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1、7B Unit6 Outdoor funPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit 一、翻译下列词组1.赶快 2.为某人背某物 3.抱怨太多 4.那么重 5.去野营 6.户外活动 7.去骑马 8.美丽的湖泊和小山 二、根据句意及中文提示填写单词1.The hotel has an _(户外的)swimming pool.2.If we _(匆忙), well get there in time.3.Jennys always _(抱怨)that her boss gives her too much work.4.It was quite a large fish-about _

2、(那么)long.5.Let me _ (拎) the shopping bags for you., Mum.6. _ (溜冰) is one of her hobbies.7.The woman _ (骑) her bike to work every day.8. In the zoo, we can see many _(horse).9. What do you like about _ (jog)?10. Do you like going _ (cycle) with me?11. I love many outdoor_ (activity).12._ (swim)is a g

3、ood outdoor activity.13. The robbers tried_ (run) away but failed at last.三、单项选择( ) 1. -_! Or we wont catch the last bus. -Im too tired to go any further. A. Dont worry B. Hurry up C. Sorry D. Fast( ) 2. Let me help you _ the box. -No, thanks. I can do it by myself. A. bring B. take C. get D. carry(

4、 ) 3. We dont need to feed goldfish _ at a time.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( ) 4. I like _ to the music. I would like _ a new CD.A. listening; to buy B. to listen; buyingC. listening; buying D. to listen; to buy( ) 5. What about _ a play this evening? -Good idea! Let me book(预定)t

5、he tickets on the Internet. A. watching B. to watch C. looking at D. to see四、根据汉语完成句子。1.他们经常参加室外活动。They often take part in .2.我们夏天经常去骑马。We often in summer.3.你喜欢待在外面吗?Do you like ?4.我们没有什么可抱怨的。We have nothing about.5.给他们打个电话,让他们快一点。Call them and tell them to . 6.这个包太重了我拎不动。The bag is _ _ for me _ _.五

6、、阅读理解 Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes you strong and smart If you exercise every day, you can get good grades in the exam and do homework well. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball ga

7、mes. But remember: Exercise enough, but not too much. Its best to exercise thirty minutes each time. Many people go to special places to exercise. People call them healthy centers. They have a lot of equipment there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body. Exer

8、cise can be fun Friends can exercise together at a healthy center. Or, they can play sports together.( )1. Which of the following isnt the result of exercise? A It can make us strong and smart B It can make us do work Well. C. It can make us get good grades. D. It can make us heavy.( )2. If you want

9、 to be healthy, you cant_. A. walk or skate B. run and swim C. swim or play soccer D. watch TV all day( )3. Its best to exercise_ each time. . A. twenty minutes B. thirty minutes C. forty minutes D. fifty minutes( )4. The underlined word equipment means_ in Chinese.A.器材B.机器C.武器D.武装( )5. Which of the

10、 following is wrong? A. Friends can exercise together. B. We should exercise too much. C. We all need to exercise. D. Exercise can bring us fun. 67B Unit6 Outdoor funPeriod 2 Reading I一、 翻译下列词组1.一个晴朗的日子_ 2.掉下兔子洞_3.坐在河边_ 4.听见一个声音_5. 向上看_ 6.一只穿着大衣的白兔_7.看见正经过_ 8.从它兜里掏出一块表_9.多么神奇啊!_ 10.跟着兔子穿过田野_11.跳下一个大

11、洞_ 12.逃脱,离开_二、 根据句意和中文提示完成单词1. _(兔子) like to eat carrots. They look lovely.2. I lost my money , because there was a _(洞)in my pocket.3. My uncle has a few _(手表), they are wonderful and expensive.4. My brother _(掉落)down from the tree last Sunday, and broke his left leg.5. Be careful on the road, or t

12、he car may _(撞)you.6. He invited me to go (ride) two days ago.7. Millie (pass) my home gate every morning when she goes to school.8. She learnt French all by (she) last year.9. All the doors are _ (lock) from the outside.10. My little sister is afraid to go out (lonely) at night.11. I looked out of the window and saw an old lady_(pass)


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