高二英语外研版选修10学案:话题导入 Module5 Hightech Living 含解析

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1、 精品资料Module 5High-tech Living话题导入不管人们有没有意识到,科学技术已经深深地影响着我们的日常生活,在经济社会发展中扮演着不可或缺的角色。作为当前社会的一员,我们不仅应该认识到科技的重要性,还应该努力学习科学技术,用科学技术来武装我们的头脑,具有献身科学的勇气和决心,具有用科学技术来发展全人类的博大胸怀。更重要的是,我们还应当教育我们的后代,要热爱科学,尊重科学。背景知道闫诺荣获微软MVP后的自我介绍:我叫闫诺,男,16岁,汕头金山中学学生。非常高兴可以荣获微软MVP称号。自从1995年开始接触计算机和互联网,我就一下子被它吸引住了。在熟悉计算机基本操作以及基础知识


3、,我每天在微软新闻组上跟网友和专家们讨论技术问题,即使有时完成学校的任务已经到了深夜,我也要到新闻组上看看网友是否有尚待解决的技术问题。同样,对于已经掌握的技术,我写了一些原创文章和FAQ文章发表在讨论微软技术的网站(比如微软中国社区网站)上,我也会继续这方面的努力,共享资源与知识。同时,我也正在联合各技术专家来建立一个讨论微软技术的站点,估计6月份可以开通,网址是http:/。我会继续努力下去,不断学习和实践新的微软软件技术。我喜爱Windows,喜爱C#.net,喜爱尽力帮助别人,喜爱和更多的人共享技术资源。引入型阅读I HAVE SEEN AMAZING THINGSMy first v

4、isit was to a space station considered the most modern in this part of space. Described as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity.Inside,it is divided into zones with extraordinarily different atmospheres and gravities.Here the alien creatures live

5、 while they work with human space scientists searching for new worlds.So you can imagine how exciting that is!The friendliest creatures are the mu-mu,a family from the Pleiades group of stars.They see in the dark so they live in an area without light of any kind.If you go there,you must wear red nig

6、htlights on your helmets so that you can see,but the mu-mu wont be disturbed.They have assisted in the discovery of planets round the fourth star in the Pleiades system.Next year the World Space Agency will send a spaceship to examine this star and its planets.The most interesting creatures are the

7、tiny dimpods from a galaxy near NGC 6240.They skip around the pipes and between the wooden walls of the space station.They require the same atmosphere as humans and are great engineers.If you give them a drawing of a new spaceship,they can build it in twenty-four hours!Then it will be able to travel

8、 many light years away from the earth.They can also produce a liquid from their bodies,which melts metal.If you cover something with a little of that liquid it will go soft and,with a lot,it will change into a kind of rubber that sets very hard.It is wonderful for the outside of spaceships! Neither

9、of these creatures is easy to talk to.You have to use a language-changer to help.The mu-mu only speak in whispers but the dimpods shout loudly in your ear.Both eat food that contains carbon.The mu-mu drink a strange mixture of carrot juice and cocoa,while the dimpods drink lemon ade mixed with herbs

10、.The mu-mu are tall and thin with black and white faces.They have six “arms”,which they wave about when they talk.They move forward by slowly shaking from side to side on a shell-covered “leg”.The dimpods have so many arms and legs you cannot tell which is which.They are small,just the size of a little cat.They are purple or blue and the colour changes depending on their mood.问题:What are the features of the mu-mu?答案:They are very friendly and they can see in the dark so they live in an area without light of any kind.最新精品英语资料



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