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1、饶平师范实验小学 英 语 科第 八 册第 一 单元课时备课表 设计老师:邱泽璇课 序:第一单元第一课时教学内容:Vocabulary: a box of chocolate , a loaf of bread, a carton of milk , a can of cola, a tube of toothpaste, a bunch of flowers, a pair of sunglasses, 教学目标:1.Learn to recognize and read out the vocabulary. 2.students can use the vocabulary to talk

2、 about their hobby.教学重难点:read and understand the word: How much was it ? 教学准备:objects 教学过程:环节(内容)教 学 活 动备注Step OneRevisionStep TwoPresentationStep ThreeTalk: Show the pictures of bread, candy, ice cream, etc.Revise the words and expressions: a .of 1. Introduce the vocabulary: Revise the expressions

3、above, and show the new pictures of Unit One, vocabulary,Teach the new expressions by using pictures2. Teach the new expressions one by one.Then put up the words cards and pictures.3. Students match the new expressions and the right pictures, check their answers and read aloud the expressionsShow th

4、e pictures of shopping mall,supermarket, grocery store, Teacher point to the shoes and say I bought my shoes at the shopping mall. Let students point to the right pictures. Then ask some of the students “Where did you buy.? Help the students answer “I bought it /them at the .教学过程:环节(内容)教 学 活 动备注Step

5、 FourStep FiveHomeworkListen to the tape of Review. Students repeat the sentence.Review of vocabulary and review sentencesCopy the vocabulary饶平师范实验小学 英 语 科第 八 册第 一 单元课时备课表 设计老师:邱泽璇课 序:第一单元第二课时教学内容:Conversation and practice 1-2教学目标:1.Revise the vocabularies last lesson.2.Learn to recognize and read o

6、ut the vocabulary. 3.students can use the vocabulary to talk about their activities.教学重难点:read and understand the word. can talk about activities and frequency of doing activities.教学准备:a calendar 教学过程:环节(内容)教 学 活 动备注Step OneRevisionStep TwoPresentationStep ThreePractice 2Step Four Homework1. Talk: T

7、: Show the pictures of vocabulary , read and check the reading of the expressions2.Revise these words: cheap, expensive, cheaper, more expensive, good , bad, smaller, bigger, etc.1.Show the price of some things . Ask which is cheaper? More expensive. Etc.2.Books close. Listen to the tape of conversa

8、tion for twice. Ask some questions about Tony and Gogo.a : What did Gogo buy? b : Where did he buy the hat and the sunglasses? c: Were cheap or dear? 1. Have Ss look at the Q &A on the page. Ask two Ssto Come to the front of the classroom and role-play GogoAnd Tony.2.Dialogue like this :What did you

9、 buy?I bought .3.Then put SS in groups of four to interview each other1.learn to read out the vocabulary and target.2.write down the words on the exercise book.饶平师范实验小学 英 语 科第 八 册第 一 单元课时备课表 设计老师:邱泽璇课 序:第一单元第三课时教学内容:Conversation , practice 1, song activity教学目标:1.Revise the vocabularies and the targe

10、t.2.Learn to read the conversation by themselves. 3.students can understand the conversation.教学重难点:kl gl 教学准备:a tape recorder . 教学过程:环节(内容)教 学 活 动备注Step OneRevisionStep TwoSong ActivityStep ThreePractice 1Step FourSong ActivityStep FiveHomework Revise the conversation , ask some of the students to a

11、ct it out in class.1.listen and learn to sing : “ How much was it?”2. Have Ss open their books and look at the picturesPlay the tapeand point to each picture for Ss to follow.Put Ss in pairs and ask them to play the roles of Gogo and Jenny.1. Have Ss look at the pictures. Ask questions about the oth

12、er pictures.2.Have Ss put a checkmark in the correct box.1.Ask individual ss to read the lyrics.2.Play the tape and have Ss fill in the blanks.pause the tape from time to time if necessary.3.Play the tape again and have Ss practice singing together. Divide Ss into four groups and assign each group a

13、 verse.have each group choose one group Member to sing the answer part .1. Learn to sing the song.2. Learn to read the conversation.3. Make a dialogue their activity and talk about the frequency of doing activities.饶平师范实验小学 英 语 科第 八 册第 一 单元课时备课表 设计老师:邱泽璇课 序:第一单元第四课时 教学内容: Activity, sounds and words 教学目标:1.Revise the vocabularies and the target .2.Revise the conversation and try to act it out . 3.Learn to prounouce the sound kl. Try to read out the words.教学重难点: kl gl 教学准备:a tape recorder . 教学过程:环节(内容)教 学 活 动备



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