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1、八年级英语竞赛选拔赛笔试部分(共90分)二根据首字母或上下文提示填空,使句子完整。(每空0.5分,共10分)1. Beijing is the c of China.2. In a China, emperors thought they were the sons of the heaven.3. In the forest, nothing r after a terrible fire.4. This morning, Jim w up very late and he was late for school.5. Some of the old city walls were p do

2、wn because the traffic was heavier.6. Rainforests are important. They help to c the climate.7. He likes to sing when taking a s .8. Years ago, Wang Feng and his friends s up a rock band.9. -Whats your hobby? -C stamps.10. How l the song is! I like it so much.11. China has formed its unique tea (文化).

3、12. The boy was (害怕的,受惊的) when he saw a snake.13. What an (经历)! Ive learned a lot.14. Im so happy that youve (接受 ) my invitation.15. You should follow your (牙医的 ) advice.16. He likes to go out to have a look at the (自然界 ).17. Would you mind (分享) the meal with me? I have no money with me.18. We need

4、to do more things to (保护 ) the environment.19. I hate to do (无聊的 ) work.20. The (政府 ) now pays more attention to the old.三用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空0.5分,共10分)1. Whats wrong? You look so (worry).2. Sarah dances (well) in her class.3. Will you go to the gym (cheer) them on?4. Its necessary for us (learn) basic s

5、kills.5. When they heard the news, they jumped with (happy).6. He was so sad because he (fail) the exam again.7. Have you got used to (eat) with chopsticks?8. Did you know that it was (use) to be angry? It only could hurt yourself.9. Are you afraid of (be) alone at home at night?10. Look! The old wa

6、lls have been (join) together.11. This hotel is one of (nice) hotels in the city.12. What does Lucy want to be when she (grow) up?13. It took us three hours (go) through this desert.14. Just now I saw them (swim) in the river. It was dangerous.15. Please be careful not (cut) yourself!16. In Guangzho

7、u you can see many (foreign) visiting the city.17. Healthy eating habits (help) to build us up.18. (not be) upset! Listen to some music and relax!19. How (terrible) he spoke! Did he sleep well last night?20. This shirt is too small. Can you show me a (big) one?四英汉互译。(每小题1分,共20分)1. 动身去,出发去 11. long j

8、ump 2. 参加(活动) 12. go hiking 3. 今天下午 13. fall ill 4. 生某人的气 14. shout at sb. 5. 就座,坐下 15. as well 6. 立刻,马上 16. places of interest 7. 至少 17. quite a lot 8. 对某人严格要求 18. check over 9. 熬夜 19. in different ways 10. 照顾,关爱 20. light pink 五 完成句子。(每空0.5分,共30分)1. Who taught him to play the drums? -Nobody. He _

9、_ _ (自学).2. He is very busy. He sleeps _ _ (少于) five hours a night.3. I think it important to do _ _ (户外活动).4. Im _ _ _ _ ( 累得走不动). Let me have a rest.5. _ _ _ _ _ (为了解决) this problem, they discussed for long.6. I dont like staying at home. _ _ (事实上), I like hanging out on the street.7. The story is

10、 not true. I _ _ _ (编出来的).8. The number of pandas now is getting_ _ _ (越来越少 ).9. Where is the dictionary? I want to _ _ (查阅) a word.10. They thought robots would _ _ _ _ (代替) humans in the future.11. Do you know when this kind of music _ _ _ (形成)?12. The flight was put off _ _ (因为) the snow.13. Dont

11、 talk about anything personal _ _ (公开地).14. Could you tell me _ _ _ (怎么说)about the accident?15. They will finish building the bridge _ _ _ _ _ _ (在今年年底).16. I _ _ _ (赶不上) the early bus yesterday.17. Do you _ _ _ (适应)the life there?18. When and where will the film _ _ (上映)?19. Mr Chen _ _ _ (受欢迎) his students.20. He is a doctor _ _ _ (有丰富


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