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1、先锋小学教师集体备课用表年级: 学科:英语 主备: 执教: 年 月 日教学内容(课时)Unit 4 the second period(story time)教学目标1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 jump,swim,skate, a basketball, a football。2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Can you? Yes,I can./No,I cant. Can he/she?Yes,he/she can. No,he/she cant.能理解play basketball very well。 Have a try.教学重难点Aim 1,2教学方法课前准备

2、人物头像,ppt,笑脸和哭脸,黑板上画四线三格。教学过程(含板书设计)调整修改A. Pre-reading1)T: Free talk.2)T:Lets play a game first: Tip:快速大声说出人物名或动作类单词,当看到炸弹时大声说:“bomb嘭”。3)(出示姚明图片)Who is he?What can he do?复习play basketball揭示课题:Today we will learn Unit 4 I can play basketball.3)Yao Ming can play basketball.Can you play basketball?Can y

3、ou?引导学生回答:Yes,I can./No, I cant. 根据学生回答,评价并贴示在黑板上:Nice!Cool!Great!Wonderful! 教师回答并板书句子Can you ? Yes,I can./No,I cant. 4)你还能说出更多的运动类单词吗?(此处由孩子说出他们课堂上或课外学到的更多的词汇,懂的孩子就成了其他孩子们的小老师)5)What can I do?Please ask me:Can you?并进行评价。(此处由小老师们来提问,为全班孩子交流句型作好铺垫)6)Work in pairs:A: Can you? B: Yes,I can./No, I cant.

4、 A: Nice/Cool/Great/Wonderful! 7)交流汇报,适时询问其他同学:Can?引导回答Yes,he/she can./No,he/she cant.(培养孩子认真倾听的习惯)8)Listen to a song:I can skate and I can jump.9)创编歌曲并演唱。(此处由孩子自己创编歌曲,内容不一,每个孩子都有机会成为他人的老师)BWhile-reading1,T: Look at this picture:(1)Who are they?(贴示头像)(2)Where are they?( They are in the playground. )

5、2, Read and underline:(1)Can you ask some questions about them?For example: (ppt呈现句式,让学生提问) (2)Look and guess(why)(3)Watch and answer。.3,交流回答:(1)T: Can Wang Bing play basketball? 贴笑脸(2)T: Can Mike play basketball?贴笑脸,learn:very well超链接:(Lets say:)我溜冰溜得好。我游泳好。我踢足球踢得好。( Lets read):a good girl,a good f

6、riend,a good story,a good bag观察两组句子中的好,说一说你的发现?(此处由孩子自己发现规律并总结,体现了让学生进行探究、发现的新课程意识)Well:做什么事情做得好用well。Good:形容人或东西好用good。(3)Good job. Well done!. Mike can play basketball very well. Can Liu Tao play basketball? I have two questions for you.:Can Liu Tao play basketball at first.? Can Liu Tao play bask

7、etball at last?Learning tip:Read freely and try to underline the key information, to solve the question.自由朗读课文,画出关键信息解决问题。 T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at first? Ss: No,he cant. T: Let s write here. Liu Tao cant play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last.(老师追问why)因为刘涛不怕面对失败,敢于尝试。

8、4,T:We know the main idea of the story. Now open your books. Lets listen and mark. (听录音,在对话相应的位置标上音调)(请小老师上台标) check out5,Read after the tape. Its your turn.学生齐读。6,Now its time for you to read in roles. Please read in three:Wang Bing, Mike and Liu Tao. (给出具体加星要求)OK. Go!语音、语调正确语音、语调正确、声音响亮、语言流畅。语音、语调正确、声音响亮、语言流畅伴有表情和动作。6,T:What do you think of them?你觉得他们读得怎么样?7,Summary time. CHomework1,Read the story after the tape and recite it. Copy it twice.2,Act the story in groups. 3,Do a survey about what your friends or your family can do and learn these words.(调查你的朋友或家人会的运动并学习。)教后反思



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