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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 1 Art 教学设计Teaching planI. 单元教学目标:1 Talk about art and galleries2 Talk about likes and preferences3 Learn words in families4 Use the subjunctive mood5 Writer a letter to give suggestionII. 目标语言1 功能句式。Talk about likes and preference:Id prefer/ Id rather/ Id like/ which would you pref

2、er./ I really prefer/ would you rather/ would you likeor2. 词汇 abstract, sculpture, gallery, consequently, belief, consequent, convince, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, nowadays, attempt, predict, aggressive , scholar3. 语法: the subjunctive moodif I were you./ I wish I could4. 重点句子1. there are so m

3、any different styles of western art it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text.2. people became focused more on human and less on religion.3. if the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures.4. at the time they

4、were created, the impressionists painting were controversial but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we now call “modern art”.5. it is amazing that so many great works of art from late-19th century to 21st century could be contained in the same museum.III. 教材分析。本单元一ART 为主题,主要介绍了西方绘画监视,描

5、写了曼哈顿最好的艺术长廊。帮助学生了解更多的有关美术的背景知识,分析中西艺术史上各大流派的特点,指出其代表性的画家和作品,并对中西方的绘画艺术进行比较。1 Warming up 部分要求学生运用相关目标语言对自己喜欢的艺术形式和流派展开讨论,并说明喜欢的原因。2 Pre-reading 让学生有关画展或书中的艺术作品以及西方不同时期的著名画家。3 Reading 介绍了西方绘画监视,不同的艺术流派,艺术特点及其代表性的画家和作品。4 Comprehending要求学生在理解课文的基础上,写出三件有关西方艺术史的事并西方艺术分割变化大的原因。5 Using language 是由reading,

6、 listening, discussing and writing 四部分组成,要求学生在了解艺术长廊相关知识的基础上,为当地举办的一场画展提出合理化的建议。IV课型设计与课时安排1st period reading2nd period language point3rd period grammar4th period listening and talking5th period using language 6th period speaking and writing 分课时教案The first period reading Teaching Aims:Help the stude

7、nts to talk about the short history of Western painting.Difficulty and importanceEnable the students to talk about their opinions about different styles of Western art.Teaching methods:Skimming and Scanning ;individual, pair or group work; discussion. Teaching aidsA computer and a projector, a recor

8、der, and some famous paintings.Teaching Procedures Step Warming Up1. Show some paintings to students to put forward the topic -paintings2. let students discuss some familiar Chinese painters and their paintings and a famous painting of Leonardo Da Vinci.3. Match some new words in column A with the c

9、orrect English meanings in Column B.1.accurate2tate or fact of existing3being in thought but having a physical or practical existence4lifelike,true to life5classical,of old beliefs6sincere to believe in a god or godsA Bb. abstractc .existenced. detailede. religiousf .traditionalStep II : reading 1.

10、scanning : Read the passage as quickly as you can to find out the answers to the questions on the screen 1What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD? 2How did Masaccio paint his paintings? 3Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?2. careful reading deal with exe.2 on pa

11、ge 3 do five questions to check students understanding. go through the passage and analyze the characters of each period.Now that we have learned the passage , an you tell me :what is the writing style of the passage?How about its writing characteristic?Step Homework 1Underline the time expressions

12、in the reading passage.2Retell the passage with the help of the chart about the text.3Disscuss the questions in Ex 3 on page 3.The 2nd periodTeaching Aims: words and expressionsDifficulty and importance: new wordsTeaching methods:Teaching aidsA computer and a projectorTeaching Procedures & waysStepA

13、rt is influenced by the way of life and beliefs of the people. 艺术受人们生活方式和信仰的影响。He is interested in the beliefs of the Christian Church.He has lost his belief in god.The story of his miseries is beyond belief.1我们有相同的政治信仰。We share the same _ _2我非常信任医生。I have_ _ in doctors.Consequently, this text will

14、describe only a few of the main styles. 因此,本文仅介绍其中主要的几种风格。The bank refused to help the company; consequently, it went bankrupt.She overslept and, consequently, she was late.consequently adv. =as a result ,thereforeadj. consequentIt rained that day and_ the baseball game was called off. (however, sti

15、ll, consequently, so)A. As a result of her mothers illness, she left school.B. Her mother became ill; _ she left school.During the Middle Ages, the main aim of the painters was to represent religious themes.中世纪,画家们的主要目的是表达宗教主题。aimtake aim at 瞄准Ex.1这些措施旨在削减政府的开支。These measures are _ _ government costs.2他没有瞄准就开枪。He fired _ _.3他的人生没有目标。He has_ _


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