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1、低碳生活方式50条(中英文) 1.Less tissue, regain handkerchief, forest protection, low-carbon life.少用纸巾,重拾手帕,保护森林,低碳生活。2.Each paper is two-sided printing, which is equivalent to retain half of the original film will be cut down forests;每张纸都双面打印,相当于保留下半片原本将被砍掉的森林;3.Turning off lights, switch, pull the plug; do no

2、t take the elevator or climb the stairs to save peoples power, for their own health;随手关灯、开关、拔插头;不坐电梯爬楼梯,省下大家的电,换自己的健康;4.Green is not only to the outskirts of trees, plant some flowers at home as you can, also do not drive;绿化不仅是去郊区种树,在家种些花草一样可以,还无须开车;5.5 cents a bag, but the pollution it may be 5 cen

3、ts, 50 times;一只塑料袋5毛钱,但它造成的污染可能是5毛钱的50倍;6.May not necessarily be the perfect bathroom tub; have security, and may not always use; have used, please use water to flush the toilet完美的浴室未必一定要有浴缸;已经安了,未必每次都用;已经用了,请用积水来冲洗马桶;7.Turn off unused computer program, to reduce the workload of the hard disk, not o

4、nly power and to defend your computer;关掉不用的电脑程序,减少硬盘工作量,既省电也维护你的电脑;8.Want to avoid the car for people who bike to work do not worry about oil prices rose for a second, do not worry about weight up; (short-range, you can walk)想避开车来说,骑自行车上下班的人一不担心油价涨,二不担心体重涨;(短程的,可以徒步)9.No need to put all the lighting

5、 of a door open, the human invention of electric light has only 130 years, thousands of years before getting on too well;没必要一进门就把全部照明打开,人类发明电灯至今不过130年,之前的几千年也过得好好的;10.Taking into account the environment take a bus to make contributions to the world, at least partially offset by an open car to bring

6、the sense of superiority;考虑到坐公交为世界环境做的贡献,至少可以抵消一部分开私家车带来的优越感;11.Please be assured that obsessed with fur, but that is an anti-ancestral impulse;相信,痴迷皮草那不过是一种反祖冲动;12.It can be that the warming in part out of the excessive use of air-conditioning / heating of retaliation;可以这么认为,气候变暖一部分是出于对过度使用空调/暖气的报复

7、;13.Minimize use of disposable toothbrush, disposable plastic bags, disposable cups / boxes . because manufacturing is the oil they use one-time;尽量少使用一次性牙刷、一次性塑料袋、一次性水杯/饭盒.因为制造他们所使用的石油也是一次性的;14.If you know some western maritime museums display canned shark fin products in China, there will be such a

8、 good appetite and eating shark fin to go with rice that;如果你知道西方一些海洋博物馆里展出中国生产的鱼翅罐头,还会有这么好的食欲吃鱼翅捞饭么;15.May not be realized, mahogany and leather taste of home; recommend the use of bamboo furniture, because bamboo grows faster than trees;未必红木和真皮才能体现居家品味;建议使用竹制家具,因为竹子比树木长得快;MfZ禾苗祝福站16.In fact, the en

9、vironmentally friendly use of solar energy the most simple way is to try to do the work on the day;其实利用太阳能这种环保能源最简单的方式,就是尽量把工作放在白天做;17.The bellyful hurts three carnivorously at least correctly: The animal , yourself compose in reply the earth;过量肉食至少伤害三个对:动物,你自己和地球;18.That wedding ceremony is not tha

10、t you hold back enough the reputation that the strength flings out in 28, is not PK that family property accumulated over a long time accumulates more. Now concise , low carbon also is sweet civilized accessories value just now;婚礼仪式不是你憋足28年劲甩出的面子,更不是家底积累的PK。如今简约、低碳才更是甜蜜文明的附件值;19.Regard it being clea

11、ner with the faucet moving to maximal ability the vegetable set bowl be washed, that is only a mentality effect;认为把水龙头开到最大才能把蔬菜盘碗洗得更干净,那只是心理作用;20.Can say clothes accumulate enough one barrels of still clearer fault bold and assured with justice on ones side because of lazy, but being for economy wat

12、er and electricity;可以理直气壮地说,衣服攒够一桶再洗不是因为懒,而是为了节约水电;21.A child is fostered from baby scheduled time not being short indeed to preschool , talking about a fee, the part toy , clothing and other articales of daily use , books are good with second-hand accommodating oneself to;把一个孩子从婴儿期养到学龄前,话费确实不少,部分玩具

13、、衣物、书籍用二手的就好;22.If the team who blocks up the car is very elder, had better had put out the fire first , feel at ease waiting a moment;如果堵车的队伍太长,还是先熄了火,安心等会儿吧;24.Till expecting the pressure examining a tyre, tolerance may increase oil too low or too enough consume等期检查轮胎气压,气量过低或过足都会增加油耗;25.Periodical

14、ly clean air-conditioning, not only for health, fairly not bad the part stops giving an electric shock.定期清洗空调,不仅为了健康,还可以声部少电;26.The same vehicle has reached with 93 # oil , uses 97 # possibility blindly now that waste oil, hurts an engine;一般的车用93#油就够了,盲目使用97#可能既废油,还伤发动机;27.With old public transit, t

15、he driver learns how to save oil: Stop using emergency to stop , an accelerator has been sent to slide, by inertia over;跟老公交司机学习如何省油:少用急刹,把油门送了,靠惯性滑过去;28.Some people, especially women, take a bath and spent four or five liters of water over the top are not so exaggerated;有些人,尤其是女性,洗个澡用掉四五十升水,洁癖也不用这么

16、夸张;29.That science field industry and thrift Hooverize is fine tradition; Remain after the dish cools down , use film Bao Hao who retains freshness to give to again receive a refrigerator; The hot vapor increases the refrigerator acting not only , the meeting forms frost , double the fee electricity;科学地勤俭节约是优良传统;剩菜冷却后,用保鲜膜包好再送进冰箱;热汽不仅增加冰箱做功,还会结霜,双重费电;30.Capital of machi



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