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1、特级教师龚海平牛津小学英语Moreexercise(6B)【主题性概述】一、教学分析本节课是牛津小学英语(6B)第二单元第一课时。本节课的主要任务是:1学习教材A部分中前半部分的内容,让学生学会使用英语中形容词和副词的比较级、原级来对比较对象进行具有比较性质的话语表达。2让学生通过对教材A部分内容的学习,能感悟英语中形容词和副词的比较级、原级的构成,正确地理解这两种结构所表达的意思及其语义上的差异,初步掌握用英语中形容词和副词的比较级、原级的一般用法。3在理解教材内容的基础上,掌握教材中的生词,了解并学会使用下列词语和习惯用法:be good at sth./doing sth.; do we

2、ll in sth.; talk to sb. about sth.; need help与need help with sth.; some of 。4引导学生正确用英语中形容词和副词的比较级、原级来评价和表达被比较的对象,尤其要正确地对待自己与他人之间的比较,学会肯定和欣赏他人的长处。5牢牢抓住本单元的主题“Do more exercise”,教育学生只要愿意“Do more exercise”就能够改变自己的薄弱方面。这也是用本单元的教学内容对学生有机地进行情感、意志培养的一个很好的切入口。6关注和学习教材中英语交际会话中的话轮获得的技巧,引导学生在英语交际的过程中主动获得话轮(如:Wh

3、ats the matter? / But I think / Thats true. / Dont worry. / Thats a good idea.),以提高实际运用英语进行口语交际的能力。六年级的学生已经具有一定的评价他人和自我评价能力,但是其心理发展水平和能力还很有限,社会阅历、社会经验和对事物的鉴别能力还比较缺乏,他们这种自我评价和评价他人的能力还有待提高。通过对本单元对话内容的学习,有助于学生在学习和运用英语中形容词和副词的比较级、原级来对比较对象进行比较的同时,培养学生正确地看待自己、正确地看待他人的思维方法,在尝试用英语进行比较的过程中,掌握英语中形容词和副词的比较级、原级


5、让学生初步感知其语义、体验其用法,并培养学生的英语语感。【精彩课堂实录】T:Good afternoon, children.Ss: Good afternoon, Marshall(注:Marshall是执教者的英文名字,上课之前告诉了学生。).T: Very nice to give you an English class here.(注:因为执教者是教研员,这是执教者借班上的一节全区六年级英语研讨课。)You know, my English name is Marshall. Is Marshall tall or short? Please tell me.S1: You are

6、short, Marshall.(学生大笑,因为执教者确实个子不高!)T: Yes, Im short. But who is shorter, you or me? (执教者做出显示“矮”的身势!)S1: Im shorter.T: Is he shorter than Marshall?Ss: Yes.T: Oh, it doesnt matter, boy. You are just shorter than me. Actually, you are not short. You are Okay. (执教者巧妙地有引出了教材的对话中将会出现的“It doesnt matter.”这句

7、话,为学习对话又作了铺垫!)You know, he is a boy. But I am a man. He is young. I am old. Im older than him. (又是一个含有形容词比较级的句子出现了!)(执教者在黑板上画上简笔画,两个男孩,分别命名Sam和Mike,并注明年龄12岁和13岁。)T: Now, please look at the blackboard. Here are two boys. They are Sam and Mike. Sam is 12 years old, and Mike is 13 years old. Please tel

8、l me who is older?Ss: Mike is older.T: Yes. You are right. Mike is older. Mike is older than (执教者故意不说完整,突然停顿,启发学生接着说。)Ss: Sam!T: Yes!(执教者带着夸张的语调和神情大声肯定!)Mike is older than Sam. Well, how many years is Mike older than Sam?Ss: One year.T: Thats true. (执教者作肯定状,在不经意地、恰到好处地引出了对话中即将要教的“Thats true.”,让学生在没有

9、正式学习这一说法之前先根据口语交际的语境和执教者的表情、身势判断出“Thats true.”的大概语义。) Mike is one year older than Sam. Well, who is 11 years old?(执教者指着一个男生。) Please stand up. And, who is 13 years old?Please stand up. (执教者指着一个女生。) Who is younger, the boy or the girl?(为了激活学生的思维,防止学生的英语思维停留于惯性,这时执教者突然换了一个表语形容词来进行描述。)S2: The girl is y

10、ounger.Ss(未等到执教者评判,许多学生大声地笑着说): No. The boy is younger.(实际上,执教者是故意先让学生说的!)T(执教者问S2): How old is the boy?S2: 11.T: Correct. Dont worry.(执教者故意地在学习对话之前先让学生重温以前学过的、对话中将会再次出现的“Dont worry”这句话!)And how old is the girl?S2: 13.T: Yes. You know, the boy is 11 and the girl is 13. Who is older?S2: The boy is ol

11、der. (学生大笑!)Sorry, the girl is older!T: Exactly! You are smart! Please sit down.(稍停顿。)Look, here are two pencils. One is green, the other is red. Which pencil is longer, the red one or the green one?Ss: The green one.T: Good. And which one is shorter?S3: The red pencil is shorter.T: Thats true.(稍停顿。

12、)Now, please look at Marshall. Please stand up(指着一个男生。). Look, Marshall is very fat. Who is fatter, Marshall or the boy?Ss: Marshall is fatter!(学生大笑!)T: Is that true?S4: Yes!T: Who is thinner, Marshall or the boy?S5: The boy is thinner.T: Ah, yes. Well,(执教者指着窗子外面的天空。)please look. Whats the weather l

13、ike today?S6: Today is sunny.T: Sunny? Ah, yes. Its sunny today. Was yesterday sunny here?(执教者知道这里昨天天下了雨,故意问这样的问题,就是为了下面自然呈现含有形容词、副词比较级和原级的句子!教学语言生活化、情境化,能够使学生有话可说,顺利达成口语交际目标!)S7: No, it was rainy.S8: And it was cloudy also.T: It was rainy and cloudy yesterday. Thats true.(执教者作肯定状,在不经意地再次引出了对话中即将要教的

14、“Thats true.”,让学生进一步根据口语交际的语境和执教者的表情、身势判断出“Thats true.”的大概语义。) Thank you. Yes, today is sunny. And, today is warm, isnt it?Ss: Yes.T: Which day is warmer, today or yesterday?(执教者由形象比较对象之间的比较发展到抽象抽象比较对象之间的比较,符合小学生的认知特点!)S9: Today is warmer.T: Why?S9: Because it rains yesterday.T: Because it rains yes

15、terday?(执教者故意加重“rains”一词的发音,以期引起学生对口语表达中的动词时态用法错误的注意!)S9: Because it rained yesterday.T: We know, there are four seasons in the year. What are they?Ss: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.T:Which season is hotter, spring or summer?S10: Summer is hot.T: Summer is hot? Yes. Summer is hot. But my question is “Which season is hotter?”. (执教者故意加重“hotter”一词的发音,以启发学生自主纠正口语表达中的错误!)S10: Summer is hotter.T: Is summer hotter than spring?Ss: Yes!T: Which season is colder than spring?(执教者改变了提问方式,丰富了英语语言信息的输出!)S11: Winter is colder than spring.T: You are great! Yes, winter is colder than spring. In winter,



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