【最新】高二英语外研版选修10自我小测:Module1 Pride and Prejudice—SectionⅠ 含解析

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《【最新】高二英语外研版选修10自我小测:Module1 Pride and Prejudice—SectionⅠ 含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】高二英语外研版选修10自我小测:Module1 Pride and Prejudice—SectionⅠ 含解析(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新版英语学习资料自我小测.单项选择1Id rather have some wine,if you dont mind._.ANo,youd better not BNot at all,anything you wantCThank you all the same DYes,but not good2Such men have made_by developing oil businesses.Agreat fortunes Ba huge fortuneCsome huge fortune Da great fortune 3Before leaving the country,you

2、 must be in _ of a solid permit.Acharge BpossessionCdemand Dcase4He devoted himself so entirely to his research that_he made himself ill.Aunfortunately Bpurposefully Chopefully Deventually5The experiment turned out to be_,which wasnt _ they wanted.Aa completely failing;as Ba complete failure;what Cc

3、ompletely failure;that Dfailed;/.根据句意和首字母或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式1He is unwilling to a_ defeat.2One should never make public property ones private p_.3Thus the child will grow to be _(不好交际的)4She r_ her sister in appearance but not in character.5The novelist makes his _(女主角)commit suicide at the end of the boo

4、k.6Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend u_ her completely.7His foolish behavior led to his e_ failure.8God sends f_ to fools.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空in want ofcomment onmake a remark aboutto ones astonishmentin possession ofassure1In the next morning,_,he found the shoes were already made.2The flood v

5、ictims in Taiwan are _help very much.3He did not _ what I said.4Our team were _the ball for most of the match.5You might engage in small talk and _ the weather,your job or current events.6I can _ you that he is sincere.阅读理解Percy Bysshe Shelley was born on 4 August 1792,at Field Place,near Horsham,Su

6、ssex,England.The eldest son of Timothy and Shelley,with one brother and four sisters,he stood in line to inherit not only his grandfathers considerable wealth but also a seat in Parliament(议会)He attended Eton College for six years beginning in 1804,and then went on to Oxford University.He began writ

7、ing poetry while at Eton,but his first publication was a Gothic novel,Zastrozzi(1810),in which he voiced his own opinions through the villain Zastrozzi.That same year,Shelley and another student,Thomas Jefferson Hogg,published Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson,and with his sister Elizabeth,

8、Shelley published Original Poetry,by Victor and Cazire.In 1811,Shelley continued this outpouring(流露)with more publications,and it was one of these that got him expelled(开除)from Oxford after less than a years enrollment:another book that he wrote with Hogg,The Necessity of Atheism. Shelley could have

9、 been reinstated(恢复关系)with his father,but this would have required his denying the book and declaring himself Christian.Shelley refused,which led to a complete break between Shelley and his father.This left him in bitter financial difficulties for the next two years,until he came of age.In 1817,Shel

10、ley produced Laon and Cythna,a long narrative poem that,because it contained references to incest(乱伦)as well as attacks on religion,was forbidden after only a few copies were published.It was later edited and reissued as The Revolt of Islam(1818)At this time,he also wrote revolutionary political tra

11、cts signed “the Hermit of Marlow”Then,early in 1818,he and his new wife left England for the last time.During the remaining four years of his life,Shelley produced all his major works,including Prometheus Unbound (1820)Travelling and living in various Italian cities,the Shelleys were friendly with t

12、he British poet Leigh Hunt and his family as well as with Byron.On 8 July 1822,shortly before his 30th birthday,Shelley was drowned in a storm while attempting to sail from Leghorn to La Spezia,Italy,in his boat,the Don Juan.1When Shelley was young,his grandfather _.Awas poor BwealthyCsucceeded in p

13、olitics Dboth B and C2Shelley could have been reinstated with his father on condition that_.Ahe stopped writingBhe denied his book and received ChristianityChe married at onceDhe left his motherland3Shelley got expelled because of_.AThe Necessity of AtheismBZastrozziCPosthumous Fragments of Margaret

14、 NicholsonDThe Revolt of Islam4During his last four years,Shelley_.Ahad no chance to meet Leigh Hunt and ByronBtravelled a lotCdidnt wrote any essays or poemsDproduced Zastrozzi5What is the best title of the passage?AShelley and his family.BHow did Shelley die.CPercy Bysshe Shelley.DA great poet.参考答

15、案.1解析:考查情景英语。句意:“你如果不介意的话,我想喝点酒。”“不介意的,你想干嘛就干嘛。”实际情况为不介意。所以选B项。答案:B2解析:make a fortune 的意思是“发财;致富”,其中的fortune 有单复数的变化。此句的主语 men 为复数,故 fortune 也用复数。答案:A3解析:句意:在出国前你必须持有可靠的通行证。 in charge of负责,掌管;in possession of拥有,占有,持有;in demand非常需要,受欢迎的;in case of以防发生。答案:B4解析:句意:他全身心地投入工作,最后病倒了。eventually(in the end,at last)最后,终于;unfortunately不幸地,遗憾地;hopefu


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