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1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序CHECK GUEST LAUNDRY检查客衣T ASK N UMBER :LA-0001任务号 :D EPARTMENT:Housekeeping部门 :客房部D ATE I SSUED :August 2005制定日期 :2005年 8 月 t expect items to go missing or someoGI expect my laundry items to be returned. I donUESTEXPECTATION:items to be returned to me客人期望 :我希望所有的洗衣都能

2、原物回归,我不希望有任务衣物遗失。.T IME TO T RAIN :25 minutes培训时间 :25 分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests?这个任务为什么对你及客人都如此重要?Answers:回答:1. I understand the importance of counting Guest Laundry. 清点客衣非常重要。2. It is my responsibility to ensure that guests are satisfied with our laundry service我.的责任是确保能给客

3、人提供满意的服务。3. I can save money for the hotel to ensure no items are lost or forgotten.我本着对酒店节约经费,确保没有任何衣物遗失或被遗忘。4. This shows our professionalism.这表现出了我们的职业感。5.This can increase our GSTS这.个能提高我们对客的服务质量.WHAT/ STEPSHOW/ STANDARDSTRAINING QUESTIONS什么/步骤如何做/ 标准培训问题1)Check room NumberRead the laundry list

4、carefully and confirm the roomWhy do I need to check the room number?检查房号number to ensure that the list is filled in correctly.为什么我需要检查房号?仔细阅读洗衣清单并确认房号,确保洗衣单每一项都填的准确无误。2)Check DateIf there is no room number written, report immediatelyWhat do I need to do when I have no room检查日期to the Laundry Supervi

5、sornumber? What will the Laundry Supervisor do?如果没有房号,立即报告洗衣房主管如果发现没有房号,我该怎么做?洗衣房主观Ensure the right date is written on the Laundry sheet.又该怎么做?确保洗衣单上填写了正确的日期3)Check guest s nameRead the guest name carefully and ensure that the rightWhy do I have to compare name and room检查客人名字name corresponds to the

6、right room number.number?仔细检查客人姓名,确保此名字与正确房号相对为什么我必须检查客人姓名是否对应房号应。Where can I reconfirm?If there is no name written on the Laundry list,reconfirm with Housekeeping office.我向哪个部门确认?如果清单上没有客人姓名,向客房部办公室再次确认一遍。4)Count itemsCheck the laundry piece by piece, and recordWhy do I need to recount?description

7、on the laundry list. Ensure the Laundry为什么我需要重数一遍?数件5) Give the guests Laundry a markManager signs discrepancies.一件一件的检查洗衣件数,记录好清单上的说明,如有差异请洗衣房经理出差异表。Recount the Laundry items to verify items against guest count.重数一遍洗衣件数,检验件数是否与客人所填数目相符。If there are no discrepancies, proceed to marking.如果没有任何差异,打上编码

8、。If there are any discrepancies, report them immediately to the Laundry Manager or Supervisor to contact and clarify with the guest concerned.What do I do if there are discrepancies?Why do I need to mark?如果没有差异我该怎么做?为什么我需要做记号?Is this necessary on every single occasion? What if the guest is a corpora

9、te guest and is out of the hotel?给客衣做上记号6) Special instruction特殊说明如果有任何差异,立即报告洗衣房经理或主管与是否这个对每个场合都必要?相关客人联系说明情况。对于酒店客人还是酒店以外的客人我门该怎么Proceed in accordance with“Discrepancy Procedure . ” 做?依照“差异表程序”进行工作。Marking includes adding the number, date (besubstituted by English alphabet character) and items.用英文

10、字母标写号码,时间和件数等。Read the laundry list carefully, and note the guestWhy sdo guest give special instructions?instruction.为什么客人需要给出特殊的说明?仔细阅读洗衣单,填写客人说明单。Make a mark on the garment slaundrytagandlist.在衣物上做好标签并在洗衣单上作好记录。Translate instruction into Chinese to make it easilyunderstood in those hotels where En

11、glish is not spokenin the Laundry.把说明单翻译成中文以便洗衣房员工容易理解。Why do I need to translate into Chinese?为什么我需要把说明翻译成中文?Summary questions:问题概况 :1. What is the first thing I do when a Laundry bag arrives in Laundry?当洗衣袋到达洗衣房我应该做的第一件事是什么?2. Do I have to check piece by piece?我必须一件一件衣物的检查吗?3. Is it important, that name and room number correspond?对姓名和房号很重要吗?4. Why do we mark guest Laundry? How is this done without ruining the guest s clothes?为什么我们需要在客衣上做记号?我们怎样做可以避免损坏客衣?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在由培训生按照步骤从头到尾进行实际操作测试。



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