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1、 Unit 3 翻译1. 那条无人的小船漂浮在海上。(float)The empty boat was floating on the sea.2. 这家饭店几点供应早餐? (serve)What time is breakfast served in this restaurant?3. 他们都有自己的房间。 (separate)They all have separate rooms.4. 战争把他和家人分开。 (separate)The war separated him from his family.5. 说起食物,你能否告诉我那些是有益健康的食物?(speak of )Speaki

2、ng of food, can you tell me what kinds of food are healthy?6.谈到那次车祸,她到会忍不住黯然泪下。(speak of) Speaking of that car accident, she cant help crying.7.尽管她变得非常富有了,她仍然过着一种朴素的生活。( While) While she became very rich, she still led/lived a simple life.8.他和这场谋杀案有关联(relative) He is relative to the murder. 9.雷锋全心全意

3、为人民服务。(serve)Lei Feng served the people with heart and soul.10.因为有老师的帮助,他想再试一次。(with)With the teacher to help, He wanted to try it again./a second time.11.榕树是一种有趣的树,他的许多根是从树枝上往下生长的。(with)Banyan tree is an interesting tree with many roots growing down from its branches .12.银杏树在中国被看作是长寿树。Be known as G

4、ingko tree are known as longevity trees in China.13.这些措施是用来保护环境免遭进一步破坏。Serve These measures serve to protect the environment from being further damaged 14.这家饭店提供鲜美的食物。 Delicious food is served in the restaurant.15他用糖果来招待孩子。(serve)He served the children with some sweets = He served some sweets to the

5、 children.16.我们这个城镇煤气供应的很好。(serve)We are well served with gas in the town.17. 这个沙发可充当晚上的床.(serve)The sofa will serve as bed for a night .18.这所房子非常适合有儿童的家庭居住。(ideal)This house is ideal for a family with children19.我再也不能忍受她的坏脾气。(tolerate) I cant tolerate his bad temper.20.他的卧室地板上到处都是书。(litter) His bed

6、room floor was littered with books .21.当新年来临的时候,我们用玉兰花,荷花和茉莉花装饰房间。(decorate)As New Year is drawing near, we decorated the room with Yulan Magnolia, lotus and jasmine.22.他对园艺,灌木,藤本植物,银杏树全然不知。(ignorant) Hes completely ignorant of gardening, bush, vine and gingko tree.23. 我不能再忍受邻居刺耳喧闹的摇滚音乐。(tolerate)I

7、couldnt tolerate the neighbours loud and noisy rock music any longer.24.在春天, 许多树上都开满了美丽的花朵。(cover)In spring , many trees are covered with beautiful flowers.25. 对上海来说这是一个出外野餐的理想日子。(ideal)It is an ideal day for a picnic in Shanghai.26. 这条路上布满了金黄色的鲜花, 看上去美极了。(golden)The road looks beautiful which is co

8、vered by /with golden flowers .27.父亲是大夫的同学知道很多的医学知识。(whose) The students whose father/the father of whom /of whom the father are doctors know a lot of knowledge of medicine.28.没有封面的书汤姆的英语书。(whose)The book whose cover/the cover of which /of which the cover is lost is Toms English book.29.他有三个哥哥,他们当中有

9、两个是大夫.He has three doctors , two of whom are doctors 30.我永远忘不了在乡下和我祖母度过的那些日子。I will never forget the days which/that /x I spent with my grandmother in the country.31.这就是他和我解释的原因。This is the reason that /which /x he explained to me 32. 这就是他去青岛乘坐的那辆火车。 This is the train on which I went to Qingdao 33.我

10、还记得我第一次来这所学校的那一天。 I still remember the day on which /when I first came to this school.34.我永远也不会忘记我成为团员的那一天。 I will never forget the day when (on which) I joined the league.35、那本告诉我很多有趣的事情的书是用英语写的。 That book which / that tells me a lot of fun is written in English.36、他为什么上课迟到的原因不清楚。 The reason why/ f

11、or which he is late for class is not clear. 37.这是我两年前住的房子。 This is the house where / in which I lived two years ago.38、这就是你昨天买的那本字典吗? Is this the dictionary that you bought yesterday?39、我们必须很好的照顾这个小女孩,她的父母在地震时去世了。 We have to take good care of the girl whose parents died in the earthquake.40.在哪些人中,他是

12、唯一的一个被邀请参加晚宴的人。He is the (only) one of the people who was invited to dinner.41. 在参加晚宴的人中他是其中的一个。He is one of the people who were invited to dinner .42.这就是昨天你参观的那个博物馆吗?Is this the museum that /which/x you visited yesterday?43.这所博物馆就是你参观的那所吗?Is this museum the one that you visited yesterday?44.请把那本蓝封面

13、的书给我。 Please give me the book whose cover is blue.45.他给我们的这个理由听上去很好。The reason that/which/x he gave is nice.46.你还记得十年前的那个下午,我来到你家里借了一本书吗? Did you remember the afternoon ten years ago ,when I came to your home to borrow the book?47.这位就是救了那个溺水的孩子的医生。This is the doctor who save the /drowning child.48.他

14、们想要采访的是那个人是一位科学家。The person whom they want to interview is a scientist. 49.我住在窗户朝南开的那座房子里。 I live in the house whose windows face to the south.50.这就是我们参观的那所医院。 This is the hospital that we visited 51.这所医院就是我们参观的那一所。This hospital is the one we visited 53.在那些音乐家中他是唯一知道事情真相的人。 He is the only one of the

15、 musicians who knows the truth.54.在那些知道事情真相的音乐家中他是其中的一个。He is one of the musicians who know the truth55.这就是窗户破了的房间。This is the room whose windows are broken.56.这就是我想借那本书。 This is the book that/which /x I want to borrow.57.这本书就是我想借的那本。This book is the one that /which /x I want to borrow.58.在这些男孩中,他是唯一的喜欢踢球的一位。 He is the only one of the boys who likes to play football 59.他是那些喜欢踢球的男孩中的一位。He is one of the boys who like to play football.60. 我还记得我们相遇的那天。I still remember the day we first met on .on which /whe


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