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1、6B Unit8 Review and check(沈峰unit5unit7)一、 Free talk Whats the job/hobbies/name/favorite subject/weather/date? Where do you come from?Topic Which season do you like? When is childrens day? How old are you?Ask and answer(exchange)二、 presentation and practice(review and check)todayNew English teacherTh

2、e first of Juneactivity1 Brain storming通过课件逐一出示上面的单词或短语,然后让学生运用头脑中已有的句子并融入上面的单词或短语表达出来。有点类似与汉语的造句子。由the first of June自然过渡到下一个情境。Context1 课件出示课本这样几幅图have a picnic 、see a play 、go on an outing 、see a Beijing opera、take part in a singing contest 、take part in sports meetingT: what are they going to do

3、on childrens day? Letsing a song for them:will you join me ?Listen to this song S:they are going to 出示:they are going to have a picnic see a play and have a concert.教读picnic and concert 要求拼写两遍T: would you like to join ?yes,Id love to /No,I wouldnt like to.Im going to Happy Childrens Day(根据图片让孩子说一说)C

4、ontext2 what am I going to do on childrenDay ? ?My English friend will come to Nanjing , Ill meet him.出示:Myfriends photoName ?Age?Where?Job? T:你想了解david? S: Ask some questions about David三、extensionActivity2(task) jigsaw(拼图) readingA letter to my English friend T: Well devide the letter into four pa

5、rts(分别用不同颜色表示)S: 每四人一组,各读一部分Step1 lets read by ourselves 个人自读拿到信的那部分,了解大意Step2 lets share in groups(1) 小组内交流时,注意听取别人的意见,如由问题就提出来。表达你拿到的那部分意思:用a sentence or a wordStep3 lets share in groups(2) 小组合作把几部分拼起来成为一封完整的信。 Learning tips: 注意上下文,段落之间的联系。T:课件出示信的完整内容。Step4 Reading in groups 小组内读完整的信,猜测文中单词的意思(不要

6、查字典)展示课文中的生词:信的内容Vocabulary Engineer ManchesterS:找生词,猜词义,根据字母读单词。T: whats Fannys English friend?My English friends photo Name: Age : Hobby: Whats the weather like in the UK?(出示) S:Its 独立完成,集体核对P65 T: write an e-mail to English friendMy English friends photo课件出示: an e-mail(有图片和内容相配)四、 HomeworkCan you

7、 tell me more about?retell in groups 五、 板书设计Unit 8 Review and checkPlan forWeathersAbout friendIm going to Will/shallseasons 沈峰老师说课及关于复习课的一些思考一、 复习课1. 复习课应该有新的东西2. 设计一个语篇(整合所学内容),让学生获取信息二、 说课1. brain storming (talking show)给学生深层次思考(1)给学生一幅画或一个词,让其自由表达,教师尽量不提问。(2)正真倾听学生的信息,追问学生防不胜防的问题理解语篇(整体教学)读后、听后,提问一些思考性的问题(少问记忆性的东西)2. jigsaw reading(1) 组内自己读,转述、概括尝试表达口头书面(2) 表达自己的意思(3) 合作、猜词 (4) 3. 目标达成注重学习策略,关注方法基于学生,跟多分析学情现场生成的资源,善于推进(不是放任)教后反思要有感而发(对于学生)


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