow / soon. 再见。I am sorry I have to go now. 抱歉,我的走了。I am afraid I must be leaving now. 恐怕我得离开啦。See you. 再见。Good night. 晚安。See you lat

4、er / then / tomorrow / soon. 再见。4.感谢 (Thanks )Thank you (very much). (非常)谢谢。Thanks a lot. 非常谢谢。Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙。Its very kind / nice of you. 你真是太好了。I appreciate your help. 我很感谢你的帮助。Its a pleasure. 很乐意。My pleasure. 很乐意。Thats OK/ all right. 没关系。Youre welcome. 没关系。Dont mention it. 不值得一提。

5、5.道歉 (Apologies)Sorry. Im sorry. 对不起。Excuse me, please. 打扰了。I beg your pardon. 请再说一遍。I m sorry for losing your book. 对不起,把你的书丢了。Im sorry to interrupt you. 对不起,打扰了。Im sorry (that) Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。Thats OK. 行,没问题。Its all right. 好了。Never mind. 没关系。It doesnt matter. 不要紧,没关系。Its nothing. 没事,不要紧。Forget

6、it. 忘了吧。6.邀请 (Invitation)Would you like to go for a walk? 去散步,好吗?You must come to dinner with us. 你必须和我们去吃饭。May I invite you to dinner? 我请你吃饭,好吗?What / How about having a swim? 去游泳,怎么样?OK. 好的。Id like that, thanks. 我愿意,谢谢。Yes, Id love to. 好的,我很乐意去。That would be very nice. 那样会很好。Its very nice of you,

7、but my mother is ill. 你太好了,但我母亲病了。Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time. 我想去,恐怕我没时间。Im sorry I cant. What about another time? 对不起,我没时间,换个时间怎么样?7.请求允许 (Asking for permission )May I come in? 我可以进来吗?Can / Could I use your telephone? 我可以借用一下你的电话吗?Is it all right if I sit here? 我坐这儿,行吗?I wonder if I c

8、ould smoke here. 我想知道我可以在这儿抽烟吗?Would / Do you mind if I open the window? 我打开窗户你介意吗?Yes, please. Sure. Certainly. 当然可以。Please do. Thats all right. Of course, you can. 好的,当然可以。Go ahead, please. 用吧。Im sorry, its not allowed. 对不起,这不允许。Im afraid not. Youd better not. 恐怕不能,你最好不要。Its not allowed. 不允许。Im so

9、rry, but you can smoke in the next room. 对不起,不能在隔壁房间里吸烟。8.祝贺与祝愿 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)Have a good day / time! 玩得开心!Have a good journey / trip! 一路顺风!旅途愉快!Good luck! 祝你好运!Enjoy yourself! 玩得开心!Best wishes to you. 向你致以最美好的祝愿!Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Happy birthday! 生日快

10、乐!Wish you all the success! 祝你成功!Congratulations! 恭喜你!Well done! 一切很好!You, too. 你也一样。The same to you. 你也一样。9.提供帮助 (Offering help)Do you want me to clean the room? 要我帮你打扫教室吗?Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?Would you like me to help you? 你要帮忙吗? What can I do for you? 我能帮你做什么?Let me take your bags. 让我帮你提包吧?Yes,

11、please. Yes, thanks. 好的,谢谢。That would be nice / fine. 那样会很好。Thank you for your (the) help. 谢谢你的帮助。No, thanks / thank you. 不用,谢谢。Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你。Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself. 你太好了,我尽力自己来做。10.打电话 (Making telephone calls )Hello! May I speak to Tom? 喂,请找汤姆接电话,好吗?Hello

12、! Id like to speak to Mr. Green. 你好,我找格林先生。Is that Liu Ying speaking? 你是刘英吗?Extension six two two six, please. 请接分机6226。Can I leave a message? 我能留个口信吗?Ill call back later / again. 我等会儿在打过来。Ill ring him / her up again. 我再给她打电话。Hello! This is Mary speaking. 你好,我是玛丽。Hello, who is that? 你好,你是哪位?Hold the

13、 line, please. 请稍等。Just a moment, please. 请稍等。Hello, whos speaking? 喂,你是哪位?Sorry. He / She isnt here right now. 对不起,他/她现在不在这儿。Can I take a message? 我能稍个信吗?Sorry. I cant hear you. 对不起,我听不清。The line is bad / busy. 占线。I couldnt get through. 电话打不通。Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number. 对不起,恐怕你打错电话了

14、。11.就餐 (Having meals)Would you like something to eat / drink? 你想吃/喝点什么?What would you like (to have)? 你想吃什么?Would you like some more fish? 你想再吃一块鱼吗?Help yourself tosome fish. 请吃鱼。Which do you prefer, rice or noodles? 米饭和面条,你更喜欢哪样?What would you like to drink, tea or coffee? 你想喝什么,茶还是咖啡?Yes, Id like

15、a drink. 我想要杯饮料。Id like rice and chicken. 我想吃米饭和鸡肉。Just a little, please. 只一点点。Can I have some more soup? 我能再喝点汤吗?Its so delicious. Thank you. 谢谢,非常好吃。I prefer noodles to rice. I like green tea. 我想吃面条,而不吃米饭。我想喝绿茶。No, thank you. Ive had enough. 谢谢,我够了。Im full, thank you. 谢谢,我吃饱了。Its very delicious, but I ca



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