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1、初二下期末句型复习一、Would like to do sth. 愿意做某事1. 我买了一些水果,你想尝一尝吗? I bought some fruit, _?2. 你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?_a film with me?3. 你愿意和我一起去游泳吗?_ with me?二、Thank you for doing Sth. 感谢做某事1. 感谢你帮助了我。_ me.2. 谢谢你帮我学英语。_ my English3.谢谢你帮我量体温。_ My temperature.三、spend in doing/ on sth. It take Sb, some time to do Sth. 花费做某

2、事1. 昨天晚上花了我两个小时做作业。I_ my home work.It_ my home work.2. 托尼每天花费一小时做运动。Tony_ sports._ do sports.3.暑假我讲用一周时间去旅游。I_ in summer holiday.It_ in summer holiday.四、 be afraid that+ 句子/ be afraid of doing / be afraid to do 害怕做1. 恐怕一天时间完成任务很难。 I_ finish the work in one day. 2. 我害怕患感冒。_3. 贝蒂害怕独自在家。 Betty _ at hom

3、e.五、feel/ taste/ smell/ sound/ look + 形容词1. 我感到不舒服 _2. 这些蔬菜尝起来很美味。 The vegetables_3.它听起来很美 It_六、help Sb do/ to do. Help Sb. with Sth. 帮助某人做某事1. 我经常帮妈妈做家务。I often_ housework.2.他昨天帮我学英语了。He_ my English.3.他经常帮他的同学做作业。He often_ homework. 六、one of the +形容词最高级+ 名词复数 最之一1.长江是中国最长的河流之一Changjiang river is_ i

4、n China.2.他是我们班最好的学生之一He_ in our class.3.莫言是世界上最著名的作家之一Moyan_ writers in the world.七、 too to do sth./ so that1.他太小了,还不能上学。(1)He is _ go to school.!2) He is _ go to school.2. 大明学习非常努力,他追上了其他同学。Daming _ he catches up with the others.3.这道题太难了,没有人能做出来(1)The problem is _ work it out.(2) The problem is_ N

5、o one can work it out.八、 Its time to do Sth./ Its time for Sth.该到做某事的时间了1.该上课了(1)_ class.(2)_ class.2.该睡觉了。(1)_ to bed.(2)_ to bed.3. 该上学了。(1)_ to school.(2)_ to school.九、why dont you do/ why not do 为什么不做某事?1.为什么不试一试?(1)_(2)_2为什么不参加我们的聚会?(1)_ our party?(2)_ our party?3.为什么不把孩子叫醒?(1)_ the child_?(2)_

6、 the child _?十、 I dont think that 我认为不1. 我认为吸烟是有害的_to smoke.2.我认为抄作业是不对的。_ to copy others homework.3.我认为学好英语不难。_ to learn English well.十一、be interested in Sth./ doing Sth. 对做某事感兴趣1. 我对游泳感兴趣I am_2. 玲玲过去对打篮球感兴趣LIngling_ basketball.3. 我们对旅游感兴趣。We_十二、Youd better do Sth. Youd better not do Sth. 最后做、别做某事1

7、. 你最后早睡早起。_ to bed early and get up early.2. 你最好上学别迟到。_ for school.3. 你做好按时完成作业。_ your homework on time.十三、be famous for 因而著名1. 中国因长城而著名。China_ the Great Wall.2. 姚明因篮球而闻名。Yaoming_.3. 四川因大熊猫而闻名。Sichuan_ the panda.十四、 Whats wrong with/ Whats the matter/trouble with 怎么了?1. 你看上去很苍白,怎么了?You look pale, _2

8、. 你昨天怎么了?_十五、 some others 一些 其他的1. 教室里,一些学生在聊天,其他学生在唱歌。The Students are in class now, _ chatting, _2. 昨天在操场上,一些学生在跑步,一些学生在踢球,其他的学生在打篮球。On the playground, _, _, _ yesterday.3. 每个人都有爱好,一些人喜欢读书,一些人喜欢做运动,其他的人喜欢收集东西,Everyone has hobbies, _, _, _十六、be proud of因而自豪1. 我们因莫言而自豪。We_ Moyan.2.我因你而自豪I_ you.3.我们因

9、你帮助他人而自豪。We_ to help others.综合练习:1. 今晚,你愿意和我共进晚餐吗?_ have dinner with me tonight?2. 到了一个陌生的城市,买一张地图是很重要的。When you are in a new city, _ a map.3.因为下大雨,他让我等了两个小时。Because of the heavy rain, _.5. 我花了很长的时间才理解了那幅油画的含义。_ the meaning of the painting.6.冰箱出什么故障了? 噪音太大。_the fridge? Its so noisy.7.咱们停下来歇会吧。Lets _ a rest.8.雨下得太大了,你最好别出去。 Its raining so hard. _ go out.9.体育加试就要到了,你最好每天都坚持锻炼。 P.E examination is coming. _ doing sports every day. 10.那孩子太累了,躺床上就睡着了。That boy was _he fell asleep on the bed. 11. 嗨! 同学们,该去帮助王奶奶做家务了。Hi, class. _Granny Wang _ the housework.12.



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