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1、上海教材牛津版高二年级英语词汇考点(上册)Unit OneSporting events1. be popular with sb. 受某人喜爱 be popular in some place 在某地很流行2. my favorite sport 我最喜欢的运动a favorite with my father 我爸爸的宠儿a great favorite of mine 特别喜欢的人或事3.a promise of spring in the milder air.和风预示着春天就要到来a young man of great promise. (=a promising young ma

2、n)一个很有前途的年轻人promise a quick answer允诺尽快答复promise to take me on a holiday.答应带我去度假an enterprise that promises well.一定有发展的企业an implied promise默契writers of promise有希望的作家remember to carry out your promise .记住要履行诺言。claim your promise 兑现你的承诺give promise of rain. 预示着雨的来临。promise( sb. )that 答应某人做promise fine

3、weather.预示好天气。break go back ones a promise违背诺言, 违约keep ones a promise遵守诺言, 守约make give a promise答应, 许诺4.do well in, be good at 擅长 在.学得好5.get straight A 得全优three straight times 连续三次come straight to the point 开门见山go straight to Beijing 直接去北京a straight line 直线straight away 立刻 马上6.keep ones word遵守承诺 hav

4、e a word with sb. 与某人谈话 have words with sb 与某人吵架 word came that.(word=the news, 不加冠词)消息传来- a man of few words 沉默寡言的人 beyond words 无法用语言表达 break ones word 食言 eat ones words 收回前言in a few words简单说来, 总之in a word= in one word一句话, 总而言之in other words换句话说, 也就是说leave word 留言7. despite the expense (=in spite

5、of)尽管开支很大 despite what others say 不管别人怎么说8. the Christmas vacation 圣诞假期9. take a shuttle bus 乘穿梭巴士10. run back and forth between A and B 来往于A 与B两地之间11. climb through the mountain 穿山越岭12. be dying to get out and play with snow 很想下车去玩雪13. scramble out of the bus 争着从车里跑出来 scramble to get the best barga

6、ins 争着买最便宜的商品14. check in 登记入住check out 结账离开15. overlook the city俯瞰全市overlook the accounts检查帐目overlook several mistakes 忽略了几个错误overlook little points.忽视小细节。16. rent an office in a building .在大楼里租了间办公室。rent a room to Mrs. Zhang租一间房给张太太The apartment rents at $2000 a month.以出租 这个单元套房以每月2000美元出租。17.basi

7、c skills 基本技能basic changes 根本变化a basic course基础课程the basics of math.数学基础basic training.基本训练basic principle 基本原则basically adv.(副词)base (n.)基础, 基地18.stand sideways 斜着站19.go up step by step一步一步往上走20 keep on falling down 摔个不停21. improve in health 健康有好转 definitely improve 确实有所提高improve the governments im

8、age 改善政府形象22.fall over a few times 摔了几次23. congratulate sb.on sth 在祝贺某人24. work part-time 打短工work full time 打全工25.show sb .some skills 展示一些技能 show sb around some place 带领某人参观某地26. pick up a book.捡起一本书pick up the living room.收拾一下卧室pick sb. up 用车接送某人pick up coat 便宜地买到了一件大衣pick up French very quickly.

9、很快地学会法语pick up a virus 染上病毒pick up radio programmes 收听到广播节目27.the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会28. a country with a long history 一个历史悠久的国家29.hold a meeting 举行一次会议 The hall can hold 500 people. 大厅可以容纳500人。hold a great deal of property. 拥有一大批财富30.every four years =every fourth year每四年31.partisipate in athleti

10、cs参加田径赛32.test endurance 考验耐力 meet a severe test 遇到严峻的考验 an English test 英语测验33.a series of 一系列34.be involved in 卷入 涉及35aaapete in various sports参与各项比赛36.refer to 参考 指向37aaabined events 全能项目38.be required to do 要求去做require sth. of sb.对某人有.的要求require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事require doing =require to be

11、done 要求做某事39.all-round physical ability40.be equal in在.方面相同的 be equal to 胜任 应付 等于 equal sb. in strength 在力量上与某人相抗衡41.in many ways在诸多方面42.the Olympic motto奥运口号43.the desire of humanity人类的愿望44.semi-final 半决赛45.the leading resort city 有名的度假城市 tourist attractions游览胜地46.in case 以防 in case of (接“n”) 以防 in

12、 the case of 关于47. to be honest 诚实说48. look up 查词典 查号码 形势好转 仰望49. try to do something 尽力做事 manage to do something 设法做成了某事(do something successfully)50.cross ones fingers for good luck 十指交叉以求好运Unit TwoContinuous learning1. experiences and opinions regarding tutorial centers关于家教中心的一些经历和看法2. my command

13、 of English我对英语的掌握3. qualified teachers合格的老师 be qualified as a teacher 做一名老师很合格4. sincere and kind忠诚和蔼)5. as a result of ;because of ; on account of; due to; owing to由于6. how to communicate in English with a westerner如何用英语和西方人交流 communicate with your teacher by mail用信函和你的老师交流 communicate the news to

14、 us.给我们传送消息 communicate with an audience 与观众共鸣(交流) communicate their ideas clearly 清楚地表达他们的想法 communicate a disease传染疾病7. give me a lot of confidence in using English在使用英语方面给了我许多自信8. accept too many students for each class每个班招的人太多9. in my opinion;from my point of view; I think; I believe就我看来10. mone

15、y-making赚钱的 make money 赚钱11. be forced to attend by my parents我爸妈强迫我上课的12. supplementary exercises补充练习13. read comics看漫画书14. go to a video arcade去游戏机房15. as a result of their recommendations由于他们的推荐16. enroll in evening classes上夜校 enroll in a history course 注册修历史课 enroll him on their staff 录用他为他们的职员 enroll sb. on the list 将某人编入名单17. many good techniques for developing our language and



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