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1、题 目:紫砂鱼头浓汤制作工艺及其营养对比姓 名:学 号专 业:指导教师:职 称I分类号 密级 华中农业大学本科毕业论文紫砂鱼头浓汤制作工艺及其营养对比Study on head of fish soup production process cooked by Purple casserole and the nutrition comparison学生姓名: 学生学号:学生专业: 指导教师: 目录摘要IV1.前言11.1制汤的原料与特点11.2 汤风味形成过程21.3 鱼汤的感官评价31.4 研究目的与主要内容41.4.1 研究目的与意义41.4.2 主要技术路线41.4.3 主要研究内容5

2、2.材料与方法62.1 实验材料62.1.1 实验原料62.1.2 主要试剂62.2主要实验仪器与设备62.3 实验方法72.3.1 鱼头烹制方法72.2.2 熬制方法正交实验设计72.3.3 原料的前处理82.3.4 原料的贮藏82.3.5 分析样品的处理92.3.6 固形物含量测定92.3.7 粗蛋白含量测定92.3.8 粗脂肪含量的测定92.3.9 灰分含量的测定92.3.10 感官品质评定102.4 数据处理103.结果与分析113.1 熬制条件对鲢鱼鱼头汤品质的影响113.1.1 熬制过程对鲢鱼鱼头汤营养成分含量的影响113.1.2 熬制条件对鲢鱼鱼头汤的感官品质影响143.1.3

3、鲢鱼鱼头汤的适宜熬制条件163.2 熬制模式对鲢鱼鱼头汤品质的影响163.2.1 熬制模式对鲢鱼鱼头汤粗蛋白的影响163.2.2 熬制模式对鲢鱼鱼头汤固形物含量的影响173.2.3 熬制模式对鲢鱼鱼头汤灰分含量的影响173.2.4 熬制模式对鲢鱼鱼头汤粗脂肪含量的影响183.2.4 熬制模式对鲢鱼鱼头汤感官品质的影响193.2.5 鱼汤的感官品质与营养成分含量的相关性203.2.6 小结20结论21参考文献22致谢24摘要汤作为我国居民最喜爱的烹饪菜肴之一,不仅美味可口,还能滋补营养、增进食欲。紫砂锅是新一代保健用锅,可以革除有害人体健康的金属材料和化学涂料,采用优质天然紫砂精工陶制内胆,对人



6、香气、色泽主要取决于肉和汤粗脂肪含量和固形物含量,滋味只要取决于肉和汤的粗蛋白含量、灰分含量。较高的粗脂肪和固形物有更佳的品质。3.研究了烹制模式对鲢鱼头汤营养成分和感官品质的影响。比较了紫砂锅和美的煲汤锅煲汤的营养品质和感官品质差异。采用紫砂试验锅所熬制的鱼汤其粗蛋白含量、固形物含量较高,营养好,易于消化和吸收。智能电饭煲所熬制的鱼汤在灰分含量、粗脂肪含量方面较高。感官品质方面,紫砂试验锅所熬制的鱼汤在滋味和气味方面比智能电饭煲品质要好,色泽方面两者旗鼓相当。 关键词:鲢鱼;鱼头汤;烹制;品质;营养 23AbstractSoup as our residents of one of the

7、favorite cooking dishes, not only is delicious, still can be nourishing nutrition, stomachic .Violet arenaceous pot is a new generation of health care in pots, which can abolish that is harmful to the health of human body metal materials and chemical coating, using the high quality natural violet ar

8、enaceous seiko ceramic liner , which is harmless to human body and absolutely safety. Silver carp is one of the famous four everybody fish. Silver carp soup has the good effect on the body and it can Warm stomach and smooth skin. So,it is always one of the favorite cooking dishes, but the research o

9、f violet arenaceous cooking fish soup about cooking methods and characteristics of the nutrition is rarely .Based on the fish head of silver carp as raw material, use different processing technology preparation fish soup, study the best technology of purple fish soup pot route. This article discusse

10、d and compared with traditional soup pot in nutrition, taste composition, performance to the shape of the difference, expecting for purple sand pot soup technology to provide theory support technology.1. The cooking process parameters on the effect of silver carp head soup quality is studied .Using

11、four period of legal soup process and voltage, high temperature time, heat preservation temperature and holding time obviously impact on meat and soup nutrition characteristic and sensory quality. Warming voltage, high temperature time, heat preservation temperature, holding time all have very signi

12、ficant or significant influence on the color and lustre of soup, taste and aroma .Among them, warming voltage have the biggest influence on voltage aroma. High temperature has the biggest influence on color and luster . The preservation insulation measures also has the effect on color and lustre .Th

13、e best cooked condition for fish soup with Silver carp head is firstly heated with 140V ,then keeping high temperature time with 20 min, then heat preservation 40 min at 95 . With the condition of cooking fish soup, the protein content, ash content and solids content is higher, the quality is good.2

14、. The analysis of physical and chemical index and the senses flavored the correlation of quality are studied. The crude protein content of the meat and color and lustre is negative correlation, the crude protein content of the soup and color and lustre, taste and aroma is a significant negative corr

15、elation. Crude fat of soup and meat contents is very significant positive correlation with color and lustre,. The same wit ash and color, smell, taste of soup .The content of soup and taste and aroma were very significant correlation, and smells a negative correlation. The crude protein content of meat and soup has negative correlation with sensory quality .Other indicators are positively



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