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1、柴油发电机机房设计WWWM 日 RXDL-CO 陋ID石I机计1. 柴油发电机房的选址考虑到柴油发电机组的进风、排风、排烟等情况,如果有条件时机房最好设在首层。但 是,高层建筑造价昂贵,特别是首层通常用于对外营业,属黄金地带,因此机房一般都设在 地下室。由于地下室出入不宜、自然通风条件不良,人机房设计带来一系列不利因素,设计 中要注意处理好。机房选址时应注意以下几点:不应设在四周无外墙的房间,为热风管道 和排烟管道导出室外创造条件;尽量避开建筑物的主入口、正立面等部位,以免排烟、排 风对其造成影响;注意噪音对环境的影响;宜靠近建筑物的变电所,这样便于接线,减 少电能损耗,也便于运行管理。2.

2、通风柴油发电机房的通风问题是机房设计中要特别注意解决的问题,特别是机房位于地下室 时更要处理好,否则会直接影响柴油机发电机组的运行。机组的排风一般应设热风管道有组 织地进行,不宜让柴油机散热器把热量散在机房内,再由排风机抽出。机房内要有足够的新 风补充。柴油机在运行时,机房的换气量应等于或大于柴油机燃烧所需新风量与维持机房室 温所需新风量之和。维持室温所需新风量由下式计算: C= 0.078P T式中:C需要的新风量(m3/s)P柴油机额定功率(kW)T机房温升( C)。维持柴油机燃烧所需新风量可向机组厂家索取,若无资料时,可按每千瓦制动功率需要 O.lm3/min算(柴油机制动功率按发电机主

3、发电功率千瓦数的1.1倍配备)。柴油发电机房的通 风一般采取排风设置热风管道,进风为自然进风的方式。热风管道与柴油机散热器连在一起, 其连接处用软接头,热风管道应平直,如果要转弯,转弯半径尽量大而且内部要平滑,出风 口尽量靠近且正对散热器热风管理直接伸出管外有困难时可设管中导出。进风口与出风口宜 分别布置在机组的两端,以免形成气流短路,影响散热效果。机房的出风口、进风口的面积应满足下式要求:S1 三 1.5S S221.8S式中:S柴油机散热面积;51 出风口面积;52 进风口面积;在寒冷地区应注意进风口、排风口平时对机房温度的影响,以免机房温度过低影响机组 的起动。风口与室外的连接处可设风门

4、,平时处于关闭状态,机组运行时能自动开启。3. 排烟排烟系统的作用是将气缸里的废气排放到室外。排烟系统应尽量减少背压,因为废气阻 力的增加将会导致柴油机出力的下降及温升的增加。排烟管敷设方式常用的有二种:水平 架空敷设,优点是转弯少、阻力小,缺点是增加室内散热量,使机房温度升高;地沟内敷 设,优点是室内散热量小,缺点是排烟管转弯多,阻力相对较大。高层建筑中常用的是水平 架空敷设。排烟管应单独引出,尽量减少弯头。排烟温度在3505500C,为防止烫伤和减 少辐射热,排烟管宜进行保温处理。排烟噪声在机组总噪声中属最强烈的一种,应设消音器以减少噪音。4. 基础基础主要用于支撑柴油发电机组及底座的全部

5、重量,底座位于基础上,机组安装在底座 上,底座上一般都采取减震措施。在高层建筑中一般采用高速柴油发电机组,当机组安装在楼板上即不在最底层时,都注到达后在用电钻打孔安装。5. 机房接地柴油发电机房一般应用三种接地:工作接地:发电机中性点接地;保护接地:电气设备正常不带电的金属外壳接地;防静电接地:燃油系统的设备及管道接地。各种接地可 与高层建筑的其它接地共用接地装置,即采用联合接地方式。6. 燃油的存放机房内需设置38小时的日用油箱,其容积可按下式计算:V=G Y A T式中:V日用油箱容积(m 3);G柴油机燃油消耗量(kg/h),由样本查出;Y棗燃油重度(kg/m 3),轻柴油为810860

6、kg/m 3;A油箱充满系数,一般取0.90;T 棗供油时间,一般取 38 小时。 当机房设在高层建筑内时,日用油箱应设专用房间,用防火墙与柴油发电机隔开。根据高层民用建筑设计防火规范(GB 50045 -95, 2005年版),高层建筑自备柴油发电机 房可布置在建筑物的地下一、二层, 不应布置在地下三层及以下。为了方便电缆管线的进出、 便于就近控制、减少值班人员, 建议柴油发电机房宜尽量与变配电所贴邻布置, 同时应有一 侧靠外墙布置。柴油发电机房应预留排烟、通风、冷却通道, 冷却方式以风冷最为简便。柴 油发电机房应设置不超过 8 小时用油量的柴油储油间, 若储油量超过规范规定的储油量时, 应

7、增设室外储油罐。柴油发电机组通常需整体搬运, 设计时应预留足够的搬运通道。Diesel generator room designRoom designThe location of a diesel generator roomTaking into account the diesel generator set air intake, exhaust, smoke and other, if the conditions when the best room on the first floor. However, the expensive high-rise buildings, e

8、specially the first floor is typically used for business, is the gold zone, so the engine room are generally located in the basement. Basement access should not be the natural ventilation is poor people room design a series of adverse factors, designed to handle. The engine room location should note

9、 the following: (1) should not be located around the external walls of the room, create the conditions for export outdoor hot air pipes and exhaust pipes; the try to avoid the main entrance of the building facade and other parts to avoid smoke, exhaust its cause; (3) pay attention to the noise impac

10、t on the environment; should be close to the building of the substation, so ease of wiring, reducing power consumption, easy operation and management.2 VentilationThe diesel generator room ventilation room design, paying particular attention to solve problems, especially the engine room in the basem

11、ent properly handle, otherwise it will directly affect the operation of the diesel generator set. The exhaust of the unit should normally be set up hot air pipe to carry out organized, not diesel radiator heat scattered in the engine room, and then drawn by the exhaust fan. Have enough fresh air in

12、the engine room supplement. Diesel engine at runtime, the engine room ventilation should be equalto ronsiurreaterha m temPeratiI 1 土士右口曰小m Itemperature by the following formula: C = 0.078PTWhere: C - need fresh air (m3 / s)esh air and to maintain the ain the required fresh#air atP - diesel engine ra

13、ted power (kW)T - the engine room temperature rise (C).Maintain the diesel engine combustion and fresh air to the manufacturers of the unit obtained in the absence of information, per kilowatt brake power needs 0.1m3/min operator (diesel engine braking power with generator power output kW number of

14、1.1 times). The diesel generator room ventilation is generally taken to exhaust to set the air pipe, into the wind into the wind as a natural way. Air pipe with the diesel engine radiator together, and its connections with flexible connector, the hot air pipe should be straight, if you want to turn,

15、 the turning radius is as large as possible and internal to be smooth, the outlet as close as possible and is directly stretched out on the radiator hot air management outside the tube can be difficult to set pipe to export. Air inlet and outlet should be arranged at both ends of the unit, so as to

16、prevent the air short circuit, affecting the cooling effect.Outlet of the engine room, the air inlet area should meet the requirement below:SI is 1.5S S2, 1.8SWhere: S - diesel engine cooling area;51 - outlet area;52 - air inlet area;In cold areas should be noted that the air inlet and exhaust port is usually



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