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1、2022年高中英语第二册上Unit9Savingtheearth-Period1LetislistenandspeakGoals Talk about nature, ecology and the environment Practice supporting an opinion Learn to use inversion Write an evaluation paragraph ProceduresLeading in (1): by asking a series of questions. (lockstep work, approx. 5 min)Hello, boys and

2、 girls. As we all know, the earth is the only home of the man. Do you think it is beautiful? Yes. I agree with you. Can you name some places of interest in the world? Quite right. We have a lot of places of interest, the Great Wall, the West Lake, Zhang Jiajie, Jiuzaigou, Niagara Falls. Do you think

3、 it is necessary and important for man to protect the earth? Yes, of course. Have you ever thought that the earth is also very dirty, very ugly, I mean, not beautiful? Believe it or not, the earth is getting dirtier and dirtier. Look at the pictures on page 65, please rivers have been polluted, rubb

4、ish is everywhere, factory chimneys have given off too much smoke causing a lot of acid rain all over the world, which has damaged not only crops, but also plants. Besides, man himself also has done a great deal of harm to the environment. Now, Id like to ask you a few questions: 1. If too many tree

5、s were cut down, what would happen? (Answer: 1. Soil lost. If too many trees were cut down, the environment would be greatly affected. The rich surface soil would be blown away by wind, or washed by rain down the hills and into rivers.)2. Silk Road once played an important part in foreign trade in C

6、hina. But now it is covered with sand. What caused it? (2. Cutting trees and desert.)3. How many people are suffering from hunger? How many people die of hunger every year? (3. About 500 million people in the world are suffering from hunger and about 40 million people die of hunger every year.)Now o

7、pen your books, turn to page 65. And let s learn Unit 9.Leading in (2): by discussion. (lockstep work, approx. 5 min) Hi, everyone. We are living on the earth and we are citizens of the earth, which is the home of us all. So it is our duty to treat it well. But in actual fact, man has been badly tre

8、ating the earth. In order to get enough food, water and other materials to raise the large and increasing population, man has made a lot of useful inventions. However, this in return has done too much damage to our mother earth. Now, you will be divided into groups of four and discuss what kinds of

9、damage man has done to the earth. Then Ill ask some of you to report the results to the whole class. (Teacher writes what the students report on the blackboard, each student reports one.)More facts about environmentThe Washington State ferry system announced a “clean-diesel fuel initiative” that wil

10、l cut nearly 10,000 tons of pollutant emissions from its fleet of 25 ferries, largest in the nation. Diesel engines have been upgraded to burn lower sulfur diesel fuel. 华盛顿州的渡船运输系统宣布:“主动采用清洁柴油”。这将使全国最大的由25艘渡船组成的船队减少污染排放量近一万吨。柴油发动机已经升级换代,以便使用含硫量低的柴油。 Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and stream

11、s and contributes to damage to trees and many sensitive forest soils. In addition, acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nations cultural heritage. Before falling to the earth, sulfur dioxide

12、and nitrogen oxides gases and their particulate matter derivatives, sulfates and nitrates, contribute to visibility degradation and impact public health.酸雨造成湖泊与河流酸化,导致多种树木与敏感森林土壤受损。不仅如此,酸雨加速了建筑材料及颜料的腐烂与衰退,包括不可再生建筑、雕像和雕刻,而这些都是我们国家的文化遗产。在降落到地面之前,二氧化硫和氮氧化合物气体以及它们的微粒物质衍生物,硫酸盐,硝酸盐会降低能见度,影响公共健康。 By reduci

13、ng SO2 and NOX, many acidified lakes and streams will significantly improve so that they can once again support fish life. Visibility will improve, allowing for increased enjoyment of scenic vistas across our country, particularly in National Parks. Deterioration of our historic buildings and monume

14、nts will be slowed. Most importantly, reductions in SO2 and NOX will reduce fine particulate matter (sulfates, nitrates) and ground level ozone (smog), leading to improvements in public health.通过减少二氧化硫和氮氧化合物的排放,许多酸化的河流与湖泊的情况将会发生引人注目的好转,鱼类将重新生活在其中。能见度会得到改善,可提升对我国风景区,尤其是国家公园的欣赏程度。历史建筑和群山的衰退速度将减缓。最重要的是

15、,减少二氧化硫及氮氧化合物的排放就会减少微粒物质(硫酸盐、硝酸盐)和地面臭氧水平(烟雾),从而改善公共健康。Silent Spring Mans attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature. But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.

16、That we are challenged as mankind has never been challenged before to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves.今天,人类对于自然的态度极其重要,这正是因为我们已具有了改变或摧毁自然的决定性的能力。然而人类又是自然的一部分,同自然开战不可避免地就是同人类自己开战。作为人类,我们所经历的挑战是我们以前从未经历过的,它可以证明我们的,而不是自然的,成熟程度和控制能力。 Task 1: Looking and discussing. (pair /group work, approx. 10 min)Look at page 65, boys and girls. There are 6 pictures and 6 questions. Pl



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