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1、写作专题专题十五环境保护专题十五环境保护应用文写作倡议信(书)近期“公筷行动”公益广告每天在央视频道黄金时间播出。为了号召大家用餐使用公筷,请你以学生会的名义向全校师生写一封英文倡议书刊登在校英文报上。内容要点如下:1“公筷行动”简介;2你的建议或想法。注意:1词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear teachers and students,_The Student UnionDear teachers and students,As we see,a public service advertisement is being aired on CCTV every day

2、 recently,which is about advocating the use of public chopsticks to avoid using ones own chopsticks to pick food from the same dishesIt is intended that the bacteria and viruses will be prevented from spreadingFor the sake of our health and safety,I think it is good and necessary to use“public chops

3、ticks”when dining together with othersSo lets start taking action right away!The Student Union1词汇美:文章运用了很多高级词汇,如be aired on,advocate,avoid doing,be prevented from doing,for the sake of,dine together with,take action,right away等。2句式美:句中使用了两个非限制性定语从句,分别由as和which引导。句用了“It is过去分词that引导的主语从句”,It作形式主语。句中t

4、hink后接宾语从句,从句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语to use“public chopsticks”。假定你是李华,请你给校英语报写一封倡议信,号召全校同学积极响应学校正在开展的垃圾分类活动,内容包括:1垃圾分类的意义;2你的建议。注意:1词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:垃圾分类 waste classificationDear fellow students,_Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear fellow students,As you may have noticed,the programme of waste classif

5、ication in our school has kicked offI am writing to call on you,members of the school,to take immediate actionEvery day,we produce piles of waste,ranging from plastic bottles to paper,which not only leads to environmental pollution,but is also a waste of resourcesTherefore,it is urgent for us to tak

6、e an active part in the waste classification programmeFirst,we can collect what can be recycled to save resourcesSecond,harmful materials should be sorted and treated properly to avoid pollutionMost importantly,we need to develop the habit of classifying wasteLets do it!Yours,Li Hua阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落

7、开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“I just want a normal birthday party,”April told Bailey as they walked home from schoolBailey knew what April meant Aprils parents loved the environmentAnd because April happened to be born on Earth Day,all her parties had an Earth Day theme读后续写“Remember when you turned seven?”sa

8、id Bailey“How could I forget the Throw-Out Blowout?”said April“We helped out at your garage sales and donated the money to charityAnd when you turned eight.”“It was a Tree Spree,”finished April“We planted maples”“Last year,we all collected newspapers to recycle,”said Bailey“The Print Sprint,”April g

9、roaned(抱怨)Bailey giggled,“I thought it was fun”Later that night,as April loaded the dishwasher,she said,“Id like to plan my own party this year”悬念1“Sure,”said Mum“We could have a Compost Carnival”“Great idea!”said DadApril cleared her throat“Id like to go to Maze Craze(疯狂迷宫)instead”“Really?”said Dad

10、,surprised“I guess we could do thatDad and I can send you kids there,”said MumApril couldnt wait for her birthday!She and her friends would have so much funAnd they wouldnt have to think one bit about the EarthAt school the next day,April told her friends,“Im having my birthday party at Maze Craze!”

11、悬念2“You are?”said Josie“But we always do something earthy on your birthday”“Remember that salamander(火蜥蜴)we found two years ago?”said Tyler“Yeah,”said April“This year,were not even going outside”“Oh!”said TylerThe following weekend,everyone gathered in the parking lot outside of Maze Craze“Thanks fo

12、r coming,”said April“Ive been so excited about my partyNo shovels(铲子)No collecting recyclablesNothing earthy about it”She shifted her feet“Then I got here this morning and saw this parking lot”Aprils friends glanced aroundPlastic bottles bounced(弹起)across the groundNewspapers and fast-food sacks blo

13、cked the storm drain(排水道)Shopping bags rustled(沙沙作响)in the trees悬念3注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。“What a mess!”April frowned_April looked at the collected rubbish and smiled_一、理清文章大意关键:Who:AprilWhere:in the parking lot outside of Maze CrazeWhen:on her birthdayWhat:a normal birthday partyHow:April tried to celebr

14、ate her birthday in a new way大意:本文讲述了April今年想在疯狂迷宫过生日。生日当天,她和朋友到达疯狂迷宫外面的停车场时,看到了很多垃圾。二、挖掘文中悬念点悬念1 思考:April会怎样计划自己的生日呢?悬念2思考:疯狂迷宫与环保有关联吗?与地球日主题有关吗?悬念3思考:面对眼前的这种情景,April和她的朋友会做些什么呢?三、分析段落开头语段首句1思考:停车场既然这么脏乱,April会对朋友和家人说些什么呢?April的爸爸妈妈会怎么做?大家会怎样捡垃圾?段首句2思考:朋友们的衣服会不会因为捡垃圾而弄脏?朋友们会祝贺 April生日快乐吗?April对明年的生

15、日聚会有何打算?通过以上思路,预设续写情节如下:Paragraph 1:April皱眉April建议捡垃圾大家设法捡垃圾Paragraph 2:感到高兴大家祝April生日快乐明年的打算“What a mess!”April frownedThough she had been longing for a non-Earth Day birthday,it was difficult to turn a blind eye to such a messShe turned around to her friends,“How about picking up the trash first?”

16、Her proposal was quickly approved by others and soon they were in businessAprils mum grabbed some gloves from the trunk while her dad managed to remove those shopping bags in the treesWith the bags,April and Bailey collected scattered bottlesBy the drain,Josie and Tyler made great efforts to clear the blockageMany hands make light workIn a short while,three bags were filled with cans and newspapers to recycleApril looked at the collected rubbish and smiledThen she looked up at her friendsTheir n



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