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1、Unit 609313102叶陈真 1、 As soon as I stopped submitting to my bed. I felt more comfortable with myself and other people started to take me more seriously.我自停止睡懒觉起就感觉自在多了,而且周围的人也开始更认真的对待我了。2、Naturally, it didnt cause my special achievement of getting up early-but surely helped if only by adding a bit of

2、 my mind-confidence to my talents of diligence.当然,我早起的二号习惯并不是它带来的,但它肯定为我带来了好处,虽然他仅令我自信于自己的勤奋。3、Yet, despite this bleeding experience, I did manage to get up early by this way.但尽管我曾遍体鳞伤,我确定自己一度设法用这种方式让自己早起。4、Mosquito with a positive sense can work for me and even encouragenew acquaintance.优等蚊子确实“帮”到我

3、了,它甚至促使我结交“新朋友”。5、Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such experience, were all guilty of the stereotyping to some extent. 虽然我们多数人认为自己没有这样的感同身受,但在某种程度上,我们反而该为这种固定的看法感到内疚。6、To lazybones, Mr Mosqiuto isnt the only source of the difference between you and me.对于懒虫而言,蚊子不是造成你我差异的唯一原因

4、。7、Dont despair, you arent stuck with the label.不要失望,你不必拥有它。那些和蚊子同居的夜晚我自停止睡懒觉起就感觉自在多了,而且周围的人也开始更认真的对待我了。特别感激某个特殊的人,他的名字叫蚊子先生。当然,我早起的好习惯并不是它带来的,但它肯定为我带来了好处,虽然他仅令我自信于自己的勤奋。这无数个夜晚令我此生难忘。但尽管我曾遍体鳞伤,我也曾一度设法用这种方式让自己早起,并且收获丰腴。而我现在正徘徊在爱恨之间。优等蚊子确实“帮”到我了,它甚至促使我结交“新朋友”。虽然我们多数人认为自己没有这样的感同身受,但在某种程度上,我们反而该为这种固定的看法

5、感到内疚这不该是我们偷懒的理由。对于懒虫而言,蚊子不是造成你我差异的唯一原因。 说实话:如果“蚊子术”不适合你,不要失望,你不必拥有它。吸取我的前车之鉴这个夏天准备一个闹钟,但别忘了先驱蚊。At Those Nights I stay With Mr Mosquito.As soon as I stopped to submitting to my bed., I felt more comfortable with myself and other people started to take me more seriously. I was deeply thankful for some

6、one special, he is called Mr Mosqiuto. Naturally, it didnt cause my special achievement of getting up early-but surely helped if only by adding a bit of my mind-confidence to my talents of diligence. I can never forget these countless nights. Yet, despite this bleeding experience, I did manage to ge

7、t up early by this way, and it returned perfectly. However, I wandered between love and hated.Mosquito with a positive sense can work for me and even encouragenew acquaintance. Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such experience, were all guilty of the stereotyping to some exte

8、nt(it cant be the reason of being lazy). To lazybones, Mr Mosqiuto isnt the only source of the difference between you and me.To be honest: if Mr Mosqiuto do not fit you , dont despair.You arent stuck with the label. Then absorb the warningYou need to prepare a clock in this summer and dont forget o

9、drive the mosquito away at first!09313107 项璞洁2010年5月22日1.As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie,I felf more comfortable with myself. 我一旦停止称自己为戴比,我就比较舒服了。 2.Naturally,the name change didnt cause Debbie/Lynnes professional achievement-but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence

10、 to her talents. 当然,戴比(或林恩)的职业成就并不是改名带来的,但是这肯定给她带来了好处,虽说改名使她对自己的才能增加了一点点自信。 3.Yet,despite this disadvantage,I did manage to become an art critic for a time. 然而,尽管有此不利,我确实曾一度设法成为一名评论家。 4.Of course,names with a positive sense can work for you and even encourage new acquaintances.当然,有积极含义的名称对你是有好处的,甚至能

11、促进你结交新朋友。5.We are all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent 但在某种程度上,我们都有对名字产生固定看法的毛病。6.However teacher prejudice is not the only source of classroom difference 但是教师的偏见不是造成课堂得分的唯一因素7.Movic star regularly change their names ,and with some determination ,you can ,too影星们经常改名,而且是坚决这样做,你也可以这样做中文:不同的态

12、度 不同的人生 有两个女孩。乔身材高挑、相貌出众,最重要的是她有着非常积极乐观的心态去面对生活和工作,有着出色的工作业绩。另一个女孩琳达身材一般、相貌平平,在日常生活中她显得有些悲观,而且老板对她的工作也没有很高的评价。 当然,乔的职业成就不是积极乐观的心态带来的,但是这肯定给她带来了好处,虽说积极乐观的心态仅使她对自己的才能增加了一点点的自信,然而相比琳达的悲观,尽管有此不利 ,她还确实曾一度设想自己成为了一名艺术家。当然,积极乐观的心态对你是有好处的,甚至能促进结交新朋友,但是在某种程度上,我们都有对心态产生固定看法的毛病,老板的偏见不是造成工作岗位差别的唯一因素,心态起着至关重要的作用。

13、 我们应该让自己的心态变得积极乐观,而且是坚决这么做,你也可以去试试。英文:Different attitudes Different life There are twi girls,Joe is tall thin and beautiful ,importantly she have a positive attitude to life and work .making the job greatful .The other girl Linda is short fat and plain ,she is very sadness in daly life and the boss

14、is not think highly of her . Naturally,the positive attitude did not cause Joes professional achievenment but it surly help if only by adding a bit of self-confidengce to her talent .While with Lindas sadness ,despite,this sisadvantage she did maanage to become an art star for a time .Of course,posi

15、tive attitude can work for you and even encourage new acquaintances. We are all guilty of attitude stereotyping to some extent .However boss projudice is not the only source of job difference. We should change our attitudes for positive ,and with determination .you can, too.09313112朱梦婷 1. Most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we are all guilty of stereotyping to some extent.2. with a positi



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