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1、九年级英语上册第三单元测试题 一. 词汇测试 15分A、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. This machine _(use) for washing clothes. It is called “washing machine”.2. Now most work _(can do) by robots.3. More and more trees _( plant) on the mountains soon.4. There is another way of _ (work) out the problem.5. Dont make them_(stand) long outside.

2、6. “Show me your _(driver) license.” “Here you are.”7. There have been a few _(disagree) between the two parties.8. I feel _ (sleep); Im going to lie down.9. She tried to stop smoking, and she _ (success).10. The matter is of great _ (important).B、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. The play will be _ (演出)at the Cit

3、y Theatre.2. She is a _ (成员) of a tennis club.3. The p_ situation is peaceful, but in the past there was trouble in this area. 4. We have plenty of _ (本地的) stores to choose from.5. The girls got her ears pierced, but she doesnt wear e_.二、 单项填空。(本题有15小题,每个题1分,共15分)16. Where is_ English book? Maybe it

4、 is on the bookshelf?A. the B. a C. an D. /17-What a beautiful dress! -Yes. But its so expensive that we cant _ it.A. payB. offer C. affordD. support18. The teacher made him _the word five times.A. write B. to write C. writing D. writes19. My uncle went to Australia last year. We havent seen him_.A.

5、 since almost a year B. from almost a year onC. after almost a year D. since almost a year ago20. What are you looking for, Michelle? - My cousins MP3 player. It _ right in here, and now its_.A. has been; gone B. was; gone C. was; going D. is; going21. - I have lost a chance to win the match. - _ A.

6、 Well done!B. Good luck!C. What a pity!D. Congratulations!22. A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It _ while we were on holiday.A. was taken care B. took care of C. is taken care of D. was taken care of23. Good morning. Im Jim Green, your new manager. Good morning, _.A. Mr. Jim B. Mr. Green C. Mrs.

7、Jim Green D. Green manager24. Its 9 oclock. Im afraid I have to leave, _ Ill be late for the plane. Have a nice trip.A. or B. so C. and D. but25. You play the piano so well. _do you have the piano lessons?Once a week.A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How much26. May I take this magazine out of

8、 the reading room? . Please read it here.A. Certainly B. No, you neednt C. No, you cant D. No, you may not27. 2008 is drawing near. Any changes in Beijing? Yes, more stadiums arc being built, and_ people are learning English.A. more and more B. the more and the more C. the more and more D. more and

9、the more28. Joseph wants to know_, because hell pay a visit to her.A. where does Tina live B. where is Tina from C. where is Tina D. where Tina lives29. Eating more fruit will keep people _. A. carefully B. afraid C. busy D. healthy30. Mr. Black is smoking is looking for he lost yesterday.A. whom; w

10、hich B. who; what C. that; who D. which; where三. 完形填空 20分 A Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago. One day when he was walking in the street, he 1 a wallet. He returned it to the owner, Mr Baker. He gave his 2 to the boy. As the boy had no job, Mr Baker made him work for him in

11、 his 3 . Billy worked so hard that Mr and Mrs Baker were 4 with him.Mr Baker loved planting 5 .The week before last, he brought a few trees home, planted them in the 6 himself and watered them every day. Several days 7 , he had to leave for another city. Before he started, he said to Billy. “Take go

12、od care of the trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal(偷) them.” “Dont 8 about them, sir.” answered Billy, “Ill try my best to watch them.” Six days passed and Mr Baker came back. He asked, “ 9 anyone ever come to steal the trees?” “No, sir.” Said Billy, “To stop someone from stealing t

13、he trees, I 10 them up six days ago. I have hidden(藏) them for almost a week!”( )1. A. foundB. boughtC. carriedD. wanted( )2. A. walletB. pityC. thanksD. excuses( )3. A. factoryB. officeC. townD. home( )4. A. pleasedB. angryC. strictD. popular( )5. A. flowersB. grassC. vegetablesD. trees( )6. A. gardenB. officeC. cityD. room( )7. A. agoB. laterC. beforeD. after( )8. A. thinkB. talkC. learnD. worry( )9. A. DidB. DoesC. HasD. will( )10. A. sentB. pulledC. putD. pickedB Many students talked about the ru



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