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1、5B U1 单元分析序号内容个 人 设 计备课组集体讨论意见一单元教材分析本单元以cinderella的故事为主线,以why提问,because回答的方式为重点,学生在情境中理解,感知并掌握。同左二单元目标要求1. 能听懂,会读,会说,会用why? 询问原因,用Because回答原因。2、能听懂、会说、会读 prince,fairy,why,because,clothes,let,put on, before等单词。3、通过学习Story time和Cartoon time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能创编对话。4、能了解中西文化中的一些经典故事。5、能了解并掌握dr在单词中的发音。同左三单元设

2、计意图以学生们熟知的cinderella的故事,呈现本单元重点why的询问及because的回答。在充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练的基础上,学生们自然交流,培养学生快速捕捉和获取文章大意的能力。培养学生对语法及句型的掌控能力,善于表达的良好习惯。同左四单元目标达成分析交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 1 课时日期教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读prince,fairy,why,because,clothes,let,put on,take off,before,have to,try on,fit.2、能初步运用句型Why .? 及其应答Because .3、能

3、正确、流利地朗读并理解故事.4、学生能在理解的基础上合作表演故事.重点与难点1、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事2、能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.教 学 过 程时间活动版块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言Free talk 1. What do you like doing? Why?2. Do you like English stories? Why?I like . Because I.初步理解why和 because师生交流,引出本文的题材,吸引学生的注意力。30min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构1.

4、 Today lets learn an English story: Cinderella. (出示插图并板书) 2. Who is the writer of Cinderella?2.出示图片Who can you see in the pictures?What is Cinderella doing?3. 出示图片Look at Cinderella. Is she happy? So why is she so sad?You can guess with “because she.”Teach new words: fairy,prince,Cinderella.Teach ne

5、w words: take off, put on,clothes师生交流,学生猜测,理解why及because的意思出示ppt图片,通过看图理解新词达成目标1Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构1. Why is Cinderella so sad? Now, lets listen to the tape.2. So Cinderella cant go to the party. Why cant she go to the party? And why can the prince find her? 3. But when do all these things happ

6、en? Now can you read by yourselves and try to order them?带着问题听录音,以听促思Watch the cartoon and underline the sentencesFinish read and match(P8)以why的问题引领学生思考,先听再看再读,通过解决问题,学生一步步走进Cinderella达成目标2Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构1. Lets go into Cinderellas world.出示课文插图1Where is the party?(以思维导图的形式板书where)2. 出示课文插图2Wh

7、o helps Cinderella?(以思维导图的形式板书who)3. 出示课文插图3When does Cinderella have to come back?(以思维导图的形式板书when)4. 出示课文插图5Whose shoe do the girls try on?(以思维导图的形式板书whose)At the princes house. The fairyShe has to come back before 12 oclockThe Cinderellas shoe以多个问题推进课堂活动,帮助学生理解。并在理解中教授部分新词have to,try on达成目标1,2Step

8、5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构1. Read after computer (听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作。)2. Read in roles3.Act the storyRead Read in roles Work in pairs学生能正确,流利的理解故事达成目标3留足空白,让学生自编,自导,自演达成目标43minStep6Posttask提供反馈评价,巩固结构回顾板书 retell the story1. the teacher asks and the student answers2. Work in pairs and retell3. Rete

9、ll the story togetherRetell the story回顾板书, 以思维导图的形式回顾本课内容2 minHomework1. Read Story time after the tape for 5 times.2. Copy the new words 3 times.板书设计 Unit 1 Cinderella When Who Why.? why Cinderella whose Because. where交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 2 课时日期教学目标: 1、复习巩固词汇及why.? Because.2、能够看图片复述故事内容

10、3、学习Fun time, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。4. 学生能理解并掌握why.?及其他疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化重点与难点1. 学习Fun time, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。2. 学生能理解并掌握why.?及其他疑问词,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化教 学 过 程时间活动版块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式3 minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言1.Greetings2. Play a game.If you are the same to me, please say “me too”Im very h

11、appy today. Why?I like rabbits. Why?I like summer. Why?I am a teacher. Why?I like reading stories. Why?Do you remember the story?Retell the story with some pictures.Free talk with teacher Retell the storyFree talk35min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构1. PPT(出示图片)Look at these pictures. Do you want to ask s

12、ome questions about Cinderella?(hint: where, who, why, whose, when)2. A:Where is the party? B:. A:who helps Cinderella? B:. A:why is Cinderella sad? B:. A:why cant Cinderella go to the party? B:. A:when does Cinderella have to come back? B:. A:whose shoe do the girls try on? B:.个别交流Make a dialogue(P

13、air work) 通过看图复习,活跃气氛,更好地进行英语学习。达成目标2小组内提问并回答达成目标1Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Grammar time:1. 板书相关问题What do you find? When do we use “why”“because”?2. 板书相关答案Come-comes put-putsFit-fits try-triesdiscuss in groupsDiscuss in groups( 巩固复习第三人称动词的变化)学生能理解并掌握why.?及其他疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化达成目标4Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构Fun time1. So now you know what happens to Cinderella? Can you enrich the story?2. Fun time插图:Can you make add some words to it?3. 教师示范后:look,this is my story. Can you make up your story? Now work in groups and act this story out.YesWork in pairsWork in groups创编对话师生示范到小组表演达成目标3Step5Ta


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