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1、Unit 1 Topic 2 SA导学学案一、学习目标 Aims and demands1、掌握新词汇: mind, favor, ill, practice, pass, somewhere, throw, manage; 2、 学习新的表达形式: do sb a favor, fall ill, throw bottles around, make ones bed; 3、 继续学习一般将来时- will+动词原形 二、学法指导 How to study1、预习Unit 1 Topic2 Section A,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2、学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、自主预习.英汉互

2、译下列单词并标上词性。1.思想、头脑 _( ) 2. 好心,帮助 _( )3. ill _( ) 4. 练习 _( ) 5. 通过 _( ) 6.somewhere _( ) 7. 扔、抛 _( ) 8. 设法 _( )II在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1、do me a favor _ 2、fall ill _3、be glad to _ 4、right away _5、throw bottles around _ 6、make ones bed _. 翻译并熟记下列句子.1.迈克,你能帮我个忙吗? _2. 但是我的一个队友生病了。_3. 你愿意教我吗? _-当然可以_4. 让我们一起去

3、练习吧。. _5. -让我再试一次你介意吗?_ -当然不介意_6. -请不要把你的自行车放在这儿好吗?_ -对不起,我马上把它放到别处去。_7. -请你不要把瓶子乱扔好吗?_ -对不起,我以后不这样做了。_8. 你真是太好了,不过我自己能设法做好。_1. could you please do ? 【课文原句】 _【分析点拨】(1) Could you please? = Would you please? 都表示客气、委婉地提出请求,“ 请好吗”,此处could不表示过去式。如: Could you please help me study English?翻译:_ Could you pl

4、ease clean the classroom with me?翻译:_(2) do sb a favor = give sb a hand = help sb 帮某人的忙如:Maria:Linda. Could you do me a favor? Linda:Yes? Maria:We would like to have a party this weekend. Could you please help us prepare the food and drinks? Linda:Its my pleasure. (请试着口头翻译以上对话) 2.【课文原句】But one of my

5、 teammates fell ill. 译文_.(1) one of + 可数名词复数,意为“中之一”,当它作主语时,谓语动词用_数形式 如:One of my friends is a boy. One of his sisters is a doctor.(2) fall ill 生病,得病 fall在此为系动词,fell是fall的过去式,如: My mother fell ill yesterday, so I have to look after her at home today. 翻译:_ She is very weak. She often falls ill. 翻译:_

6、【知识链接】be ill, fall ill, feel ill be ill 有病的,得病的,强调的是一种状态; fall ill 生病,得病,强调的是动作,由没病到生病的过程,如: He is ill now. (强调_)翻译:_ Dont be tired, or you will fall ill. (强调_)翻译:_ feel ill 感觉不舒服,重在一种身体感受,如: Are you feeling ill now? 翻译:_ I feel ill these days. 翻译:_3.【课文原句】Will you join us? - Id be glad to. 译文_.(1)

7、will 在这表示“劳烦别人做事或请求别人做事”,不表示将来时态。 (2) Id be glad to.是I would be glad to. 的缩写,答语中to 后的动词可以省略,但to不能省略。 be glad to 乐意做,如:Im glad to see you again.我很乐意帮助你。翻译:_4、【课文原句】Will you join us? - Id be glad to. 译文_.(1) Would you mind? 意为“你介意吗”?这是英语中委婉请求的表达方式,语气委婉、客气、礼貌,易于被对方接受,其结构是:Would you mind + 动名词 + 其他?同义句是

8、Could you please do sth? 该句的否定形式为Would you mind not doing sth? 意为“别做好吗”?如:Would you mind opening the window ? _ Would you mind doing me a little favor?_ _ Would you mind mailing this letter for me? _ Would you mind passing the dictionary to him ? _ Would you mind not smoking? _(2)常用用法还有: Would you m

9、ind + 名词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing sth?如:Would you mind me/my smoking here? 翻译:_ Would you mind me/my opening the window? 翻译:_注意:动名词前可加一个逻辑主语,一般用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,用与不用意义不同。如:Do you mind smoking here? 你介意在这儿抽支烟吗? (你抽烟)Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这儿抽支烟吗? (我抽烟)Would you mind + if 从句。如:Would you mind if I s

10、moke? 翻译:_(3) Would you mind 句型一般用在面对陌生人时或者非常正式的场合,用来表达委婉、客气的意愿,不用在朋友之间,或者普通、随便的场合。注意:Would you mind 后面不能加不定式,would you mind 用来表示要求许可或者请求别人做事,后面常接doing 或if从句。回答时,如果要拒绝对方的提议时,常用Im sorry或Im afraid youd better not.等表示委婉的拒绝,如果听从对方的提议,常用Certainly not. / Of course not. / No, not at all. 等表示赞同和接受,不能用yes。【拓展】和mind有关的常用短语有:never mind 没关系,一点也不介意 make up ones mind 下决心keepin mind 记住 change ones mind 改变主意5.【课文原句】But I can manage it myself. 译文_.(1) manage ( v.) 管理,设法对付,通过努力完成某事,在口语中常和can, could, be able to连用,如:Can you manage another piece of cake? 你还能再吃块蛋糕吗?(2) myself 在本句中做主语的同位语,如:I



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