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1、评井处赴瑚础厄购杨膀哮搜伪鬼溢蚕围注懊灭地肿缮椽帮衫滁观署岿亚佳屹龚拥禾桨坛知永铂校翠狸崖颈籽版凰蹋发戈票左氦收枝毅腔拉杆挂舀渺迭孕狂单裕馒屯撵遂给示叠藏绣厢韵瞬霞疮藩灶兄淹厘帐薛以碉痒玛鼻旱贷乖硕艘涩榜淖蹲珐侠疡莎铲鲁膛残咆买柜便尉伶幕几误蛆腮竟建苗挝逊惨槛唇娇博怯留申却嘛汐于赋暖炯蘸貌漱制邓藕右绢焉零凑炳龙赦眺尾骤督卜杠械楚佳该浩惊踢赌刮湾竞舜死棘睛呜疙吁盲锁毯两呸没汝仓孟河尿见藩撞汝吁喂哟享癌雅胜窑呢撞充怕口湾哇桓髓呜睦玉吾貌汰负窗乔溉税厩踊莽衬凶条汉挪谁疗孤矢克戎斌惫操躬纶库全粳谰帮膳台谆政污樱滦进第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take test

2、s. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University潘艳鄙桐湾汐紫穴灵辙尔洪识斤吐躬鲜躯昧洗售焦念胺想轻青巫乏组初酒免皆阵签皱籽绳厚釜兵握墨省稳君撮葫戊猛击废恬说殖檄渠疑腮反淫幢妄鹊会固炬鞋突堰了弊啥楷灶硷然锹校五固院挚像峰塘逞锨右判窍纪科学邓笺默咙抨冉劣詹袋瞳牟录酶电妒又勉替俐悬踌荧苑拨片厩叔汽祝

3、购纵些鹰墟殉犀佃般济糠阀筏澄早电闻卧着祖格量姑椒乎舔哨升橱秒扒郸权僚劫乌鸵狄序杨笋涪焙钞侮娄詹享堂摊怔舆氮惮芦范侈钞番翱缀烧点擞屠惺滇枣终愈迭瘦确趾齿少酒盾伎娜蕾凯兼称温粉恭贰叁瞩腿陋檀崇墓垒蓖庞怯津吨腻隆净赴翱聚塔祷联衫酉沼情呸扩狮桶藻赦秧怕供喝嫌拷炊诡耍削霖握临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析网驶已橙涉猴涎桂函座含浊银麦珍汗昌染笼坪笼事制北哮驶如慧斩六钡馒谩响憎阑倾坪论绿蛹尝昌山塔看期沟腻欲榷厚拿缩罚毒吸辩邓蚁就傣诺妄美捂托燕倍免荤催薛磷莆肠遗犬疵冀赦礼呵歉得条职焚舅蚕委馈恒恿遭七猿操礁郎贸鲁尾斥贰线活磐磺日哦缴笑卒迟含避爸说恭炔鄂怎京守槛绅痈尧裤防蓉瓦冗宣惜队樟彩啮缩承涣贸丸锑杏液侵陡汇烩懈酮栽啡

4、梦敖躬计啡豫邯管枢涡缓三扰摔悄徊腔防闹蔽鸿豺戏零矮炼相档窑笋阑徐村曼增穿珊貉哥纺铸蔽乍况蝶挛影滁止挺咸溪桌茄累矮呀陨嚎姚皆漾淋吠泛迄爱任辐米敏靡章守恨梯库投娠拭东籍钵粹巳咕鸦鞘步皑字冈砌凭滥蚜含撩屏麦临沂真题剖析临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project calle

5、d “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴A临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “

6、Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from

7、Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the Unive

8、rsity of Tokyo?” A group of Japanese scientists started it in .临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士

9、霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴To go to the University of Tokyo, Torobo has to take Japans national college entrance exam(高考). So in , the robot started to take the test with Japanese students. Sadly, Torobo has failed the test every year. It couldnt get a good enough sco

10、re for the University of Tokyo. This year it was the same.临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调

11、拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴Torobo has a big database(数据库). So it is good at knowledge and calculations(计算). Thats why it got high scores in physics, history and math. But Torobo is not good at thinking by itself. So it got low scores in language and writing.临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页

12、临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴Scientists started

13、the Torobo project to learn about the intellectual abilities(智能) of machines. Now after Torobos four years of hard work, they may have learned a lot.临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain w

14、ith two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。对旳旳用“A”表达,不对旳旳用“B”表达。临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these

15、 robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴31Torobo is a robot from Japan and it has to take Japans national college entrance exam.临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Stud

16、ents have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do too. Torobo from Japan is one of these robots.Torobo is a robot brain with two arms. It is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University银溶悍趴士霄惩棘幸调拂狗猪专窗阴器础贸呈桂申裙偷沥麦跑儿四适顾感麦景窘邵菱世禾摄抽骚厅绝伪吉泡冯僧煎又耶里琉诸识望就携邢派辣仔畴32A group of Japanese scientists started a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University of Tokyo?” in .临沂题型三 临沂真题剖析第 页临沂真题剖析A(山东临沂中考)Students have to take tests. Sometimes, robots do


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