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1、.定语从句总结 定语从句在句中相当于一个形容词,起定语的作用,修饰说明名词、代词或主语的全部内容。通常在被修饰的词语(即先行词)之后,由“关系词”引导。定语从句三种功能:1.连接功能:连接从句,引导一个定语从句2.指代功能:指代先行词3.语法功能:在定语从句中充当句子成分(定语从句中的关系词分为关系代词和关系副词两种)that which who whom whose when where why语法关系词指代主语宾语定语表语指人whothatwhomthatwhosethat指物whichthatwhichthatwhosethat注: 关系代词在句中充当主语、定语、宾语,因此定语从句中不能

2、再出现关系代词所替代的名词或代词。1. 关系代词在从句中作主语时不能省略 A plane is a machine which / that can fly . (作主语) The dog which / that was lost has been found . (作主语) The number of people who / that lost homes reached 250,000 . Here comes the girl who / that wants to see you .2. 关系代词在句中作宾语时可省略 The noodles that / which I cooke

3、d were delicious .(作宾语) This is the book that / which I want to read . The letter that / which I received yesterday was from my father . The girl who / that we saw yesterday is Mary . Mr Li is a man whom / who / that we should lear from . Do you know the man whom / who / that is talking to ? 3. 关系代词

4、在从句中做定语 The novel whose cover was broken blongs to me . Henery is the boy whose mother is our English teacher . I know the person whose company produces computers . This is the person whose story surprised everybody . 4. 关系代词在句中作表语时可省略(只能用that)She is not the girl that she was .定语从句中关系代词与关系副词的选择1. 明确

5、关系代词,关系副词在定语从句中的不同作用关系代词which , that , who在定语从句中作主语或在及物动词或介词后作宾语关系副词when , where, why在定语从句中作状语,即定语从句中不缺主语、宾语,只缺时间、地点或原因状语2. 分析句子结构,明确句法成分关系词在从句中作宾语还是作状语,关键取决于从句中的谓语动词。如果定语从句中谓语动词是及物动词,应观察其后有无宾语。如果没宾语,则应考虑使用能充当宾语的关系代词which或that。如果句子中有宾语,就考虑关系副词when或where等关系副词(when , where , why )1. When的用法(在定语从句中做时间状

6、语)I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing .We will never forget the happy time when we worked on the farm .He came at a time when (at which ) we needed help . 2. where的用法(在定语从句中做地点状语)This is the house where we lived last year .The factory where his father works is in the west of the ci

7、ty .After living in Pairs for fifty years , he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child .3. why的用法(在定语从句中做原因状语)There are several reasons why we cant do that .He couldnt give the teacher a good reason why he was late for school .Is this the reason why ( for which ) he refused our offer

8、?The reason why ( for which ) she was ill is that she had eaten bad meat .4. 比较Ill never forget the days that / which I spent with my teacher .Ill never forget the days when I worked with you .It is the house that / which was built two years ago .It is the house where / in which I was born .The reas

9、on which / that he gave was an excuse .The reason why he was late was the rain .Do you know the reason why he didnt turn up ?只能用that的定语从句1. 先行词为不定代词all everying nothing anything little much none时或被这些词修饰时 ,关系代词只用thatAll that can be done has been done .2. 当先行词被形容词的最高级修饰时,只用thatThis is the most beautif

10、ul park that I have visited .The Titanic is the most dangerous film that Ive ever seen .The best one that Ill choose will be you .3. 当先行词被序数词the first , the second , the last等修饰时,只用thatThe first lesson that we have learned will never be easily forgotten .This is the last class that we will have this

11、 term .4. 当先行词被the only , the very , the last修饰时,只用that( some any few much no very only )The only student that may be elected is in our class .I have no question that will be asked .There was little that interested him at the meeting .This is the very book that I am looking for .5. 当先行词既指人又指物时We oft

12、en talk about the persons and things that we remember .The characters and the animals that are in the picture are very native .The train ran over a boy and his dog that were just crossing the railroad .6. 当主语是以who或which开头的疑问句时,为避免重复而用thatWho is the girl that is standing there ?Who is the boy that sh

13、ook hands with you just now ?Which is the hotel that you stayed at last month ?7. 当way做先行词时,关系代词可以有三种形式 that in which I dont like the way that / in which / you speak to your mother like that .8. 先行词在句中作表语Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be .9 关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,如果介词放在它的前面,只能用which或whom。

14、 Eg. This is the room that/which he lived in two years ago. This is the room in which he lived two years ago. The girl who/whom/that he is talking to is my sisiter.The girl to whom he is talking is my sisiter.但有些介词短语的固定词组不能拆开eg. The babies who /that the nurse are looking after are healthy.5) 当关系代词在定语从句中充当主语时,定语从句的谓语动词取决于先行词而不是关系代词。Eg. The girl who has long hair is my daughter. The trees that were planted by us last year have grown well.定语从句练习:1. This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterday. A. thatB. whoC. whom D. this2. The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher. A. whom B. whichC. w


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