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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上雪莱四首诗歌中的修辞手法的赏析修辞手法是文学创作中不可缺少的重要手法之一,纵观古今中外,可以说几乎每一部文学作品中都有修辞手法的运用。作为英国文学史上的重要浪漫诗人之一的雪莱,更是在其诗歌中将修辞运用的淋漓尽致。修辞手法的运用,使得文学作品更具可读性,欣赏性,使描写栩栩如生,使刻画淋漓尽致,总之,修辞的运用可谓是在文学作品中起到画龙点睛之笔的作用。下面就是个人对雪莱诗歌中修辞手法的运用所做的一些赏析。 See! the mountains kiss high heaven, And the waves clasp one another; No sister flow

2、er could be forgiven, If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea; What is all this sweet work worth, If thou kiss not me? -选自爱的哲学此处,诗歌中运用了拟人(personification)以及对照(contrast)的修辞手法,“高山吻着碧空,波浪也互相拥抱”“阳光拥抱大地,月光亲吻海岸”世间万物如此和谐相爱,而你却不肯吻我,本是无生命的山水,月亮太阳等,诗人却用只有

3、人才能发出的动作如亲吻,拥抱等来把这些无生命的自然事物赋予了生命,赋予了感情,使得诗歌更加唯美婉转,自然万物的和谐与你我之间的对比更体现了诗人对爱的感悟和追求之心切,无奈等感情。 I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers From the seas and streams: I bear light shade for the leaves when laid In their noonday dreams. From my wings are shaken the dews that waken The sweet buds every

4、one, When rocked to rest on their mothers breast, As she dances about the sun. I wield the flail of lashing hail, And whiten the green plains under, And then again I dissolve it in rain, And laugh as I pass in thunder. -选自云其中的thirsting flowers,in their noonday dreams, my wings, waken the sweet buds,

5、 their mothers breast, as she dances,等都使用了拟人(personification)的修辞手法。“我”本是一朵无生命的云,然而诗人赋予了“我”生命,给予了我翅膀。如我时而温柔地为鲜花带来清新的甘霖,时而为叶子轻轻地遮阳避日,时而又凶猛地挥动冰雹的连枷,捶打绿色的原野。通过第一人称“我”来描述“云”的一连串的动作和形态,使得云变得生动形象,活灵活现。饥渴的花朵午睡未醒、留恋梦境的绿叶以及昏昏欲睡的新芽。诗中把这些植物拟人化了。暗喻(metaphor),在七、八行里把树枝比作母亲,新芽比作孩子。母亲在经受着云带来的风吹日晒,而孩子则安然地睡在母亲的怀抱里。诗人


7、如rhyme),本节中双行押韵,句尾押韵如。treams, dreams; one .sun; under,thunder.句中押韵和停顿,每逢单行中间有一顿读,之间又自然成韵如; showers ;flowers; shade, laid; shaken, waken; rest. breast: flail, hail;again, rain.句首押韵如I, l; from, from; and ,and.押头韵如fresh, for .flowers; light, leaves, laid; seas, streams等 One word is too often profaned F

8、or me to profane it, One feeling too falsely distaind For thee to distain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another.此处,诗人运用了暗喻(metaphor),全诗中没有一个“爱”字,却无时无刻不在写“爱”,诗人把爱比作“one word, one feeling, one hope. I can not give what men call lo

9、ve: But wilt thou accept not The worship the heart lifts above And the heavens reject not, And the desire of the moth for the star, Of the night for the morrow The devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow. 这一节中,诗人同样运用了暗喻(metaphor),只不过此处把爱比作他心中的worship,desire, devotion. 诗人把自己比作moth 和

10、night,把lady比喻成star和sorrow,暗示了诗人和lady之间的巨大差距。I can not give what men call love: But wilt thou accept not The worship the heart lifts above And the heavens reject not, And the desire of the moth for the star, Of the night for the morrow The devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow. One

11、 word is too often profaned For me to profane it, One feeling too falsely distaind For thee to distain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another.此处作者也使用了重复(repetition),这给读者留下了深刻的印象,加深了读者对这首诗的强烈感情。同时这些诗句相互照应产生了强烈且和谐快乐的音效。Alignment 在诗

12、歌最开始的运用加强了诗人的表达感情的效果。Understatement的运用,作者在整首诗中只提到了一个“love”,诗人用非常低调的方式表达了自己的感情,含蓄却强烈,增强了诗歌的诚挚和永恒性。The flower that smiles to-dayTo-morrow dies;All that we wish to stayTempts and then flies.What is this worlds delight?Lightning that mocks the night,Brief even as bright.Virtue, how frail it is!Friendshi

13、p how rare!Love, how it sells poor blissFor proud despair!But we, though soon they fall,Survive their joy, and allWhich ours we call.Whilst skies are blue and bright,Whilst flowers are gay,Whilst eyes that change ere nightMake glad the day;Whilst yet the calm hours creep,Dream thou-and from thy sleepThen wake to weep. -选自无常这首诗中,诗人运用了暗喻,拟人,排比等修辞手法。微笑的花朵,嘲笑黑夜的快乐,运用了暗喻和你认的手法。而关于美德,友谊,爱情的三句描写则运用了排比的修辞手法,加强了诗歌的感情和语气。 通过读雪莱的这四首诗歌,以及对其中修辞手法的运用的分析,结合修辞学课堂中学到的关于修辞学的知识,我对修辞有了更深的理解,对修辞的作用也有了新的认识。专心-专注-专业



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